Morphological search in the Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts

Timothy Gilmartin
Timothy Gilmartin Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I am trying to do a morphological search for the Hebrew verbs in some of the Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts (e.g. 1QS / The Community Rule, CD / The Damascus Document). I am able to do this easily for the Bible in Logos, using the NRSV in my library and doing a search for "@V" in the "Morph" tab, and then all of the Hebrew verbs pop up. However, when I go to do the same thing for the Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts, no results come up, even though the Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts have all of the morphological data included in them. The only verb search that works for the QSM is typing in a random English verb, and then the Hebrew equivalent of that word from the text will appear. For research purposes though, I am trying to get all of the Hebrew verbs themselves to pop up.

Any ideas on whether this is possible?

Thanks for any answers,




  • Timothy Gilmartin
    Timothy Gilmartin Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    I actually figured it out now. All set.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,109 ✭✭✭✭

    Just a quick answer ... a morph/verb search worked for me on QSM (didn't check 1QS). 

    Just to make sure your morph argument, did you try a right-clck morph-search on a verb in QSM?



    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Timothy Gilmartin
    Timothy Gilmartin Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Hi Denise,

    When I typed in "@V" into the search bar, no results were coming up. However, when I manually selected "Verb" from the drop-menu, it is now running the search. It is taking forever though for the "Analysis" tab to populate (still loading about a half an hour later), because I searched "All Passages" in the QSM. There was no option to search for the Hebrew verbs in just one individual passage in the QSM, such as 1QS. 

    Thanks for your reply,
