Collection or Series: Your recommendation

Deon Holtzhausen
Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi all and thanks again.

With day #28 of total lock-down in South Africa, I have time to everyday learn more about Logos can do. This really is an excellent tool.

So, I have just discovered that I have also "Bible studies" in my library. (Wish I knew this a couple of years ago.)

  1. How do I search for all my Bible study books? I have just discovered "Not Your Average Bible Study".
  2. I want to find and categorise all my Bible studies. Is it better to create a Collection, "Bible studies" or Series, "Bible studies".
  3. I need these Bible to be found by Bible text, the same as with commentaries.

Thank you for your help. I am learning a lot with all your help.

