Strong's Definitions

I just paid over $900 for a Logos package, taking for granted that it would include Strong's definitions, but it evidently does not. Out of curiosity, I searched the resources advertised in the over-$7000 Collector's Edition package, but even it does not appear to include Strong's. Am I missing something?
- Is included in all / most packages
Was there a particular resource you are looking for?
And are you aware that most Bibles are encoded with Strong’s Numbers?
It’s also worth noting that with the tools provided in the software there is less need to rely on Strong’s numbering
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In my word studies, I am accustomed to checking Strong's definitions for quick, concise definitions, and proceeding as needed from there.
At this juncture, I'm at a loss. In my Resource list, I see A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible, which is Strong's. However, with Interlinear turned on in my Bible text, when I click on a Strong's number, a "Power Lookup" pane appears to the right, stating, "No resources in your library contain this reference. These references are available for purchase: ..." One of the references listed is The New Strong's Dictionary of Hebrew and Greek Words, making it sound like I need to purchase this resource. (???)
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Chuck said:
In my word studies, I am accustomed to checking Strong's definitions for quick, concise definitions, and proceeding as needed from there.
Logos provides better (more recent and based on more recent scholarship) definitions, based on the Greek lemma rather than the Strong's. However, Logos also has resources that are keyed to the Strong numbers. In my library:
- CDWGTH which you refer to as owning, thus it should work for you - are you sure you clicked on the Strong's number?
- NASB Dictionaries
- DBL Greek
- M-M
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks for the information. The problem has been resolved, and I can now see Strong's definitions.
I am new to Logos. During installation, I accepted the recommended option of installing part of my library instead of all of it. Consequently, A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Strong's) had not been downloaded. Downloading this resource resolved the issue. [:D]
Thanks Again,
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Chuck said:
In my Resource list, I see A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible, which is Strong's. However, with Interlinear turned on in my Bible text, when I click on a Strong's number, a "Power Lookup" pane appears
You may have to download this resource, depending on what you see when you open it from Library.
EDIT: OK. I just saw your previous response.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
You may have to download this resource
Thanks, Dave. Indeed, that was the solution. I posted a message describing the resolution just before you posted your message. All the same, thank you very much. --Chuck
I just saw your edit. :-)