Logos 9 Wishlist



  • Ethan Knudson
    Ethan Knudson Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
    I have been around since Logos 3 and although I am running the Logos 8 client, I decided not to pay for an upgrade or cross grade this time because I didn’t find any of the new features particularly necessary for my own use (mainly academic). These are some changes that would actually convince me to pay for a Logos 9 upgrade or cross-grade: 
    1. Direct export from Logos word list to Logos visual filter — It is so helpful to make a visual filter from a word list in Logos. Currently though, if I want to do this I have to export the word list to Excel, copy that into Word, reformat using find and replace, copy the reformatted list, and paste into the visual filter. It would be amazing to streamline this process, especially given the potential overlap between these document types. 
    2. Better copy/paste for Hebrew text — The text converter tool is fantastic, but I would love it if there was a way to customize the default copy/paste settings for Hebrew text especially (e.g. copy with vowels but not cantillation marks or copy consonants only).
    3. Displaying translation and original language text when hovering over Bible references — I know that you can prioritize resources and thus choose which translation or original language text pops up when you hover over a reference, but I would love to be able to see both. If I’m remembering correctly, Bibleworks had this feature... 
    4. Expanded morph search boundaries beyond a single verse — As it stands the WITHIN X WORDS or even AND search features are severely limited in morph search because the parameters are limited to a single verse. I wrote a previous post about this and learned that switching to a basic search is a sort of workaround, but then you lose functionality that is only available through the morph search. 
    5. Dark mode on desktop app — I find reading in dark mode much easier on the eyes and would love to see this in Logos. It’s on the mobile app, please bring it to desktop. 
    6. Better library organization — Maybe not everyone feels this way, but in my opinion all of the base packages are bloated with tons of resources that I never have and never will use. On top of this, the filter on the library pane is also bloated, making it rather tedious to explore the resources in my library. If I filter by type, 37 categories come up (and I'm sure that number is MUCH higher for the people with Platinum libraries). There has to be a more streamlined way to categorize and organize resources on the library pane. 
  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Ethan - thank you for posting. We need more people who have a specific need (academic) and can express the "small things" that keep Logos from being as useful as it could be.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Andrew Biddinger
    Andrew Biddinger Member Posts: 439 ✭✭✭

    Automate my life with Logos' Google Assistant commands even better than YouVersion's: https://assistant.google.com/services/a/uid/0000002f01ed2122?hl=en-US [:)]

    * Listen to Today's Reading Plan

    * Lookup/Search commands

    * Read Today's Prayer Requests

    * Open Reference Scanner

    * Open Book

    * ...etc.

  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    Continuing to build upon Theology Guide would be great. Notes may be ironed out enough, but if there are any rough edges there, that'd be good to continue to iron out.

    Being able to have more consistent features across desktop, mobile, web would be great. I like how as you've re-architected certain features it brought them across all platforms.

    If the upgrade experience continues to go as well as it did for L8, then I'd be happy. With FL Connect, I was able to receive my L8 upgrade without issues, and my L8 library upgrade was so cost-effective I went back and bought a few additional libraries.

    Duplicate what you did for L8 for L9 (just with other features/enhancements) and you'll have a winner.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • JesusisKing
    JesusisKing Member Posts: 24 ✭✭

    I would like to see, a specific workflow in the form of a Bible book survey. Perhaps charts for each one. Also, the workflow would break the book into segment divisions. Unless this can be done by way of other features that I am not aware of, as I am still getting to know all the different features for Logos 8. 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Please put some serious work into adding functions to Faithlife Assistant so that it is the value resource it has the potential to be.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Kevin Olson
    Kevin Olson Member Posts: 64 ✭✭

    Here are some of my wishes for Logos 9:

    Please make it so that Logos 9 will help us to study and read the Bible, and the other books in our libraries.  

    * Bookmarks:   Easy, intuitive bookmarks, across all platforms.

