New to Logos 4 Mac? START HERE! (Official Logos 4 Mac Forum FAQ)

1) When was Logos 4 Mac fully released?
October 1st, 2010. And, there were prizes!
2) Reporting issues with Logos 4 Mac
So you've discovered an issue with Logos 4 Mac and you'd
like to let us know. Excellent! One of our users (who has since become an employee), Joe Miller, has put together
a fantastic tutorial (with a video, even!) on how to report bugs in Logos 4
3) System Requirements
Logos 4 Mac requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6
(Snow Leopard) running on an Intel processor. We recommend a minimum of 2GB of RAM. Also, Logos 4 consumes multiple gigs of disk space, so you'll need plenty of free space on your disk. The exact amount depends on the size of your library, but a vanilla copy of Platinum, including built indexes, uses about 12 GB.
Installing Logos 4 Mac on machine running Mac OS X 10.4
(Tiger) or older and/or a Mac with a PowerPC processor will not work. It usually just results in a
bouncing dock icon and little or no additional feedback.
There are no plans to
support older versions of Mac OS X or PowerPC hardware.
3) What's the story with "Downloading",
"Preparing Your Library" and "Indexing"? Is it really
supposed to take this long?
If you've installed the latest Logos 4 Mac from a downloaded disk image, you've only downloaded the application itself.
Depending on which Logos 4 base package you have, you may have a few or many
gigabytes of resources yet to download. For example, I believe Portfolio LE is
7 GB or so. If you've installed from DVD, most of your resources should have been
added when you installed. However, resources are updated from time to time and
when they are, the software will download those updates for you automatically.
Again, depending on the size of your library, this will sometimes be measured
in gigabytes.
Once all of your resources are up-to-date, the software
will need to discover them all. This typically only happens when you first
install the software, when new resources are added or updated OR some change is
made to the software that requires the process to be performed again from
scratch. This stage typically takes less than an hour, but the actual amount of
time depends on how large your library is and how fast your computer is.
Once Logos 4 Mac has discovered all of your resources, it
will need to index them. This can take a long time. Again, the specific amount
of time differs from user to user and depends on the size of your library and
the speed of your computer. While the indexer is running, there will be a little blue icon in
the menu bar. Clicking on this icon will activate a menu that will show an estimate of time remaining to finish indexing. These
estimates are typically high, especially early on in the indexing process.
If any part of this process fails, or you believe it has
failed (e.g. it's been hung on "Preparing Your Library" for hours),
take a look at the instructions for reporting issues earlier in this FAQ.
3a) O.K., everything appears to be done, but I think I
might be missing some resources...
You can force Logos 4 Mac to update your resources by running the command "update resources" from the command bar. If this operation doesn't get you your missing resources, please post your logs to the forum.
4) Some features that are available on Logos 4 Windows don't appear to be available on Logos 4 Mac
Short answer: We're working on it.
Longer answer:
We're tackling the remaining Logos 4 feature areas and implementing
them for the Mac.
Not Yet
Implemented (in no particular order)
- Handouts
- Printing/Exporting
- Sentence Diagrammer
5) Downloading the latest release
6) Will Logos 4 Mac overwrite Libronix 1.x?
No. Logos 4 is a completely different application from
Libronix 1. It will install alongside of
Libronix 1 and will not interfere with
Libronix 1's functionality (with the exception that Logos 4 will take over all
libronixdls protocol links that it supports). We invite you to run them both on
the same machines.
In fact, if you upgrade to a Logos 4 package, you can actually use most of the new resources you purchased in
Libronix 1 for Mac (there are a few resources that require Logos 4). See this post on the Logos blog for more details:
7) So, I see there are DLLs in the application bundle and I've seen forum posts that indicate you're using Mono...
If you don't know or care what Mono is or what a DLL is, we don't expect you to, so you can feel free to ignore this particular question and its answer. For those of you that do understand those terms and, potentially, what they mean, this is for you.
Yes, we are embedding Mono in order to share a large portion of the core code behind Logos 4 with the Windows product. The core of both the Windows and Mac products are written in C# using .NET and C++. That means that there are, by design, files ending in .DLL in your app bundle. This core comprises a massive amount of code and functionality that is the result of years of effort by a large team of developers and we're confident that leveraging the code in this way is the best long-term decision for both the Mac and Windows products.
That said, the UI of the Mac product is being written entirely in Objective-C using the Cocoa framework. The portions of the app with which a user directly interacts are just as "native" as those of any other Mac app one might use.
You can read a more complete response to the suggestion from some that that it would be better to write the Mac version entirely from scratch using Objective-C here:
7a) Wait, so if you're using Mono, then the a Linux version should be right around the corner...
"Outlook not so good."
8) Logos is not downloading updates
- Set update channel to beta
- Set use Internet to Yes
- Set automatically download updates to Yes
- Run "Update Now"
(Steps 2 & 3 can be done via Program Settings. Steps 1 & 4 must be done manually via the Command Bar)
9) "High" CPU Usage
Every few weeks, someone complains about CPU usage (reported in Activity Monitor) > 100%. CPU usage at these levels is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a bad thing if it's the result of a something like an infinite loop. It is actually desirable to maximally use the CPU for computationally expensive tasks. In that scenario, artificially limiting the CPU usage will simply result in the process taking longer, which is usually undesirable.
The most significant consequence of prolonged high CPU-usage (which most often occurs while indexing) is heat. Modern computers (including those manufactured by Apple) are (or should be) designed to handle the heat associated with near maximal CPU usage for a few hours. We certainly wouldn't recommend you setting your computer on a wood stove or on the porch in Phoenix during July while indexing, but indexing overnight on a table in a typically heated/cooled room shouldn't present a problem.
10) Mac Team Sense of Humor
It's on the dry side.
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations
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Director of Engineering for Enterprise and Operations