BUG: Citation Menu

John R. Gentry
John R. Gentry Member Posts: 94 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

As seen in the first screenshot below, when my Logos desktop is at full screen the citation pull-down menu does not collapse to a pull-down menu. Instead it just runs all the options on the same horizontal line (presumably, as I can't see the rest of the line).

The second screenshot shows my desktop when taken out of full screen but still taking up practically the entire screen. In this screenshot the pull-down menu displays correctly.

This has been going on for a couple years now. I was hoping it would just get fixed in one of the updates, but alas ....

I could have some setting wrong (or in need of change) on my system (Windows 10 Home), but it might also be a Logos bug. Any suggestions? Thanks!




  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,772

    Whether or not the article portion of the citation appears depends upon where you are positioned in the resource. For example in a journal, the index would not show the article portion; if you were in a particular journal article it would.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • John R. Gentry
    John R. Gentry Member Posts: 94 ✭✭

    Hi, MJ. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I probably wasn't very clear in my original post. I'm not looking for anything about an article citation. I understand how that works. My original post was about a display issue regarding the list of different styles for how the citation appears (whether book, article, or otherwise).

    Notice in the first image the list of possible styles is not in a pull-down menu but is instead listed in linear / horizontal format: "American Anthropological Association  |  American Political Science Association  |  etc." While in the second image the list of available styles shows up in a pull-down menu with my default citation style of "SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.)" as the current choice.

    This (above) is what happens when I'm at full screen. This does not appear to be correct, and I believe it is either a wrong setting (or one in need of change on my end) or it is a bug in Logos.

    This (above, 2nd image) appears to be the correct way the choice of citation styles is to be displayed. However, I can only achieve this when I take my Logos desktop out of full screen.

    Any suggestions as to how to fix this? Thanks.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Hi John

    I can't reproduce what you are describing - please see below:

    I note you have a lot ot tabs open - do you get the same behaviour if you just have one resource open?

    What settings do you have (in Progam Settings) for Content Scaling and Program Scaling?

  • John R. Gentry
    John R. Gentry Member Posts: 94 ✭✭

    Hi, Graham.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, it happens with only one tab open.

    My content scaling is set to 140% and my program scaling is set to 100%.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    My content scaling is set to 140% and my program scaling is set to 100%.

    I've tried that and I still don't see the symptoms you are seeing.

    I'm afraid I'm out of ideas on this - hopefully someone from Faithlife will see it and respond.

  • John R. Gentry
    John R. Gentry Member Posts: 94 ✭✭

    Thanks, Graham.

    So, I decided to see if adjusting the content scaling made any difference. I had two tabs open on the left half of the screen (one of them being program settings, and it was the active tab on that side) and one tab open on the right of the screen (it was viewing regular content, not information). When I set the content scaling to 100% and went back to the information view of the tab on the right, the citation menu displayed correctly. I then changed the view back to regular content (that is, I clicked 'Done' on the information screen).

    I then followed the same procedure changing the content scaling to 110%, then 120%, then 140%. Even when I went back to 140%, the citation menu was displaying correctly.

    However, I opened the non-active tab on the left side of the screen and went to the information view for it. The citation menu was not displaying correctly on that tab.

    While writing this reply, I originally wrote this: It might be something that happens when I have a certain number of tabs open or certain tabs (like a search tab, or docs, etc.; something other than a regular resource tab). I'll see if I can't be more aware of exactly when it happens and report back. I will say this, though, it happens rather frequently with me, so it is not just a one-off or something extremely unique.

    However, before sending the reply, I decided to see if this problem is present as soon as I open Logos. It is. I tried two different approaches.

    One, I opened with my typical procedure of opening Logos (to a blank screen by default), pulling down my library so that it is in a tab on the left side of the screen, and opening a Bible on the right side of the screen. I checked the information view and the problem was there.

    Two, I then shut down Logos and reopened. This time I did not open a tab with library. I simply opened a Bible using the search box up top. So, to be clear, I had a fresh start to Logos and only opened up one resource, a Bible on the right side of the screen. I went to the information view and the problem was still there.

    Anyone else have any suggestions for me? Thanks!