CRASH when trying to copy search reference of Morph Field Intensive Predicative (8.12 Beta 2 Windows

Tim Hensler
Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,536 ✭✭✭


  1. Launch Logos
  2. Open ESV Bible to 1 John 4:5
  3. Open Information panel (set to update on click)
  4. Left-click on the first word of 1 John 4:5, "They"
  5. Right-click on "Intensive Predicative" in Word Info section if Information panel
  6. Select Intensive Predicative morphology Field on left side of context menu
  7. Left-click on Search option for Copy reference.

Application pauses for a moment, then closes.

The value I sought was not in the clipboard.

Also, it would be nice to have Search options in this context menu - that's what I wanted to do, but without a search option I was trying to copy the search reference and run a separate search function to find other occurrences of Intensive Predicative pronouns.

Log files:

