Logos 4 features

I have been exploring the logos 4 software which is visually superior to logos 3. However, I was curious as to whether logos 4 will have features such as bible speed search, and bible word study which allows us to research the amount of times a greek or hebrew word is used?
These features are already present...
Click the magnifying glass at the top left. When you hover over it, it will overlay the word Search. When you click it the search window opens. Select Bible and you essentially have the Bible Speed Search tool.
When you are looking at Greek or Hebrew, right-click the word you want to study, click Lemma, and select Bible Word Study. As I understand it, some known bugs are still being worked out with this tool, but it is present and working as is.
If you know a particular word you want to study you can access Word Study from the command bar at the top. Click in the bar and enter something like: open Word Study to g:legw
g: tells it you are looking for a Greek word, h: would be for Hebrew, and it will make suggestions that can simplify things for you.