BUG: Auto update (to 8.9) never happened

8.9 came out Tue Nov 12. It's Fri Nov 15, and 8.9 still hasn't been applied overnight as my settings should cause it to do.
I'd gotten used to this behavior over the last 2-3 years. L7 / L8 almost never auto-updated. But the last couple of releases have auto-updated (8.7 and 8.8, I believe). So I thought maybe whatever was causing this had been fixed. I guess not.
It's not a huge issue. It's not a big deal to run "Update now". But since I'm going to have to restart L8 anyway for the new version to be installed, it's nice if it's already been downloaded.
- Windows 10 build 1903
- My workstation is on and connected to the internet overnight almost every night, and was these last 4 days
FYI. Thanks,
Donnie Hale said:
L7 / L8 almost never auto-updated.
was the machine running with Logos open between 1:00 a.m. and 7 a.m.? You restricted the download to night-time, possibly you didn't give it a chance to operate.
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
was the machine running with Logos open between 1:00 a.m. and 7 a.m.? You restricted the download to night-time, possibly you didn't give it a chance to operate.
I pretty much answered that in my original post: the machine is on overnight every night. I didn't explicitly say that L8 was running, but it was.
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Donnie Hale said:
I didn't explicitly say that L8 was running, but it was.
Then of course it should have downloaded the new version.
Have joy in the Lord!
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FL: Any comment on this? Thanks,
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You say it was "on", but was it sleeping?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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No. I know the difference between "on", "sleeping", "hibernate", and "off". If it were any of the last 3, I wouldn't have asked the question.
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Donnie Hale said:
FL: Any comment on this?
It would be helpful to see log files for the overnight session so see what might (or might not) have happened.