Logos 9 Wishlist



  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    DAL said:

    I think it will end May 15th


    Hope you're right. I asked a Faithlife agent, and they said they suspected it was a two week sale. What are your sources?

  • Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Dark Mode

  • Dark Mode

    Dark Mode # 1 voting continues to increase in the Top 3 Logos 8 UserVoice suggestions:

    1,762 Votes => Night Mode for PC/Mac (+720 since 3 Dec 2019)

    1,173 Votes => Import/Export notes to/from Evernote. (+14 since 3 Dec 2019)

      956 Votes => Focus on tablet and touchscreen features (+92 since 3 Dec 2019)

    Keep Smiling Smile

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    This is a contest?  The one with the most votes wins?  They're relying on just those who write in to decide what to fix or change?  I hope they look at each idea as itself and think, wow, that's a good idea.  

    I hate to think the suggestions I've made will go nowhere unless a thousand other people have the same suggestion.  That's a bit like saying we won't develop a wheel unless a thousand other people think we should.  When somebody invents something, that person may be the only person who's thought of it.

  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    This is a contest?  The one with the most votes wins?  They're relying on just those who write in to decide what to fix or change?  I hope they look at each idea as itself and think, wow, that's a good idea.  

    I hate to think the suggestions I've made will go nowhere unless a thousand other people have the same suggestion.  That's a bit like saying we won't develop a wheel unless a thousand other people think we should.  When somebody invents something, that person may be the only person who's thought of it.

    The fact they asked for this thread would seem to indicate they're willing to take a look at all ideas. Otherwise, they would have just posted a link to the other page and told people to go there with their ideas. 

    That said, I'm not sure what a better way of doing it would be. Imagine if there are 3,000 people who want dark mode, then you make a suggestion very few people want. Then, they implement your suggestion and 3,000 other users are unhappy with the product. 

    What you should do, is go to the page where they vote, and do a search for your idea. If it's already there, then vote for it, and promote the option with a link. If it's not there, create it, then try to sell people on it. 

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    thank you.  You have a point about numbers.  

    The point I was trying to make is that you can't always judge how many people would want/like something based on how many people thought of it and suggested it.  You make the statement that my ideas may be something that very few people want.  I'm not talking about creating new features, but obvious improvements on what's there already.  Seems that might be easier to do than other things.  

    Try to sell people on it?  How would I do that?  I put my ideas on the forum.  

  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    thank you.  You have a point about numbers.  

    The point I was trying to make is that you can't always judge how many people would want/like something based on how many people thought of it and suggested it.

    Yes. That's why you set up a voting page and let people vote on it, to see how many people would like the idea. Imagine how hard it would be for them to read every single article, then try to keep track of it in their head, to see which ideas are most wanted. 

      You make the statement that my ideas may be something that very few people want.  I'm not talking about creating new features, but obvious improvements on what's there already.  Seems that might be easier to do than other things.  

    Then your idea is to improve an existing feature. Name the feature, explain the improvement you want. Set it up on the voting page. Then come here and lobby for people to vote on it.

    Try to sell people on it?  How would I do that?  I put my ideas on the forum.  

    Right. In threads like this and the places where you post your ideas, you explain your improvement, then include a link to your idea that can be found on the voting page.

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I've been a Logos user for maybe ten  years.  I have no idea where to find a voting page.  Seems there's two worlds of Logos users.  Those who really get involved and those who are just trying to get by in the world.  For people like me, it's like there's a whole 'nother world out there.  

    Now I am really, really busy but if you can direct me to this here voting page, I'll see what I can do.

    Thanks again.

  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    I've been a Logos user for maybe ten  years.  I have no idea where to find a voting page.  Seems there's two worlds of Logos users.  Those who really get involved and those who are just trying to get by in the world.  For people like me, it's like there's a whole 'nother world out there.  

    Now I am really, really busy but if you can direct me to this here voting page, I'll see what I can do.

    Thanks again.

