Exclude emphasis markup in note document listing

So, I have been going through the notes I have taken (over the years) on 1 Corinthians. The new note system tends to confuse me, but I did finally figure out how to choose only my 1 Corinthians notes and then sort by reference. Trouble is that Logos mixes the Emphasis Markup notes in with my regular notes. This is an annoyance rather than a big problem, but it would be nice to be able to exclude the Emphasis Markup from the list. Can this be done?
John T Reagan said:
Logos mixes the Emphasis Markup notes in with my regular notes. This is an annoyance rather than a big problem, but it would be nice to be able to exclude the Emphasis Markup from the list. Can this be done?
If I understand you correct, then yes: In the Filter section of the Notes tool you will find Type as the topmost entry. Selecting Notes from there will filter out highlights.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks! That worked. However, now I can't get it to sort by reference. What I'm after is a window that has only the notes I've taken on the chosen Bible book (in this case 1 Corinthians) all sorted by reference. Could you give me a sequence to follow to accomplish that? Thanks.
John0 -
John T Reagan said:
What I'm after is a window that has only the notes I've taken on the chosen Bible book (in this case 1 Corinthians) all sorted by reference. Could you give me a sequence to follow to accomplish that?
If I filter by Type: Notes and Bible Book:1 Corinthians I get what you are looking for
Do you not see this?
And, if I remember correctly, it didn't use to work like this - you needed to filter on "Reference: Bible" as well. So if you aren't seeing this, please let me know what version of Logos 8 you are running.
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Ok, filtering by Type first and then 1 Cor worked. I think I was using the Reference filter and that was what messed it up for me. Thanks for your help.
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Okay, filtering by Type first and then Bible book worked. I think I was using the Bible reference filter and that's what messed it up. Thanks.