Remove resource-files get index working

After removing recource (bible) AV1873 from resource-librarys I think I get indexing work (I'm not finished yet)
From resourcelibrary in v3 I removed: AV1873.lbxlls (I don't know if that is necessary)
From resourcelibrary in v4 I removed: AV1873.logos4 and AV1873NT.lbsrvi and now my indexing proceed fine but still 167 resources remaining to index.
Maybe is the AV1873-files corrupt in some way?
Indexing succed this night but index log contain a lot of warnings.
Here is my logfiles if of interest: 7360.Libronix Log
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A question about index.
When removing AV1873 I've succed indexing Beta2 (Indexing crashed 20 times before removing it). But after moving AV1873 back to it's right place I can still open it and use it. Is it possible to use unindexed resources or didn't indexing succed (in spite of finishing whitout error and log telling process was finnished)?
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George Allakhverdyan said:
I believe you can use them, you just can't search through them, that is what the indexer is for, to have instantaneous-like searches.
Thank You for answering!