    Here are the links for voting on Logos, Logos Mobile, and Books: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/122900.aspx

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    So I posted an idea.  So I wanted to post another one, and it said that I can't.  I should post an idea about that, but I can't do that either.

  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    So I posted an idea.  So I wanted to post another one, and it said that I can't.  I should post an idea about that, but I can't do that either.

    I'm not sure how that works. They may limit the number of suggestions you can submit within a given period of time. Maybe try again in 10 minutes. Anyone know about this?

  • MVP Posts: 54,774

    They're relying on just those who write in to decide what to fix or change? 

    1. Development is a mix of user initiated ideas and Faihtlife initiated ideas. I don't know the percentage split.
    2. Voting is to allow for user prioritization - it is only one factor in what gets done.
    3. They also have user groups, or at least one of ministers, that provide some sort of guidance. I've only seen posts asking for volunteers so don't ask me for details.
    4. Fixes do not need to go through suggestions - they need to get on the bug report where people with the information on how many people are effected, the difficulty of the fix, when they'll be in the code anyway . . . prioritize the works
    5. They do some sort of useability testing despite my suspicions to the contrary.
    6. Some stuff gets done - a reasonable amount for the size of their staff; some stuff isn't done -- reasonable given the size of their staff.
    7. Best way to get more done - promote Logos/Verbum sales especially among user who can afford to build up large libraries ... more income, more staff.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Thank  you

    So one of the users, well, Lee, suggested I post my ideas on their voting page.  I post one, and it won't let me post another.  To me, anyone who wants good ideas won't limit those who want to give them.  Sheesh!

    Thanks again

  • MVP Posts: 54,774

    So one of the users, well, Lee, suggested I post my ideas on their voting page.  I post one, and it won't let me post another.  To me, anyone who wants good ideas won't limit those who want to give them.  Sheesh!

    I can't recreate this problem. Start a new thread and some of us will try to sort it out for you.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • I've been a Logos user for maybe ten  years.  I have no idea where to find a voting page.

    Logos Wiki => https://wiki.logos.com/ includes:

    Logos Wiki">

    Help Prioritize Development

    Every user has 10 votes per UserVoice forum
    Up to 3 votes for one suggestion

    To create UserVoice suggestion idea needs one or more votes by user.

    So I posted an idea.

    Noticed create subfolders in priorizing resources has 0 votes (so sorting UserVoice suggestions by descending # of votes places this new idea in the last set of ideas). FYI: UserVoice currently has ~ 1,960 suggestions with more than 10 that would be useful for me so dreaming of more votes per user OR improving UserVoice prioritization feedback for Faithlife development.

    create subfolders in priorizing resources">

    The prioritizing function works best for prioritizing your top Bibles and lexicons. But if you have a hundred commentaries on a Bible book ( I have far more.), using the prioritizing function is like throwing darts in the dark. You can't keep track of where the books are relative to each other. You need either (ideally) to be able to move books up and down while in, say, a passage guide in the preferred order, or, while in the library prioritizing function, create a folder for each book of the Bible to be used in, say, passage guide searches. Then, and only then, will you be able to put the books you really want first to be first, and those you don't really care about way, way down.

    Concur prioritizing lots of commentaries per Bible Book is challenging (my library has 5,016 Bible Commentaries). Web site => https://www.bestcommentaries.com/topcommentaries/ shows some single volumes with commentary about many books being in the Top Two for some Bible books. For Example, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC) is in the Top Two for Jonah and Micah, but not Obadiah. Top Two commentaries shows a variety of commentary series. My work around for Top Two Commentaries is a custom series (and title prefix modification, see thread => Listing Commentaries by Bible), which has four resources for Obadiah. My Library prioritization has my favorite commentary series first => UBS Handbook Series Old & New Testament Collection (55 vols.) followed by my custom Top Two series. Passage Guide shows resources in my Top Two series by alphabetic title order: for me that is chronological since have modified commentary titles to begin with year the author(s) finished writing content (can be lots of years before publication, which can include translation).