    * Reading Plans:  I would love it if our Bible reading plans would format the text like the old 1 Year Bibles.  When you go into a day's reading, import the text into "the daily reading" format stream.  When you get to the end of the day's reading, have the text stop.  If your Bible reading plan is reading from 4 different parts of the Bible, import the passages from all four into the format stream.  Do the same for the other books we are reading.  Have that on the desktop and the mobile app.

    * Search: Create a search capability like Google or Bing.  Often times, I leave Logos and use Google to do searches for quotes and content.  That makes me wonder why I have invested so much in Logos, when I need to actually use another tool to get the information that I am looking for.  I wish I could search my library for content much easier, and have it formatted like a decent web browser.  And have it prioritize according to the prioritization set.   

    * Opening Bibles:  I wish there was an option to open a Bible at the same place that you are reading in another Bible.  It used to be that if I was reading in the NASB, and I opened the NJB, it would open to the same passage that I was reading in the NASB.  That way, I would see the reading in another translation to compare.  Now it opens to the last place I was reading in the NJB.  Give us an option for the default opening positions on resources.  Make it global and local. 

    * Homepage:  Please go back to the Logos 7 Homepage style.  I used to love going there.  There were better offerings there.  In Logos 8, it is clunky and less aesthetically appealing.  The only time I use the Logos 8 Homepage now is to look at the what the Lectionary Readings are. It is sad that it was so downgraded. 

    * Lectionary:   Have a lectionary tool.  When you open it, it will provide a simple list of the days readings and feast/focus days from each of the lectionaries in your library with a link to open those readings.  Have this tool easily search by days, so that you can look forward to what is coming, and look at what was in the past.    


  • David Ahlgren
    David Ahlgren Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Add the capability to share user created PBBs with others (by name) to avoid having to share DOCX files and recompile every time.  Individuals can create PBBs currently and Upload them so other instances with the same account/logon can sync/download them.  Make this shareable similar to lending books in Kindle with others.  Targeted lending/sharing would not become a potential copyright issue by not making PBBs syncable with just anyone - an example is my ongoing OT Commentary (finished the NT one last year), another example is my pastor's Commentary PBB.  

    Enable PBBs in the Mobile App as well. 

  • David Ahlgren
    David Ahlgren Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    If possible, work with the publisher of the NKJV to update to match the Byzantine/Majority text base we now have; the old KJV (TR) was only based on a handful of MSS, but there are more Byzantine MSS sources now to update the NKJV in similar fashion to the other major MSS (Critical) family.  I had suggested this over the past 2 years to Nelson who was the owner then, but no response.  I've had to add the Byz textual variants myself and create a PBB Bible version, but would love to have the full Logos version of it!  

  • David Ahlgren
    David Ahlgren Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Agree.  I use OliveTree's Bible App on the iPad/iPhone due to the usability and functionality afforded the mobile platform for most Bible study prep work.  I can access resources by verse or word and switch translations with the same markup, or sync two versions side-by-side and still do the lookups.  That is the Mobile Logos functionality I'd love to see! 

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    My Wish List 2.0:

    FOLDERS in the SHORTCUT BAR, much like browsers permit folders in it's shortcut or bookmark bar.

    USER TAGGING OF IMAGES. While Logos is far superior to other products when come to tagging images, there is still a TON of room for improvement. It would be wonderful if users could add personal or even community tags to images to improve search capabilities. I rely on Logos images every week for my Proclaim teaching presentations, and it would be very convenient if I could tag images in the same manner one can in Proclaim.

    USER TAGGING OF VERSES OR PERICOPES.I realize we can add a note that has tags, but it would be a lot more convenient if we could add our own user tags to verses or passages. This, also, would improve search capabilities.

    PARALLEL PERICOPE SEARCH MATCHING. There is probably a better name for this, but here's my vision: I am doing an image search for Peter’s profession of faith in Matthew 16:13-19. That brings up a few good images I can use for teaching. But, what about the parallel pericopes in Mark 8, Luke 9, John 6? Right now I have to re-execute the search for each of the related pericopes (unless I know each parallel passage ahead of time, and leverage the AND operator with all 4 verses individually listed).

