Odd Baker Commentary Issue...

Jeff Terrell
Jeff Terrell Member Posts: 269 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am putting together a sermon book study and assembling my commentaries. I have the BENTC commentary on Philippians (Silva) and also the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Beale). 

Steps to create the issue:

  1. I have BENTC (Silva) open and assigned the "A" Link Set...
  2. I open BECNT (Beale) and then assign the "A" Link Set...


The BECNT (Beale) automatically switches to BENTC (Silva)! I thought maybe I accidentally arrowed to the left or right (moving to the "next resource"), but when I arrow back and forth it never comes back to my BECNT (Beale).

(The linked screen recording shows really quickly what is happening.)

Odd, right? Thanks in advance!

0385.Baker Commentary Issue.mov



  • Jeff Terrell
    Jeff Terrell Member Posts: 269 ✭✭

    First time I've ever posted a screen recording...

    When I checked it I got a "missing plug-in" error. So, here is a link to the file on OneDrive (I apologize if I am violating any forum rules - happy to delete this if I am. Just hard to explain what I am experiencing without the video evidence!)

    Screen Recording

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,054

    Interesting - and I can reproduce what you are seeing.

    It's happening because they are both in the same series - Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

    When you establish the link set, the second resource tries to move to the same passage as the first one. As this is not possible - it isn't included in the book - it moves to the resource in the same series that does. In this case, the same resource as the first one.

    Does that make sense?

  • Jeff Terrell
    Jeff Terrell Member Posts: 269 ✭✭


    Thanks so much for the reply! Glad you were able to recreate (which tells me I am not crazy!).

    What is interesting is that I have a similar scenario with the NICNT series, but it works correctly!

    There are two Hebrews commentaries in this series (Bruce and Cockerill). I assigned both of these to a "B" Link Set. They remain in their respective tabs and move to the reference associated with the "B" Link Set. 

    I may have other commentary series with multiple resources on the same book and can continue to post updates, but I thought this would provide Logos with another data point.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,187 ✭✭✭✭

    You may want to repost this in the L8 forum w/ BUG in the subject line.  Kyle tends to pick up on those quicker.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,054

    Thanks so much for the reply!

    You are welcome.

    What is interesting is that I have a similar scenario with the NICNT series, but it works correctly!

    Sorry - and I clearly wasn't clear - but I was trying to say it was all working correctly!

    There are two Hebrews commentaries in this series (Bruce and Cockerill). I assigned both of these to a "B" Link Set. They remain in their respective tabs and move to the reference associated with the "B" Link Set. 

    Yes - because there is no need to change resource at this point as it is simply adjusting position within a resource.

    So I think Logos is behaving correctly - as I tried, and clearly failed, to explain earlier!

  • Jeff Terrell
    Jeff Terrell Member Posts: 269 ✭✭

    Well...this is my mistake!

    I began digging in to my Philippians study and looked for my Beale commentary in the library but couldn't find it. Well...

    Beale's commentary in the series is on Colossians and Philemon...not Philippians!

    So, when I linked that commentary with the rest of my Philippians references, Silva's appeared - because that is the only one on Philippians.

    It appears to be working properly.

    Sorry about that!

  • Jeff Terrell
    Jeff Terrell Member Posts: 269 ✭✭

    And, yes Graham, I re-read your post, and it seems this is what you are saying. [:)]