    My library prioritization includes a number of advanced prioritizations, but none of them use "in this range". Hence, an advanced prioritization idea is enhancing "in this range" to have a check box list of Bible Books (when the Resource has Bible indexing).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 4,200 ✭✭✭

    Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.

    International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.

    MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD

  • Member Posts: 577 ✭✭✭

    Dell XPS 17 9700, W11, 32GB, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
    L5+L9+L10 Portfolio | Logos Max | Translator's Workplace

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for taking the time to write. You've been there a lot for me in the past. 

    I bookmarked the page for voting from a previous respondent.  Why on earth would they limit suggestions from one person?  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  Ever hear of Thomas Edison?  Thomas, now I only want you to invent ten things.  We need to let other people have a chance for all these patents.  Don't be selfish.

    You seem to be content, if I understand you right, to only prioritize a few commentaries for each book.  I don't have as many commentaries as you (4362), but I can see a need to prioritize a lot of them.  When I can expand the list 4 -5 times, I don't want some really good books buried under 200 other  commentaries, but with the current system of prioritization, after a while, you have no idea where the books are in order except for knowing that prioritized some and not others.

    We can and need to do better.

  • You seem to be content, if I understand you right, to only prioritize a few commentaries for each book.  I don't have as many commentaries as you (4362), but I can see a need to prioritize a lot of them.  When I can expand the list 4 -5 times, I don't want some really good books buried under 200 other  commentaries, but with the current system of prioritization, after a while, you have no idea where the books are in order except for knowing that prioritized some and not others.

    My custom series (individual volumes from a variety of sets) for "Top 2 Commentaries" ranges from 2 volumes for Ezra to 8 volumes for Micah with most Bible Books having 3 or 4 volumes (Top Two variety: Technical, Pastoral, Devotional, Special, Jewish). Currently have 108 Library Prioritizations of Commentaries (mostly series). Hence any Passage Guide has a decent starting prioritization order (UBS, Top 2 Volumes, Others). If find a really good commentary volume, then can add it to my custom "Top 2 Commentaries" for future use. Also if not like a "Top 2" volume, can remove it from my custom series (deleting custom value allows default value to be restored). Part of my commentary title convention includes series abbreviation, which allows me to find all volumes in a set (those in Top 2 and those in original series). For example, Word Biblical Commentary (WBC) has 61 volumes with 23 of them in my "Top 2 Commentaries" series.

    For prioritization (and library filtering), dreaming of special attributes being visible in Library: e.g. Indexes, Reverse interlinears, ...

    Also dreaming of library purchase date (ideally with order correlation so can find initial purchase date for resource - easier to verify what was new to library when an order was placed for a base package, expansion, ...)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    ...Hence any Passage Guide has a decent starting prioritization order (UBS, Top 2 Volumes, Others)...

    Do you use UBS for translating, or just for a regular commentary? If just for a regular commentary, how good is it, in your opinion? 

  • Member Posts: 107 ✭✭

    That I would be able to rearrange my entire library the way I would like it.  

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I think you should give some examples of what you would want to do with it.  They might think you can already do that.  They have a lot of options already available.

  • Do you use UBS for translating, or just for a regular commentary? If just for a regular commentary, how good is it, in your opinion? 

    Regular commentary that focuses on key concepts for translation with cross cultural expression and textual criticism.

    Logos Wiki => Logos Resource Reviews includes UBS New Testament Handbook Series and UBS Old Testament Handbook Series

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I have a large library (20,000 titles).  I have spent way too much time organizing them, things like adding author's name to books, adding the series title for commentaries.  when I am working with the library, every time I make a change to a book, tag or title, it goes all the way to the top, so I have to scroll back down to where i was working.  Way too much time wasted, but Logos really needs to have author and series names with book titles.  It doesn't help to have a hundred books titled Gospel of John.  

