
I should know this but how do I make a Collection using a string of names. I've named my Collection, Second Temple Studies for the "Start with resources matching:" I started with Apocrypha, but then wanted to add "Second Temple" and that depleted my resource list.
Do I add a colon, semi-colon or what between my descriptors?
Milkman said:
I should know this but how do I make a Collection using a string of names. I've named my Collection, Second Temple Studies for the "Start with resources matching:" I started with Apocrypha, but then wanted to add "Second Temple" and that depleted my resource list.
Do I add a colon, semi-colon or what between my descriptors?
According to the wiki, you would need to separate your matches with an OR to add "Second Temple."
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So after I add the OR I just drag and drop into the resources I want?
By the way the link you added is not available.
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Sorry wiki is here.
Example would be
subject:Apocrypha OR subject:"Second Temple"
Or something along those lines.
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Phil Quigley said:
Sorry wiki is here.
the link for collection Rules should be
Phil Quigley said:subject:Apocrypha OR subject:"Second Temple"
You might find subject:Apocrypha OR "Second Temple" more useful. "Second Temple" is likely found in the description of the book (on hover), which is not a Search field.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks for clarifying Dave.
Hopefully that is able to get you what you want Milkman.
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I'm still having a bit of a problem finding the right resources for my collections.
First: How do I tell how a resource is searchable? by title, type, or something else? For example, in my OT Background and Culture collection the only way I have searched for these is; archae and that's it. When I complete that word my resources drop. When I search for culture, I get 497 results but some are NT stuff and non culture stuff.
also, in the "information" part of a resource it has a description of the book. For example in the book Old Testament Theology for Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief it says that the book is tagged as "theology". However this book has a lot of OT culture stuff in it. How do I make sure that it's included in my OT collection?
Truthfully, making Collections is harder than I thought. Anyway any help would help.
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In FL "Logos collections" page, there is a collection for something similar you are trying to do:
Subj:(Christianity--Origin,Essene,Fathers,Josephus,Mishnah,"Philo",Talmudic,Tanniam,"To 70","30-600") OR (Subj:Judaism AND Subj:(Enc,Liturgy,Memory,Messia,Midrash,Monotheism,Origin,Prayer,Rabbi,Tomb)) OR (Subj:History AND Subj:"B.C." AND Subj:"A.D.") OR Title:(Graeco,Intertestament,"Jewish Literature",Pesharim,Scribes,"Second Temple",Sects) OR (Title:(Day,Time) AND Title:of AND Title:(Jesus,Christ) ANDNOT Subj:Eschatology) OR (Title:JPS AND Title:Wo) OR (Title:As AND Title:Isaiah) OR (Title:Meaning AND Title:Scrolls)
You can use it or customize it to suit your needs.
Then there is a not so scientific way to do your collection:
open all the resources that you want in your collection and start a new bibliography document (documents / new / bibliography in drop down).
once the new blank bibliography doc opens use the "add" drop down menu to select "... all open resources" and name the bibliography document the way you want your collection to be named.
Then go to the 3 dots on the upper right and click on "save as collection"
and voila, your collection done without having to drag, tag, etc.
Of course you could always try Miller's:
Collection: Second Temple Period
Criteria: title:”second temple” OR subject:”second temple” OR mytag:”second temple”
Or a combination of some of the above:
e.g. type "second Temple" in the box rule, then open those that seem interesting to you, and then do the unscientific bibliography to collection method above.
hope this helps.
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Sorry MM, misunderstood the question:
the easiest way is to do one collection Apocrypha, then another as "Second Temple studies" then do an Apocrypha + second temple studies one.
Doing the rule box: apocrypha OR "Second Temple" (which could be written: Apocrypha, "Second Temple") sometimes does strange things leaving resources out.
I find out that doing different collections and then mixing them works better.
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Thanks Hamilton. I think your suggestion about doing one Collection at a time is the best way to go. Just makes it less complicated, but maybe an extra search though. Nevertheless, I think that will work.