Crash using Midi File in Steve Green's Hymnal

- Click Song Hyperlink in Steve Green's Midi Hymnal
- Song plays
- No player appears
- No way to turn off music
- try clicking hyperlink again. Music stops, and program crashes.
Expected Results
- Click on Song Hyperlink
- Player appears and song plays
- start and stop midi using player
Dell Inspirion E1405 laptop, Vista Home Premium SP1, 2 CPU T7200 @ 2 ghz, 2 gb RAM
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
__________________Thanks for the crash report. When playing audio, did you notice the new little button appearing on the far right of the shortcuts bar, it is left of the Layouts button. You can pause / play and close right from there. See attached image.0
I opened Steve Green's Midi hymnal (left side) and looked for the controls you mention. After being notified to look for them I did find them, however they were not attached to the resource, but located between the sync indicator and layout selector (right side). I would have never thought to look for it there. Also, the program should not crash by clicking the hyperlink a second time.
One of the reason's I did not see the controls is because they follow the new tendancy to have the program fade into the background. I understand the concept of taking the focus off of the software and putting the emphasis on the text, but the fact is, the user ends up spending more time trying to find the controls for the software, which ends up defeating the purpose the faded controls were intended to serve.
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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Kenneth Morris said:
I opened Steve Green's Midi hymnal (left side) and looked for the controls you mention. After being notified to look for them I did find them, however they were not attached to the resource, but located between the sync indicator and layout selector (right side). I would have never thought to look for it there. Also, the program should not crash by clicking the hyperlink a second time.
One of the reason's I did not see the controls is because they follow the new tendancy to have the program fade into the background. I understand the concept of taking the focus off of the software and putting the emphasis on the text, but the fact is, the user ends up spending more time trying to find the controls for the software, which ends up defeating the purpose the faded controls were intended to serve.
Yea it's one of those you only have to hear once features, personally I think it is nice for it to be out of the way, but that's just me.