How to fix this: VisualFilterSyncItem error: ClientError (Startup)

Deon Holtzhausen
Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello everyone.

How can I fix this error. I have un-ticked ALL the boxes onder Visual Filter and also deleted the 2 visual filters I created.

I please need to fix this error because I cannot sync:

2020-05-01 11:00:42.8628 ERROR 20 SyncManager | Sync client VisualFilterSyncItem error: ClientError (Startup)

Thank you so long.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,050

    HI Deon

    Please upload a logos.log file after a failed sync attempt


  • Deon Holtzhausen
    Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Please upload a logos.log file after a failed sync attempt

    Hi Graham. Apologies ... I forgot to upload.

    Please find attached.8831.Logos.log

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,050

    Thanks Deon

    It looks as though there is one Visual Filter entry that is causing the problem as per:

    2020-05-01 12:04:14.5641 ERROR 21 DatabaseSyncClientRepository | Item of type VisualFilterSyncItem failed to submit; marked as error: 410ce0ad9c2241fd9dbd847193dccff2

    I'm afraid I don't know how to translate that to a specific Visual Filter.

    It probably will require deleting the Visual Filter database on your computer - which would then be re-downloaded - but I would like to see if anyone else has any comments / insights first


  • Deon Holtzhausen
    Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    It probably will require deleting the Visual Filter database on your computer - which would then be re-downloaded - but I would like to see if anyone else has any comments / insights first

    Thank you, Graham.

    How do I delete it?

    I will wait a while and see of someone else replies, but I currently have no visual filters I have created so I can just as well delete it.

    Thanks. Deon

  • Deon Holtzhausen
    Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Graham, again you're a life saver.

    I found VisualFilter.db & VisualFilter.db-journal which I renamed by adding OLD in the file name. I started up Logos which built new files and there is no sync error any more.

    Thank you once again.

    Off-topic: What do you think is the best way to learn Logos. I come with Logos since Libronix but have only done VERY basic searches. Last year I bought a very good range of video tutorials from which is based on Logos 7.

    But I find myself going through the motions/steps, moving on to the next and now getting the idea I'm almost monkey sees monkeys does ... But, saying that, I have discovered many things I have not even though Logos can do. So I am starting all over with video 1 and forcing myself to do the same search or whatever I must learn until I can do it without having to go back to the Tutorial. Like now ... I want to find all the places in the Bible where God, not Jesus, says: "I am ..." where the dots must be words like good, love and so on.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,050

    Hi Leon

    I found VisualFilter.db & VisualFilter.db-journal which I renamed by adding OLD in the file name. I started up Logos which built new files and there is no sync error any more.

    That is really good news.

    Off-topic: What do you think is the best way to learn Logos. I come with Logos since Libronix but have only done VERY basic searches. Last year I bought a very good range of video tutorials from which is based on Logos 7.

    There are some series of training videos available on the Logos website that take you through a study process. 

    They are geared around working through a particular study process and applying Logos tools in the appropriate places. You might find them useful.

    Like now ... I want to find all the places in the Bible where God, not Jesus, says: "I am ..." where the dots must be words like good, love and so on.

    For me - it often starts with right-clicking something and seeing what follows!

    So taking your example above - the first thing is to find words spoken by God. To work out how to do that I would go to a verse where God is speaking - such as Genesis 1:6 - and right click on one of the words he says. Then select the "Speaker" item on the left and run a Bible search


    so now I have all the places in the Bible where God is tagged as speaking.

    Now I need to know that to find particular words within that I use the WITHIN operator

    This gives 155 results which you might choose to work through and see which meet your criteria

    Or you can add in the words you are interested in - such as "love"

    Note that the "I am" BEFORE love is enclosed in brackets to indicate that the whole construct needs to be present in the words of God

    The BEFORE operator says that the words "i am" need to come before "love" somewhere in the verse. Interestingly there is just one result and I don't think it qualifies for what you are looking for.

    To force the search to only find occurrences where the descriptive word follows immediately on from "i am" you can use "BEFORE 1 WORDS"

    As expected from above, this results in no hits

    To specify different words that are being spoken after "I am" you enclose those terms in brackets and separate with a comma (just using the word "angry" to demonstrate!)

    So your actual search string ends up as something like:

    ("i am" BEFORE 1 WORDS (love, good, kind) ) WITHIN {Speaker <Person God>}

    with no results!

    So it is important to know a few of the search rules, to know how the key operators work and then - often - you can build the search from there.

    Hope this helps a little.

  • Deon Holtzhausen
    Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Thank you very much. I have worked through all of the tutorials from Logos the last two week.

    I will study your example above.

    Ok, thanks. I must then start by right-clicking on words to see what happens from there.

    Thank you once again.

  • Deon Holtzhausen
    Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Graham, you are an excellent teacher.

    Last question ...
    How will I know (1) when a search term is wrong and (2) when the search term is right but no results? Please take a look at the example below:

    ("i am") <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1> NEAR {Speaker <Person God>} : This did return a search result, BUT, this one didn't, and the only difference is the extra brackets on the left of NEAR: (("i am") <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1>) NEAR {Speaker <Person God>}

    I thought that everything on the same side need to be enclosed, hence the reason for me having the brackets. So I assume the extra () makes the string wrong.

    Thank you once again.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,050

    How will I know (1) when a search term is wrong and (2) when the search term is right but no results?

    In general we don't! The Clause search does indicate when the search is incorrectly formed but elsewhere there is not really any indication. 

    I don't get a result with either of your searches. With multiple terms such as you have I would put an AND between them to make it clear both terms are required (I know AND is the default operator but I'm not totally sure how that works in complex searches!)

    Can you post screenshots of both searches - one with a result and one without?

    I'm also not sure about using NEAR here as opposed to INTERSECTS. NEAR suggests the thing on the right is some distance (no more than 48 characters away) but in these cases they overlap which might explain the limited results.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,050
    What I think you are seeing is to do with operator precedence - the order in which operators are evaluated.

    In the first case you are effectively searching for when "I am" is in the same verse as "good" when "good" is near to words spoken by God

    In the second case you are searching for when "I am" and "good" are in the same verse and they are both near to words spoken by God. And as "I am" is not near you don't get the hit.

    I think that is what happening but I would need confirmation from someone who knows better!
  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    ("i am") <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1> NEAR {Speaker <Person God>} : This did return a search result, BUT, this one didn't, and the only difference is the extra brackets on the left of NEAR: (("i am") <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1>) NEAR {Speaker <Person God>}

    1. If looking for words spoken by a person, then the words are WITHIN the text of {Speaker <Person God>}

    2. "i am" doesn't need parentheses (...), as the words are already associated by the quote marks "..."

    3. In a complex search, or one that involves different types of operators (like yours), use explicit AND OR

    • "i am" <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1> is simple enough to work without AND, but your search is complicated by the NEAR (or WITHIN) term
    • "i am" AND <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1> WITHIN {Speaker <Person God>}  will work because of precedence of AND, but
    • ("i am" AND <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1>) WITHIN {Speaker <Person God>} forces evaluation within parentheses (...) to be first

    I appreciate that "i am"  <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1> WITHIN {Speaker <Person God>} works, whilst ("i am"  <Root = lbs/he/טוֹב:1>) WITHIN {Speaker <Person God>} did not work, but it only illustrates the reason for the explicit AND in complex searches!


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