Factbook deficiencies

I haven't used Factbook a lot, but am starting to. Much I like about it. I started using it while working through the NT331 Romans MobileEd course. Factbook is linked a lot in the study. While looking at one of the topics suggested, "Church at Rome," I noticed that of the five reference works listed for relevant articles, only one actually linked to an article on the church in Rome (Zondervan-link encircled in green). The other four, including FL's own work, Lexham Bible Dictionary, all linked to Aristobulus (links encircled with red). Sure, he may have been part of the church in Rome, but the article is hardly about the church.
I pulled up two reference works listed and found articles that actually dealt with the intended subject at hand. (encircled with orange) and drew a black line with the fact book entry indicating the incongruence with what was supposed to be with what is. I imagine this has to do with how the resources are tagged, but, clearly in a very promising tool, quite a failure here. Perhaps this has been discussed before, but a quick search in the forums didn't show me anything, bears bringing up again and encouraging Logos to make this better.
graphic below:
(*the Lexham reference was originally encircled with orange, but in changing to green for the Zondervan work, I see, as I am posting, that the Lexham circle also switched to green...I'm just not going to go back and redo the graphic for time's sake.)
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.
Thanks Friedrich, we'll follow up and review the data.
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Sean Boisen said:
Thanks Friedrich, we'll follow up and review the data.
Thanks, Sean, it would make the resource/activity that much more valuable. I'm not sure what goes into all of that, I imagine it is a lot of work.Thank you.
I always appreciate all you who make Logos/Verbum/Faithlife work.
I like Apples. Especially Honeycrisp.