FREE Stream Deck Buttons and Icons for Logos Bible Software

I suspect there aren't many Logos users with Stream Decks... but hopefully someone will get some joy from this. Blessings!
Hi David,
It's a powerful tool for ministry, personal, or business use.
A Stream Deck is a Programmable LED Keyboard with unlimited Profiles, Folders, and Buttons. It was originally designed for Video Editing, Production, Rendering, and Streaming -- but it's taken off and can be used for literally anything you can imagine. There are 3 versions: 6-keys, 15-keys, and 32-keys.
PROFILES - When you activate a program on your PC, the Stream Deck instantly changes to all the buttons associated with that program. One creates a default profile that is always active if there's no profile for the currently active program.
FOLDERS - Unlimited folders that can be nested within each other -- so literally you can have 1000's of buttons.
BUTTONS - Each button can be programmed to do anything you can imagine -- you can have unlimited buttons, and each button has its own LCD Screen; you can drag-n-drop any .jpg or .png right onto a button to instantly create its icon. Also, a button can have limitless commands. One button could open multiple programs > set any computer setting you can imagine (e.g. Default Mic & Speaker) > set your hue lights to a certain scene, color, and brightness level, and on and on. The screens for each button are phenomenally sharp and anybody can create their own icons for free here:
BUILT-IN - One can create Key Combinations, Macros, etc for any program. However, there's instant built-in support for Spotify, Pandora, Hue Lighting, Timers, and many others -- and developers are coding new and wonderful free goodies all the time.
Using with Church Media Team -
Using with non-video programs -
Profiles -
Folders -
Animated GIFs as buttons -
Button Icon Creator - hope this helps!
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Hey Michael, Thanks for sharing! This is really neat and very affordable. I'm assuming there are no folders - so you use this only for Logos? If so, pretty neat that you have your own dedicated programmable keyboard just for Logos!
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Still playing around with the different layers
dedicated programmable keyboard Ist layer for Logos
No folders you do get 3 layers Each layer as 24 keys
The keys do not interfere with my main laptop keyboard
Each layer can have a different led colour showing in the background
Layer 1 for main Logos tools led colour blue
Layer 2 for CorelDRAW tools led colour red
Layer 3 for logos markup led colour light blue
Layers use rgb led colour you can use any colour
you can change to a different layer by programming a key to go to the next layer
The leds change to the colour you have set
I have set a key to use with a custom mark up image which is set to use
a Logos note book. I use this as a way to keep book Marks for resources
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Michael, That looks interesting. What is the name of the keyboard?
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Koolertron One Handed Macro Mechanical Keyboard, Blue LED Backlit Portable Mini One-Handed Mechanical Gaming Keypad 23 Fully Programmable Keys Blue Switches with Retro Classic Typewriter Round Keycaps
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Thank you
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Update: Added the Following Stream Deck Icon Buttons (use same download link found in the first post):
- Fixed Interlinear Button (original icon said C+S+i but should have been C+S+R)INDUCTIVE / HILIGHTING
- C+S+K Remove HighlightingREADING
- Previous Chapter Alt+Dn / Next Chapter Alt+Up
- Previous Panel C+S+F6 / Next Panel C+F6TOOLS
- C+F Find / Filter this PanelTABS
- Template
- PAINT (to use for photo editing software such as ACDSee,, etc)
- SPEAKER (to use for music such as Spotify, Pandora, etc)
- VIDEO CAMERA (to use for video software such as PowerDirector, Premiere, etc)
- XYPlorerAND... most importantly -- I added the SOURCE FILE to create the Stream Deck Icons!! It's simply a power point file.
The Screen Shot shows my current Logos layouts; the 1st image is the main Logos screen, then the next 3 are the contents of the 3 folders (black folders in the bottom right of the 1st image).
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Icons artwork are amazing
I have been tweaking some of my key labels
hoping to able to press a key which will load a saved layout [:)]
The icons are all vector drawings
This small keypad is helping me, to over come some of my
Dyslexia problem, As I can now used some logos short cuts commands link to
a single Key with a key image to remember what they are used for
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Michael Parry-Thomas said:
hoping to able to press a key which will load a saved layout
Hi Mick, That's a phenomenal idea -- a Layout Switcher! I've been messing around and trying to figure out how to do this but so far unsuccessful.
