Request: Video Tutorials

Deon Holtzhausen
Deon Holtzhausen Member Posts: 147 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi everyone.

Firstly, I want to thank all the contributors here who are helping out guys like me. I have learned a lot about searches and who know what here since we in South Africa went on lockdown on 27 April. Thank you very much.

In my search for mostly searches, I have come across this video tutorial on Building a search criteria. I have watched this numerous times and replicated the search on my own. I don't know the author but I really enjoy his approach on teaching this, to me, difficult search.

I was wondering ... how many of you good teachers here are willing to share a video tutorial on some crazy search or something you have done? I know the help F1 on Logos is exceptional on detail and so on. But video tutorials where the author thoroughly explains what they are doing, is so much better than reading from the screen.

Maybe the admin of this group can start a Thread, called Video Tutorials or authors can share there YouTube channels with different tutorials. I have learned about search strings, short-cuts, and much much more from authors here ... many of which I never would have thought Logos is capable of.

If there are Advanced Logos users here with YouTube channels, please share it with us.

Thanks. Deon