    Logos can do more to have more pre-made collections or try harder to tag monographs more.  I have hundreds of monographs that are specific to a book of the Bible or, say, the gospels.  When I do a passage guide on, say, Matthew something, all the relevant monographs about Matthew should appear in a section already set up by Logos.  Users spend way too much time trying to make their libraries more usable.

    Thank you.

  • I have a large library (20,000 titles).  I have spent way too much time organizing them, things like adding author's name to books, adding the series title for commentaries.  when I am working with the library, every time I make a change to a book, tag or title, it goes all the way to the top, so I have to scroll back down to where i was working.  Way too much time wasted, but Logos really needs to have author and series names with book titles.  It doesn't help to have a hundred books titled Gospel of John.  

    Concur, especially annoying is Library refresh automatically interrupting Title customization (so have to find partially modified Title to reselect resource information before can complete customization)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Concur, especially annoying is Library refresh automatically interrupting Title customization (so have to find partially modified Title to reselect resource information before can complete customization)

    Keep Smiling Smile

    This is my #1 issue I need addressed. 

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Logos can do more to have more pre-made collections or try harder to tag monographs more.  I have hundreds of monographs that are specific to a book of the Bible or, say, the gospels.  When I do a passage guide on, say, Matthew something, all the relevant monographs about Matthew should appear in a section already set up by Logos.  Users spend way too much time trying to make their libraries more usable.

    I'm not disagreeing with your main point, but using the subject field can be a big help in finding monographs that deal with particular books of the Bible. You can then create dynamic collections of these books for future use. For example, I can find monographs on Deuteronomy by using the filter type:monograph subject:Deuteronomy.

    But while all these books might be useful for a general study on Deuteronomy, I'm not sure how many would be useful in a study of a particular passage in Deuteronomy – which is no doubt one of the reasons why Logos doesn't include them in the Passage Guide.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Thanks, Mark

    I know using the index of a book to find helpful information on a passage in the Bible is a crapshoot, but I have found a lot of monographs which are essentially commentaries, just not organized or complete enough to meet FL standards.  

    I have 12,000 books listed as monographs.  I feel like I'm not getting full use of them, and I think Logos could and should do more.  

    Ever use WordSearch.  When I do, I use their cross reference function, which is comparable to passage guide.  Every book in my library is categorized under helpful labels and not simply monographs (miscellaneous).  

    Using your suggestion is helpful.  But there are 66 books in the Bible.  The time Logos saves me in a search I spend more than that trying to organize my library better..  

  • Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    But there are 66 books in the Bible.

    Sure. But we normally only study one or two at at time. Create your collections, as and when you need them. It only takes a few seconds.

    Ever use WordSearch.  When I do, I use their cross reference function, which is comparable to passage guide.

    I'm fairly sure that their cross-reference function is comparable to the Collections section of the Passage Guide. If you don't want to create 66 collections, just create a Monographs collection, and then use that in the Collections section of the Passage Guide.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • MVP Posts: 54,774

    But while all these books might be useful for a general study on Deuteronomy, I'm not sure how many would be useful in a study of a particular passage in Deuteronomy – which is no doubt one of the reasons why Logos doesn't include them in the Passage Guide.

    This is, I think, a function of what is in your library. I have a number of monographs, paper and Logos, that are thorough studies of a single event, chapter, even a few verses. I agree with those who believe that FL underindexes essays, academic papers, and "true" monographs.

    PS. Some of us have more than 66 books; some of us rarely study a single book in the context of church/ministry. I handle the problem with a large number of heading/large text searches on collections where I am less familiar with the materials; a simple passage search (or collection in Passage Guide) for materials I know better.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    too late  all done

    thank you for taking the time to try to help me

  • Member Posts: 199 ✭✭

    - Add remaining pages to end reading the current chapter.

    - Enable reading progress bar in several columns mode.

  • Member Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭

    I'll admit that I have not read through all 20+ pages of this thread, so it might be here. But, I would love the ability to create a notebook in Notes from a new note..i.e. when I go to the select notebook screen, there be an option right there to create a New Notebook. 