I found a Keyboard Shortcut here: Alt+A — Open/close Layouts... but it doesn't seem to do anything in my Logos 8 [*-)]
Also, I can't seem to access layouts from an alternate Menu Command from Guides or Tools (e.g. Alt+T>Layouts; Alt+G>Layouts; etc).
If you figure something out, please let me know. I'll have a shortcut button for every one of my primary layouts. I did create a Keyboard Shortcut on my Stream Deck for Saving a Layout; unfortunately it's CTRL+ALT+L which was originally my Windows System Shortcut to launch the Logos program -- so I had to unbind it. I wish that Logos Keyboard Shortcuts were able to be manually assigned.
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Michael Parry-Thomas said:
Icons artwork are amazing... The icons are all vector drawings
Are you saying that you can't use my icons (.jpgs / .pngs) because your programmable keyboard only accepts vectors?
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Michael Parry-Thomas said:
hoping to able to press a key which will load a saved layout
Hey Mick,
I just discovered that our saved layouts are accessible from the Command Box. I don't know if you can do multi-layered Macros (multi-action) in your programmable keyboard, but I found a way to do this via brute force, but it's a little slow (not instant as it takes a second to type the name of the layout). Once I create one button, I can just duplicate with copy / paste -- and change the "layout name" in subsequent buttons:
"layout name"
Enter0 -
Thanks for the update
Yes I can use your images, will be using some of them [:)]
Vector drawings you can change any colour with in the images, just something I always used
I print the image on to a waterproof glossy photo label paper, then cut them out, next remove the
Backing paper and stick them to the keys, does not take to long to do
I think the software will work with multiple macros key Commands, will need
to have a play
The small programmable keypad comes with lots of
Replaceable keys,
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After reading the first post I bought a Stream Deck, and have started to play around with it. Here's what I have so far.
The top row opens apps: Logos, Scrivener, Proclaim, Google Earth, Chambers Thesaurus) and files: Sermon Prep (a FileMaker Pro database I use for planning and some outlining) and Worship Music (an Excel database I use to plan music Sunday by Sunday). There is also an Accordance button on the right; I use Accordance primarily for the Atlas.
On the left are two Command Box buttons that use Keyboard Maestro to set the Logos Program size to 125% and to open my Matthew study layout (I'm currently preaching through Matthew).
I have a study timer on the right; it's set for 50 minutes, after which I get up, stretch, get a cup of coffee, say hi to the wife, etc.
The bottom row opens a couple of different Logos forums I check out consistently, a link to the Logos Wiki page, and then Messages, Mail, and a Keyboard Maestro button.
It ain't cheap, but I think the Stream Deck is going to be an asset to repetitive tasks.
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One Hope Fellowship said:
Logos, Scrivener, Proclaim, Google Earth, Chambers Thesaurus) and files: Sermon Prep (a FileMaker Pro database I use for planning and some outlining) and Worship Music (an Excel database I use to plan music Sunday by Sunday). There is also an Accordance button on the right; I use Accordance primarily for the Atlas... Logos Program size to 125% and to open my Matthew study layout (I'm currently preaching through Matthew). I have a study timer on the right; it's set for 50 minutes, after which I get up, stretch, get a cup of coffee, say hi to the wife, etc... different Logos forums... a link to the Logos Wiki page, and then Messages, Mail, and a Keyboard Maestro button.
Fantastic; thanks so much for sharing the different ways you're already using this. Every time I think I've finished customizing the Stream Deck, I think of another repetitive task or shortcut that would maximize my time. At this time I've got about 280 buttons programmed. Please let me know if you end up using any of the buttons I've created.
One neat thing I've done is organizing Mail in Outlook. I press a button that applies a Colored Category Tag > and then Moves the Email into a Certain Folder. Super helpful.
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I’ll do that.
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Hi David
I now have the small keypad working with layouts
It is fast on opening my layouts
I used the same way you used with the stream deck [:)]
For the price it's amazing small keypad,
I will post an update image, soon just need to update some key icons
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Cool... isn't great using Logos with all these shortcuts? I've now got 3 Logos folders with a total of 96 shortcuts!