    I would be super dupity (spelling) nice if I could check a box next to the search parameter sections that would say "search the parallel pericopes" for my search passage. I realize there are some challenges to this option (IE it would be very difficult to match at the verse level), but there would be great value in providing this search option. The parallel passages data is already available in the harmonies, so it would just be a matter of tapping into that data and permitting access in the search set up.

    PARALLEL THEME / TOPIC SEARCH MATCHING. Same concept as above. As I search for a term, perhaps I can choose from a list of similar concepts / themes in a drop down as I am setting up my search. Perhaps I am searching for preaching illustrations on "salvation." Maybe Logos could let me chose to also search for soteriology, justification, etc. I realize this would be a much more difficult undertaking, especially since the relationship between concepts is often subjective. But the functionality could be helpful.

    MOBILE LAYOUTS ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. I don't have the answer for this, but there HAS to be a better way to select a new layout on mobile. I love the concept and have just started to use and appreciate this feature. Yet there are tooooooooo many clicks necessary to select a layout or to update a layout.

    Perhaps a drop down in the title bar, so we could have 1 click or 2 click access to a particular layout. Perhaps a layouts list under the favorites list? IDK. To me, it's rather counterproductive in its current access steps. I think many more would use and appreciate layouts if it were easier to access and switch between layouts, like they are on desktop (1 click access if on the shortcut bar; 2 click access from the layout menu). We should also be able to create and update a layout in the same manner - 1 or 2 clicks from the title bar or kabob menu.

    FILTERING/SORTING OF SEARCH RESULTS. Often I shudder at the idea of having to use WordSearch. It's sooooo 20th century (early 20th century, LOL) in features, GUI, tagging, searching, etc. But it does have a few strengths other than it's wide variety of and early access to product offerings. One is the ability drill down on search results. Let's say you have searched all resources for <John 3:16>. For those results, you can click on particular collections, resource types, etc, to drill down and see results for that particular criteria. With Logos, this has to be done in the search, and the search has to be re-executed for each resource type / collection / etc. Not so with WS. Really neat feature.

    CARTA. Oh, and my dream list would include CARTA. Yes, I know this is a product offering, not a feature. But I'll take any opportunity I can to ask for CARTA. [:D]


    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Myke Harbuck,

    WORDsearch is having another sale on the 22 volumes understanding __________ series from CARTA.  It released recently, so it kind of made me wonder that whatever  reason they give to not publish with Logos is just a lame excuse.  Gotta give it to WORDsearch on this one, the graphics look great!


  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    Gotta give it to WORDsearch on this one, the graphics look great!

    You're not making my day better. Especially, with the Palestine topos resource now in development.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    Often I shudder at the idea of having to use WordSearch. It's sooooo 20th century (early 20th century, LOL) in features, GUI, tagging, searching, etc. But it does have a few strengths other than it's wide variety of and early access to product offerings. One is the ability drill down on search results. Let's say you have searched all resources for <John 3:16>. For those results, you can click on particular collections, resource types, etc, to drill down and see results for that particular criteria.

    I hate to admit my Bible software UI is early 20th century too. But oh so convenient. It can turn on a dime. Logos search needs a major over-haul. Can't group by collections/tags (duh), doesn't allow quick sub-searches, custom selection, etc. And truly believes customers are going to memorize the non-standard search coding.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    Myke Harbuck,

    WORDsearch is having another sale on the 22 volumes understanding __________ series from CARTA.  It released recently, so it kind of made me wonder that whatever  reason they give to not publish with Logos is just a lame excuse.  Gotta give it to WORDsearch on this one, the graphics look great!


    Just makes no sense why Logos can't have Carta. UGH.

    Dal, are the Carta graphics better in WS than Accordance? I was thinking you had Carta in Accordance.....

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    Denise said:

    Logos search needs a major over-haul..

    That'll preach right there, sister!

    Denise said:

    Can't group by collections/tags (duh), doesn't allow quick sub-searches, custom selection, etc.

    I meant to include sub-searches in my post, but it slipped my mind. This is important and should have been a capability of Logos long ago.

    Denise said:

    And truly believes customers are going to memorize the non-standard search coding.

    Again, preach it! If the masses are ever going to realize and enjoy the power of Logos search, it will be through a true search builder wizard - a dialogue box that gives the user options on the type of search functionality / criteria available (not the search templates - those are to specific / hard coded and have no flexibility).

    Perhaps the ability to drag and drop various labels, tags, data, criteria, desired results into a box and then decide what the user wants to do with it. Let's say I needed results for where Jesus intersects with John 3. But since I have no idea what "intersects" mean, perhaps the wizard can find out what I want to see and use the operators / functions behind the scenes.

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    it kind of made me wonder that whatever  reason they give to not publish with Logos is just a lame excuse

    I seriously doubt that Carta Jerusalem has to make lame excuses.

    Perhaps licensing agreements would be based on the size of a business and the amount of sales they'd bring in? Maybe Carta Jerusalem might want something different from an agreement with FL, than one with other companies? I don't know.

    Either way, we should probably be considerate and respect Carta Jerusalem's reasons. (Still hoping, though, for Carta in Logos!)

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    Myke Harbuck,

    WORDsearch is having another sale on the 22 volumes understanding __________ series from CARTA.  It released recently, so it kind of made me wonder that whatever  reason they give to not publish with Logos is just a lame excuse.  Gotta give it to WORDsearch on this one, the graphics look great!


    Just makes no sense why Logos can't have Carta. UGH.

    Dal, are the Carta graphics better in WS than Accordance? I was thinking you had Carta in Accordance.....

    I have the major works in Accordance, but the Understanding the Bible series in WORDsearch.  The graphics are better in Accordance but WORDsearch is not that far behind.  I’d say better than anything Logos could ever offer right now.


  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    I have some of Carta's content in Accordance when I upgraded to Graphics Master. I am enjoying them. Logos users would enjoy them if it ever happens. My copies I'd just run in Accordance, but they are nice.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Dave Thawley
    Dave Thawley Member Posts: 621 ✭✭

    I would really like

    1) A better way to create custom reading plans

    2) A relational database with the people in the bible linked together so I can move up and down a family tree rather than the static family trees we have at the moment. This would be great :-)

    3) Better atlas/maps. 

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭


    I think you need to be a lot more specific.  What would a better way to create reading plans look like?  What would a better map look like?


  • Andrew116
    Andrew116 Member Posts: 155 ✭✭

    My wishlist...

    • Desktop software runs faster especially the right click menu
    • dark mode
  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I agree with this, at least the first part.  don't know what dark mode is.

    When I do my Bible reading, I keep my print Bible handy, and a lot of times I just read from my print Bible, because Logos moves around like a rusty machine that you push, and push, and push, and then it lurches forward a little.  The simple task of scrolling down a page is never a smooth operation.  It's always jumps and stalls.  Three attempts to get it moving and then it jumps ahead.

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Denise said:

    DAL said:

    Gotta give it to WORDsearch on this one, the graphics look great!

    You're not making my day better. Especially, with the Palestine topos resource now in development.

    Not bad from the mobile app:

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 311 ✭✭✭

    I agree with this, at least the first part.  don't know what dark mode is.

    Dark mode is available in mobile apps already.  It lets you set a black background with white font so that it's easier on your eyes when reading in the dark.

    Ideally Logos would not only have a dark mode, but allow for each window to be set to different themes like their A competitor has been doing for awhile now.

  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭

    No doubt there is consensus for more speed and fixing features to do not work.

    I agree that organizational improvements for the Library are needed.

    It would great if the Personal Book Builder could handle pdf files.

    As for what new books that are needed:  I need the Bicentennial Edition of John Wesley's Works, published by Abingdon.  It is the only edition that has the best Wesleyan scholarship.   