    If that's already possible and I've somehow been missing it..please let me know. Thanks! 

    Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC

  • Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    Here's a few additional pieces of feedback for Logos 9:

    Overall, I was pleased with the rollout of Logos 8. I enjoyed the feature enhancements, plus the rollout to Faithlife Connect users went smoothly. The base package upgrades were also very affordable and the most affordable I've purchased in a long while. My first recommendation is: duplicate what you did with Logos 8, don't "mess it up", and overall, you'll be a success.

    I would also use this time to put the brakes on major new features and use this time to fine-tune Logos and make enhancements to existing features. Logos 9 would be a good time to have a "Snow Leopard" or "Windows 7" release. Some areas to focus on:

    • Performance: “If it would save a person’s life, could you find a way to shave 10 seconds off the search time for concordance? the indexing?, etc?"
    • Cross Platform Support: Continue to bring more features to mobile and the web so we can do more with Logos everywhere we go.
    • Enhance Logos 8 features: Possibly make some minor enhancements to Workflows, the new Home Page, Theology Guide, the new Notes, Canvas, etc.
    • Get More Out of Books: I have over 10,000 books in Logos. Before I invest in another base package upgrade, it would be great to find ways to get more out of the books I own and see how to leverage the power of my existing library.
    • Bible study tips from Logos employees: I'd like to see this go beyond the Logos Pro team. I want to know how typical Logos employees use Logos on their day-to-day use. How does Bob, Phil, my sales rep, customer service reps, etc., use Logos on a regular basis. Seeing their Bible study tips and processes would encourage me in my personal studies.

    I don't need Logos 9 to be flashy or to wow me. Just double down on giving the program a major tuneup so it's speedy, stable, and solid and I'm happy.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Hi Nathan

    Just looking over your suggestions, I think you should probably be a little more specific. If I was at Logos, I wouldn't know a lot of the time exactly what I would do to help here.

    Get more out of your books.  What are you looking for?  Some people have suggested adding author's names and series titles.  More premade collections to add to existing guides.  

    Bible study tips.  There is a Facebook site for that already.  Don't worry about what Logos staff people do.  They have fulltime jobs doing other things.  Ask the people who prepare sermons and teach for a living how they use Logos.  It's Logos Bible Tips and Tricks.

    Enhance features.  Like what?

    The more specific you can be, the more likely I think you might see what you want.  

    But then I don't work for them.  I'm hoping for a lot of things too.


  • Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    Dark mode, the text turns white and the screen back ground goes black... easier on the eyes when your reading in the dark at 2am

  • Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    I almost always use google to search for verses, from the partial phrase that I can remember... it is way faster and you can be a lot sloppier with what you input and still google will usually come back with the right chapter and verse citation

  • Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    Dark mode, the text turns white and the screen back ground goes black... easier on the eyes when your reading in the dark at 2am

    Yes, please!

  • Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    I almost always use google to search for verses, from the partial phrase that I can remember... it is way faster and you can be a lot sloppier with what you input and still google will usually come back with the right chapter and verse citation

    I also

  • Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Mark said:

    I also

    Didn't want to say anything, but me too. 

  • Member Posts: 1,515 ✭✭✭

    Didn't want to say anything, but me too. 

    Me too

  • Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    El editor de dispositivas es pésimo, deben hacer una conexión con Power Point  o integralo con sofware externo de diseño como Illustrator de Adobe.

  • Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    Hi Nathan

    Just looking over your suggestions, I think you should probably be a little more specific. If I was at Logos, I wouldn't know a lot of the time exactly what I would do to help here.

    Get more out of your books.  What are you looking for?  Some people have suggested adding author's names and series titles.  More premade collections to add to existing guides.  

    Bible study tips.  There is a Facebook site for that already.  Don't worry about what Logos staff people do.  They have fulltime jobs doing other things.  Ask the people who prepare sermons and teach for a living how they use Logos.  It's Logos Bible Tips and Tricks.