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It's amazing how the shortcuts, can be programmed into a £30 keypad
using only one key press instead of pressing down
3 keys and to remember the keys to press in the. Ist place [:)]
I have 3 programme keypad layers this gives 60 keys to play with
This small keypad dose not have the small led key screen
Which the powerful Stream Deck until has,
I printed out the keys art work on a very glossy waterproof vinyl
With a inkjet printer
Thanks for the Stream Deck image will use some of them
To make an overlay card for the green and red Layers
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Hi Michael,
I was just wondering where you found a Stream Deck for that price. I am seeing much higher prices in my search.
Grace and Peace,
Richard0 -
Keypad I am using in not a Stream Deck
Stream Deck is a powerful peace of kit
For me thay are out of my price range
You can get a programmable keypad from about £30.00 to £45.00
This is the make I used
There are lots of programmable keypad on the market
this is the one that works for me
Koolertron One Handed Macro Mechanical Keyboard, Blue LED Backlit Portable Mini One-Handed Mechanical Gaming Keypad 23 Fully Programmable Keys Blue Switches with Retro Classic Typewriter Round Keycaps
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Couldn't quite find what you had Michael (not on U.S. Amazon) -- but if someone is willing to print/cut/paste button images, there are a lot of options out there:
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I just found a 15 Key Stream Deck marked down to $109 on PRIME:
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May I ask how you configured Keyboard Maestro to change Logos' program size and open your study layout? I'm stuck on this step and can't figure out how to do this.
I use Verbum with an 8-Core Mac Pro (2013) and a MacBook Pro (2017)
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My pleasure.
1) In the Stream Deck app, type "Key" in the search bar. Open automation, and you'll see Keyboard Maestro:
2) Drag Keyboard Maestro to your chosen spot:
3) Give it whatever title you would like it to have; don't worry about Button ID, Virtual Row, or Virtual Column
4) Go into Keyboard Maestro and find the macro you want to assign to the button:
5) Click on New Trigger, and choose USB Device Key Trigger
You the box that opens up will say "none." Select it, and then press the key on your Stream Deck. The Trigger will show "Stream Deck" followed by the coordinates of the button:
Every once in a while you might have to delete the trigger and start that part over again. Make sure that after you select New Trigger you don't touch any button except the Stream Deck button you want to assign. Oh, and if you drag the Stream Deck button to a new location you'll have to reassign the button.
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I've uploaded steps; Logos wants an admin to review it first, probably because Stream Deck is a third-party product, but it shouldn't be long.
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You know, I should have read your post more carefully!
Here's a screen shot of one of my layout loading macros. There are four steps:
1) Activate Logos (it's probably already at the front if you want this, but I like to make sure).
2) Type Option+Command+L to put the cursor in the command bar in Logos.
3) Type the text you want. For my example, it's "Load Matthew Sermon" – Matthew Sermon is the name of my current study layout.
4) Type the Return keystroke.
To perform other actions (open other layouts, resize the program size, etc., just replace "Load Matthew Sermon" with whatever text is appropriate. Type it in the command bar yourself first and make sure it's correct, and then pop it into Keyboard Maestro. When I create a new macro, I just duplicate an existing macro, change the name, update the text field, and change the trigger.
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I posted another response, but Logos wants to approve that one, too. I must not be trustworthy or something. Let me describe it for you.
In Keyboard Maestro, create a new macro, and name it as you desire. (I'll assume you know how to use Keyboard Maestro, let me know if you need more specific instructions).
This macro will have four steps.
Step 1: Activate Logos (Logos is probably already open, but I use a couple of different apps on different monitors, so I like to make sure that Logos is in front).
Step 2: Type a Keystroke, specifically Option+Command+L. This will put the cursor into the command bar in Logos.
Step 3: Insert Text. For instance, my primary study layout right now is named "Matthew Sermon," so I type this into the Insert Text box: Open Matthew Sermon. ("Insert text by" can be set to typing or pasting).
Step 4: Type a Keystroke, specifically Return, to complete the macro.
Hope this helps.
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Very helpful, thank you.
If I'm not mistaken, Logos for Mac is missing the Logos for Windows shortcut that allows opening layouts, so this is much needed.
I hope someone at Faithlife will consider this +1 for layout shortcuts in Mac.
I use Verbum with an 8-Core Mac Pro (2013) and a MacBook Pro (2017)
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There are probably differences between Mac and Windows versions. In the past I've dragged layouts up into the shortcuts bar to make them clickable, and now with Stream Deck I have a quick way of using the command bar, and I use both, depending.
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Thank you for that, i'm a brand new user of stream deck XL. Do you think you can also share your profile ? (export) ?
Thank you
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Yann Parodi said:
Thank you for that, i'm a brand new user of stream deck XL. Do you think you can also share your profile ? (export) ?
Thank you
I don't see a way to share the profile with you directly on Logos. Here's a screenshot of the current setup.
- Detail, Voices, and Sermon are custom layouts I use in Logos.
- Search opens a search panel.
- Treas. Scripture Knowledge opens that to the current Bible reference.
- Sermon DB opens a Filemaker document that I use to plan my sermon calendar.
- Large Screen changes the Program display size (in settings) for a large screen.
- Close All closes every panel in Logos.
- Create Link creates a hyperlink in a note.
- Update Layout updates the current layout in Logos.
- I have shortcuts to Scrivener, a thesaurus app, Accordance (if I can say that here), the Oxford English Dictionary, BBEdit, and Word.
- I also have shortcuts to various Logos forums.
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No problem. I tried to upload them here but am receiving an error. Can you shoot me an email? (I'll shoot you my Logos Profile and my overall Stream Deck Profile)
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Hey Gregory! Are you using the Stream Deck; how's it going? Blessings.
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Scott David said:
Hey Gregory! Are you using the Stream Deck; how's it going? Blessings.
Yes and no . . . for our church live-stream, we've found it's much more efficient to use an iPad running the StreamDeck app. That way it's wireless. When I live-stream from my office (who knows what the future holds) I use the StreamDeck itself. I also use it during my study process for various shortcuts and so on.
I don't think I saw your September message; if you still need my email, it's
Have a blessed Lord's day!
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Here's my most recent Logos Stream Deck Profile -- please let me know if it works out (importing it). You'll be able to easily change the Macros that launch my Logos Layouts by simply editing the Layout names in the commands... should only take a second. Blessings!
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Thank you Scott,
Just got my Stream Deck on Tuesday and am having a great time populating the buttons. This is a great help!
And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers (Mal 4:6a)
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So glad to hear it John! I hope you love it. It takes a little work to setup (especially if you're a perfectionist like me) [;)] -- but once it was all up and running, it has worked flawlessly for me. And it really is a great time setting it up, and using it. It's Logos on steroids from a workflow perspective.
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Hi there,
I have just got a Stream Deck and found this post - but when I click on the blue "Logos Stream Deck Profile" text in the post, nothing happens.
Can you tell me how I might access your profile for importing?
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Sorry - I have now discovered the download link in the first post!
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Hey David! So glad you figured out how to download all the button images. Please consider posting here and letting us all know how you like using StreamDeck with Logos. Blessings, Scott
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Hi Scott,
Just recently got a 15 key Stream Deck and was having problems importing your Logos profile on my Mac.
Now I am not sure if it is having an issue importing because of the windows file path to logos or because your profile uses the larger Stream Deck XL.
Anyhow I was wondering if you had made any changes to the profile since you last posted it here and if you could post one without the windows file path
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Hey Michael!
I haven't made any changes to my profile, except that I have installed a newer version of Stream Deck -- perhaps a difference in versions is part of the problem? But I doubt it as the profiles should work independently of the version. I did some quick research and though these may not be helpful, I thought I'd post just in case (I couldn't find anything directly related to transferring profiles from PC to MAC): what I can see, the extension should be ".StreamDeckProfilesBackup"
I'd recommend finding a good forum and posting, asking for help. Perhaps posting in this thread here (although it's a bit old):
... or perhaps creating a new thread here:
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you figure it out, please post back here and let us know how you did it.
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I just realized something, I have a Stream Deck XL (32 Keys) -- so my profile wouldn't work on your unit. Sorry about that.
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I was looking at getting a Stream Deck and was wondering how you use it in Logos. Thanks!
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Hey James!
These buttons are demonstrative of how I'm primarily using StreamDeck with Logos:
But I'd recommend looking at this entire thread to try and get a clearer picture of some ways it can be used.