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • Dave Thawley
    Dave Thawley Member Posts: 621 ✭✭


    I think you need to be a lot more specific.  What would a better way to create reading plans look like?  What would a better map look like?


    Thanks Larry you are right, it was as vague as a cloud :-) 

    1) A better way to create custom reading plans. It would be lovely to be able to drag and drop chapters of the bible/book into a reading plan from contents pages. Also it would be really good to be able to drop more than one resource into a particular day so that a reading plan contains the content of several different resources (i.e. a bible chapter and then a corresponding section from a commentary and a bible dictionary section. This seems better than having several reading plans because it would allow me to read ahead or catch up a reading plan that I've programmed to take me though a particular study path. 

    2) A relational database with the people in the bible linked together so I can move up and down a family tree rather than the static family trees we have at the moment. This would be great :-)

    3) Better atlas/maps. It would be great to have one map with loads of filters instead of what appears to be loads of different maps - a bit like the timeline,  so we can overlay different periods in the bible concurrently.

    Also 4)

    It would be really useful to be able to hit one button(ish) and be able to see all the downloaded resources associated with mobile ed courses. I think a lot of us have moved to SSDs which have limited capacity and what little space I have left does get filled up with the automatically downloaded content. I do think the automatic download  is good - it means I can watch away from home, but if I forget to delete afterwards there doesn't appear to be an easy way to find out where the data is other than go though all of the courses I have and delete the data associated on the off chance I have forgotten to delete the data from that one :-) There has to be a simple solution to this that you could incorporate into the software. 

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    It would great if the Personal Book Builder could handle pdf files.

    Accordance’s PB’s are called “user’s tools” and you can import PDF’s now.  You may have to do some clean up to the final product due to the many formats behind the original file turned into a PDF, but so far, it works fine for monographs, articles and other stuff.  It’d be nice if Logos could implement that as well.


  • Fábio Silva
    Fábio Silva Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    From a pastor's standpoint. Basically I would want the software to evolve in a way where it would be my main HUB for pastoral work. A few scattered thoughts on this

    Notes and Sermon Editor still feel clunky at times, it would be nice to see them improve over time.

    I like the prayer list feature, and have found it helpful in the past. Could we introduce a personal Agenda/Diary that would perhaps link/sync to mainstream calendar software (Google Calendar and Apple equivalent)?

    As a pastor you want to remember important dates in your flock's life (death of loved ones, birthdays, marriage/conversion/baptism anniversaries, etc.), maybe record previous pastoral visits notes (dates when you visited, favourite hymns, favourite bible passages) and other important info to keep in mind.

    I know you can use the notes document for this (create a separate notebook for each member or something like that)...but...

    Would be nice to have a specialized tool that would allow us to quickly pull up a "members file" and look over it in an instant, it would be awesome to have this synced up with the calendar/diary tool and have the Logos App remind you to give a call to that member in a special date.

    I realize that many Logos users are not pastors, but then again, many are not preachers as well and the Sermon App is a thing. 

    These are just ideas, but would really like to see Logos developing towards becoming a Pastoral Hub kind of App as well

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Logos is primarily a Bible study tool.  Anyone studying the Bible will often refer to sermons just like they would a commentary.  And teaching and preaching the Bible rely on good Bible tools.  Some of your ideas have nothing to do with the Bible.  The more things we want Logos to do, the clumsier it will work.  

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    As a pastor you want to remember important dates in your flock's life (death of loved ones, birthdays, marriage/conversion/baptism anniversaries, etc.), maybe record previous pastoral visits notes (dates when you visited, favourite hymns, favourite bible passages) and other important info to keep in mind.

    Faithlife recognises the need for these sorts of tools and are making this type of functionality available through their Ministry Tracker - https://www.ministrytracker.com/features - suite. You might want to look at this and see if it addresses your needs.

    This is discussed in more detail at https://faithlife.com/ministry-tracker

  • Fábio Silva
    Fábio Silva Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    Logos is primarily a Bible study tool.  Anyone studying the Bible will often refer to sermons just like they would a commentary.  And teaching and preaching the Bible rely on good Bible tools.  Some of your ideas have nothing to do with the Bible.  The more things we want Logos to do, the clumsier it will work.  

    I realise that, but then again we have prayer lists [;)] and devotionals

  • Fábio Silva
    Fábio Silva Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    As a pastor you want to remember important dates in your flock's life (death of loved ones, birthdays, marriage/conversion/baptism anniversaries, etc.), maybe record previous pastoral visits notes (dates when you visited, favourite hymns, favourite bible passages) and other important info to keep in mind.

    Faithlife recognises the need for these sorts of tools and are making this type of functionality available through their Ministry Tracker - https://www.ministrytracker.com/features - suite. You might want to look at this and see if it addresses your needs.

    This is discussed in more detail at https://faithlife.com/ministry-tracker

    Seems interesting, thank you.

    The price is certainly prohibitive for me, I would just want to have the convenience of having a feature on Logos do that and not have to pay a 50$ monthly price for a calendar and a basic database that is easy to codify into any software (that's what I would be using it for basically)

  • JohnB
    JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭

    It would great if the Personal Book Builder could handle pdf files.

    Oh it would indeed! 

    Sadly that is will always be a non-starter in the immediate future unless we are happy with the layout of the converted book to look exactly like a picture of the pages of the pdf (no fluid text etc,). Occasional I find Kindle files are like this. 

    I convert pdf's on a regular basis using the best 'state of the art' convertors I have found and almost ALWAYS have to carry out time consuming manual adjustments/corrections to the converted layout. The problem is that the fancier the original was that was used to create the pdf the more problem the convertor has to make an accurate job in converting. A straightforward pdf of a book with a modern sharp/clean typeface and no fancy layouts, footnotes or pictures is easy but don't even ask about fuzzy English, Greek and Hebrew text  on the same page, Agh!

  • Mark Galer
    Mark Galer Member Posts: 69 ✭✭

    Have the verse you are reading highlighted to make it easier to read and follow. When you scroll your mouse wheel, have the highlighting jump to the next verse, etc.


  • Marek.
    Marek. Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    • Performance issue - faster logos.

    • iPadOS version. I'm using iPad Pro most of the time, even I still have Macbook and logos app do not match the tablet. It would be great to have logos desktop version on the iPad.


  • jth
    jth Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    I hope FL realizes that in some countries privacy protection is quite strong and its illegal to collect data registers about people without permission, before they make this kind of tool.

  • David Betts
    David Betts Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    - Option similar to “Update Now” & “Update Resources” —> “Download Resources”  - with ability to choose all, or click to choose.

    - For video courses: space bar to pause; left arrow, or arrow buttons on screen “rewind” 10 seconds (or user ability to chose) - similar to VLC player.

    - Speed chooser on Mac like on PC. MORE speed choices like on VLC. [I must slow LXX reading to 40% in order to “keep up” as noted below]

    To supplement Learn Greek and Hebrew in Logos:
       [listening to this reading puts Greek in a new light compared to learning one word at a time]
    Greek Bible audio/video files here: https://www.youtube.com/user/AntonTasos/videos
         I’ve downloaded all these and play them on VLC with Logos on left 1/2 of Screen, VLC on right
         For me Swete is best option: Greek on top, English bottom. You may differ.
         Swete text at times is different than ‘Anton Tasos Channel’ videos.
         [TMI] To avoid confusion when I jot down a reference from LXX, I put X at end, e.g. Px for Ps; Gex for Gen, etc.

    Blessings… Shalom to your home

  • Jack King
    Jack King Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I want to select a large block of text in Logos iOS that exceeds a single page in paging made. Logos iOS doesn't seem to have the highlighting selecting function that Kindle does, where selected/highlighted text can turn a page when dragged to the corner. Right now I have to make two highlights. I'm aware of the scrolling view, but that is problematic because it causes eye strain when reading for long periods. The highlighting-pagination feature seems like an obvious improvement to the Logos iOS mode. 

  • Martin Hall
    Martin Hall Member Posts: 288 ✭✭

    Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but it has to do with Workflows. I like the idea of the WF, and I like that it places the responses in the Notes tool. However, I really do not like how many notes some out of each WF and that there is a stack of notes on the anchor. For example, when I do a WF on a specific anchor text, I will have like 10 notes associated with that anchor text, and when I hover over them, it looks rather jumbled because I am answering specific questions (which do not appear in the note). 

    I guess maybe a better way to get around this is for there to be a different view for the WF responses, or maybe in the Notes Tool to be able to have the ability to create Folders, within Folders, or possibly make the WF responses a completely different tool; and maybe make it so that the responses would turn up in the guides as their own section, I don't know. Regardless, I find the multiple notes that are a result of a WF rather annoying. 

  • MWW
    MWW Member Posts: 428 ✭✭

    From a pastor's standpoint. Basically I would want the software to evolve in a way where it would be my main HUB for pastoral work. A few scattered thoughts on this

    Notes and Sermon Editor still feel clunky at times, it would be nice to see them improve over time.

    I like the prayer list feature, and have found it helpful in the past. Could we introduce a personal Agenda/Diary that would perhaps link/sync to mainstream calendar software (Google Calendar and Apple equivalent)?

    As a pastor you want to remember important dates in your flock's life (death of loved ones, birthdays, marriage/conversion/baptism anniversaries, etc.), maybe record previous pastoral visits notes (dates when you visited, favourite hymns, favourite bible passages) and other important info to keep in mind.

    I know you can use the notes document for this (create a separate notebook for each member or something like that)...but...

    Would be nice to have a specialized tool that would allow us to quickly pull up a "members file" and look over it in an instant, it would be awesome to have this synced up with the calendar/diary tool and have the Logos App remind you to give a call to that member in a special date.

    You might want to check out Faithlife Equip which is geared toward this type (chms) of information management. https://equip.faithlife.com/ 

  • Phil
    Phil Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Would like to be able to sync new and updated resources without loading the client, such as through the indexer...

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    Not bad from the mobile app:

    Those coins look great.  Though the right one looks like an old logo from Disney. The 3 somethings. The fish reminds me, there was cultural significance with how Jesus cooked fish.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Jan Krohn
    Jan Krohn Member Posts: 3,862 ✭✭✭

    Location system for academic citations for resources without page numbers. It could be similar to the Kindle locations, which many authors already use for citations.


  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I keep a print Bible handy when I do my Bible reading.  I would prefer to do it entirely on Logos, but Logos has so many fits and starts, coughs and wheezes, I never know how it's going to respond.  It's like everything I do, every click, I wish I had a clock recording all the seconds I wait, at the end of the day it's like I spent that much time just waiting for something to happen.

    More often than not lately, I just read the Bible the old-fashioned way.  Less down time.  More efficient use of my time.

    I'm seriously thinking about not upgrading if it means spending more money.  I don't need all the bells and whistles, fancy searches I never use.  I would be spending too much time just watching videos so I know how to do all those things.  

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Larry, that should not be your experience. Please start a new thread with your problems and let's see if we can work through them. Yes, there are some glitches and slowdowns but not to the point they should make reading a pain. If you don't document and complain Logos doesn't know to fix it.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Thanks, MJ  You're always there when I need you.

  • David Betts
    David Betts Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    For L9

    This example is from LA181 Learn to Use Biblical Greek but may apply elsewhere as well.

    At the end of a lesson, a locked resource is encountered:

    Click on the padlock takes you to:

    Rather than one more (time-consuming) distraction for the lesson, this needs "Add to Wishlist" button.

    The Wishlist would categorize these items according to each course for later review.

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Ability to insert customized hyperlinks in the sermon editor that take you to specific resources.  Also the ability to change the font color in the sermon editor.