    Enhance features.  Like what?

    The more specific you can be, the more likely I think you might see what you want.  

    But then I don't work for them.  I'm hoping for a lot of things too.


    Thanks for the followup. Some of what I'm suggesting is open-ended (I just hit the high points, and I'm giving the creatives at Logos a chance to think through them on specifics and surprise me). 

    In terms of getting more out of my books, anything Logos can do to surface books in my library I may not be using enough so I'm getting more out of my large library would work for me. Whether that's more book suggestions on the home page, possibly surfacing books in the guides and putting taglines next to books I haven't opened in a while suggesting I take a look at them, premade collections, etc. 

    I do enjoy hearing from actual Logos users as well (and integrating more of that into Logos would be nice, maybe a Logos Bible Tips and Tricks Faithlife group with videos and posts from Logos users would be good). The reason I also care about hearing from Logos staff members is not to detract from their full-time jobs, but I like knowing they're a user of the product as well. I work in software training and support for a major weather company, and when I put together tutorials and webinars, I go beyond just throwing out the features and giving customers enough to show how to impress people at a office Christmas party. I show our customers how I personally use the program in a day-to-day workflow, and I show customers I am as much of a daily user of the product as they are. It's made a world of difference in our sales, marketing, and support. When customers know your sales, marketing, support, and management are actively using the product, it gives the customer the confidence to use the product themselves. 

    In terms of existing features, Theology Guide is off to a good start. Possibly integrating Biblical and Historical Theology into the guide would be good (links to resources, theological topics from those fields, etc). In terms of Notes and the Home Page, I don't have anything specific there, but I know other customers had plenty to say about these major changes, so incorporating their feedback would be good. Overall I'm enjoying Workflows. Some clarity on when to use Guides vs Workflows would be good (I understand it, but new customers may not), and additional workflows for theological studies would be nice (even though I've created my own). Canvas is off to a good start, but export options could be enhanced, and maybe some Canvas templates for those really new to Canvas would be good.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Armin said:

    Me too

    Mark, Lee Gordon, Armin: can you provide some more information on this? 

    • Are you comparing Google to Fuzzy Bible Search? (Basic Search, select Search Everything, enter a phrase: see screenshot below) Or are you searching some other way? 
    • If so, do you prefer Google because the results better match what you expect? 
    • If so, can you provide some specific examples where you think Google provides better results? 

    (While we don't have Google's resources, we're always looking for ways to improve our performance)

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    Sean. Please, Please, Please. Develop a simple reader (can be expanded later) to read Logos books on mobile devices. The current ios screen reader just does not cut it.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Sean. Please, Please, Please. Develop a simple reader (can be expanded later) to read Logos books on mobile devices. The current ios screen reader just does not cut it.

    Thanks for your feedback Lynden. Can you provide more details as to why the current iOS app doesn't work well for you, and what features you wish it had? By "screen reader" I assume you mean reading books aloud? Logos on iOS only provides that for certain Bibles through a special audio edition (see https://community.logos.com/forums/t/169143.aspx).

  • MVP Posts: 9,012

    Thanks for your feedback Lynden. Can you provide more details as to why the current iOS app doesn't work well for you, and what features you wish it had? By "screen reader" I assume you mean reading books aloud? Logos on iOS only provides that for certain Bibles through a special audio edition (see https://community.logos.com/forums/t/169143.aspx).

    Something that just reads the contents of the resources. Similar to what we have on the Desktop version of Logos.

    1. Open a resource in Logos.
    2. CTRL + R
    3. The software reads the resource, using the default reader in Windows.

    I will be satisfied with just that. A reader that can recognize words and pronounce them. Like to listen to resources while driving etc..

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Thanks for confirming Lynden. It's definitely on our list of additional features for Mobile. I agree that listening to resources on mobile is an important use case (i do it all the time while gardening). 


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