Expansion of library

Thomas Holm
Thomas Holm Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi fellow Logos users, 

I was wondering if anyone has a thought on ways to expand your library or has run into another thread. There seem to multiple ways of expanding your library but I'm trying to compare expansion via Base Packages or the Library Expansion Bundles. 

Kindest regards, 



  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭

    Hi Thomas, welcome to the forums,

    The base packages hold the biggest discount, and are a great way to build the library.

    I like to to pick up lower tier denominational base packages that contain a few resources at least that I desire and just account for the price of them. If the price of the base package is decent price if I were to buy those desired resources alone, which often it is, then all the additional resources that come bundled I see as essentially a bonus. I will often wait until there is a base package sale for a deeper discount.

    The Library Expansions and the Feature Expansion both have good discounts right now, and I will apply the same strategy as for the base packages, if there is something I would like, and the expansion price alone is nice for the desired resources, I will get it, and get the other resources as a bonus. https://www.logos.com/library-feature-expansion-sale

    I would also suggest looking at https://wiki.logos.com/free_logos_books and signing up to the various notifications at the bottom. https://heidoc.net/mailman/listinfo/vyrso-90_heidoc.net produce by forum user Jan Krohn is good to sign up to, it will alert you if a resource gets a 90% or more discount.

    You can also add some bookmarks to the book store sorted by 'Savings' such that it shows unowned logos.com books ordered by saving. https://www.logos.com/search?limit=60&page=1&ownership=unowned&geographicAvailability=all&filters=availability-storefront-lo_Available%20At%2Bstatus-live_Status&sortBy=Savings

    Hope this helps

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,209 ✭✭✭✭

    I think it depends on your 'library philosophy'.

    I like my library to be targeted .... has what I need ... doesn't have what I don't need. And that's how I purchase. If a package is targeted to what I need (typically a specific library expansion), then I expand. Else pass. I'm not a collector. I generally skip the free books, unless, again, targeted.

    Now, my impression is most Logosians are the opposite. A base package may have some key books, and the remainder is gravy, and maybe helpful in searches. So, it just depends.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Thomas Holm
    Thomas Holm Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I share same ideas. I would to buy focused and targeted instead of bundles. It seemed to me that the Expansion Bundles/Library Bundles were a little more focused than the Packages

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,209 ✭✭✭✭

    I share same ideas. I would to buy focused and targeted instead of bundles. It seemed to me that the Expansion Bundles/Library Bundles were a little more focused than the Packages

    Agree. Unfortunately, FL does such a good job focusing, each year the dynamic price keeps dropping (due to my purchasing the previous year).

    I think they need specialty packages ... maybe not profitable for them? The 2021 Specialty Maps and Charts Package.  The Archaeology Package. The Resurrection Package. I can think of a lot!

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • David Wanat
    David Wanat Member Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭

    I’d say, think of it as a library. What priorities would you use in buying regular books?

    I tend to look at my own denomination tiers first. In general, I’ll find that they have things immediately relevant or useful. 

    Next, I look at other denominational tiers, to see if the assortment matches my needs (for example, I found that Orthodox tiers were a better deal than buying Patristic sets, and the Messianic tiers have some things of interest about Judaism). Also, it can be useful to discover the context of quotes attributed to what notable people in a denomination say.

    After that, I look at the libraries for deals. The lowest priority tends to be individual books since they can be costly when not on sale. But if it has what I need, I will get them.

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  • Michel Pauw
    Michel Pauw Member Posts: 577 ✭✭✭

    This is your day!

    Logos has a 'Prime Day' on 13-14 October: up to 70% discount on Library Expansions


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