Help! - Unable to Install update

James Hudson
James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I am having trouble installing an update - I get a repeatable 'crash' (it's not technically a crash - I get a popup box saying unable to install update!)

I've tried rebooting etc and it downloads and then tries to install and the pops up the error. So I enabled logging and have attached logs to see if anyone can figure out why it is not installing.

Any ideas what might be causing this and how I can successfully update.

Thanks and any help is appreciated.




  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    If it exists, delete the folder E:\Logos\Pending and re-run LogosSetup.exe


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭


    1. The folder E:\Logos\Pending does not exist.

    2. The error occurs when I start Logos - I was not running by choice LogosSetup.exe - should I do that though? I've started Logos as usual multiple times - it downloads new resouces and then downloads an application update - all fine, then says installing and that's when I get the error.

    Thanks for your help  - any other suggestions?


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    2. The error occurs when I start Logos - I was not running by choice LogosSetup.exe -

    Try downloading and installing from


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭
  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    Ok will give that a go.



    This will not perform a re-installation. It will just try to update your existing one


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭


    Ok I have tried that and get this message (see attached). Clicking Retry just repeats the error.

    There is no Pending directory, but I can create it via File Explorer.

    Any other ideas?

    Thanks again,


  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭

    Ok thanks Dave.

    As my drive was not NTFS (it's an external exFAT formatted SSD), updating security settings (as suggested in the document) was neither relevant nor possible. So it was an (effective) reinstall required (minus the indexing) - still took a while transfering the Data folders (well in excess of 100Gb) back and forth.

    Good news: Logos is working now again without the error.

    Bad news: I had to do a reinstall for the last update in March for a similar error (I think it was the same). I hope this is not how I am going to have to update every new release. Something must have changed 2 updates ago - it has been updating fine for the last 20 odd years! I'm pretty sure nothing has changed my end (unless it was a Windows update), it seems more likely a change in the Logos code. I'll wait for the next update due in the next few weeks, before I file a bug report - but if any Logos employees are reading, perhaps they may want to investigate.

    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again for your quick and helpful replies Dave - as always you are a star!


  • Jason W. Pegg
    Jason W. Pegg Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thank you all for contributing to this thread!

    I'm not typically a "same here" kind of person, but in this case I think it's necessary.  Like James, I'm running Logos on an exFAT formatted device where there are no security settings to be set.  The path the installer is referring to does exist (in my case, "D:\Logos\Pending\nl\") but it too seems unable to write the file "Libronix.DigitalLibrary.resources.dll" to the folder.  There are currently three other files already in the folder ("Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Guides.resources.dll", "Libronix.DigitalLibrary.ViewModels.resources.dll", and "LogosIndexer.resources.dll") but the failure comes from writing the one in the error message.  I even tried creating a dummy file with the name "Libronix.DigitalLibrary.resources.dll" to see if I could trick the installer into thinking it had succeeded, but no luck.  (I was able to create the dummy file, so there are no issues with writing files, and the drive has 131GB of free space, so no issues there.)  It's just a problem writing this one file.

    What I find interesting is that even in older posts that have a "writing" problem, it's almost always this file.  As if the installer is doing some type of check before writing out the file and failing in the check.  Like James, I've had years of updates without issue.  This is new.

    I should also point out that the updates have worked fine on my primary machine (the failed update is on a secondary machine, a Microsoft Surface Pro).  My primary machine has Logos installed on an NTFS drive.  I can't help but wonder if the issue is exFAT vs. NTFS.

    James - Did you happen to file a bug report?

    Thank you all,


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,157

    EDIT: Welcome to the forums, Jason! /EDIT

    I can't help but wonder if the issue is exFAT vs. NTFS

    Actually it is and has been confirmed elsewhere.

    Logos does not officially support running on an external drive at all. That said, it seems to be the case that some users run it successfully from an external SSD - however, only if the drive is NTFS formatted. I personally had the same issues with spurious error messages when trying to update an installation sitting on an exFAT formatted drive. The only solution I found for me is to backup the data and reformat the external SSD to NTFS format.   

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • James Hudson
    James Hudson Member Posts: 337 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    however, only if the drive is NTFS formatted


    This is not my experience. To confirm, I have for years been able to install and run Logos "successfully" from an exFAT external drive using Windows 10 - in fact I still can. It is seemingly more stable than running the Mac version of Logos! I can also confirm that even the latest point release of Logos runs very well from an exFAT external drive with no issues, errors or bugs!

    That is not my issue - my issue is that fairly recently the automatic UPDATE feature has stopped working. It has been working fine (on my external exFAT drive for years). I also have NO issues doing a fresh INSTALL of each new update on the exFAT drive which then runs great as normal. This logically suggests that there has been a recent change to the UPDATE code by Logos developers. [I would also not necessarily rule out an update in Windows 10 - I always keep it updated - but other than Logos and Windows there have been no other changes to my system!].

    The fact that I can manually move the files, perform a fresh install and run that well leads me further to deduce that the error in Logos is to do with either deleting or overwriting existing files (and to reiterate - even this worked fine in external exFAT until a few point releases ago)

    So to summarise, it is possible (in my experience) to install and run any version of Logos very well with no issues on an external exFAT drive.

    Recently, though, the automatic update code has been changed and this is causing an error. [Although I can still install the new versions by doing a fresh install - which works fine but is just inconvenient]. So INSTALL works, UPDATE doesn't!

    Hope that clarifies what is happening,


    PS: Sorry Jason I haven't submitted a bug report [Not quite sure how - it seems that someone from Logos reads these forums and files a bug report if they feel they can do something about it.] Since it says on their website that external drives are not officially supported - despite working very well for many years - perhaps a feature request may be better e.g. Officially support external drives (for either system or just the resource data).

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,157

    So to summarise, it is possible (in my experience) to install and run any version of Logos very well with no issues on an external exFAT drive.

    Recently, though, the automatic update code has been changed and this is causing an error. [Although I can still install the new versions by doing a fresh install - which works fine but is just inconvenient]. So INSTALL works, UPDATE doesn't!

    Hope that clarifies what is happening,

    Sorry, I should have been more clear, since it seems we have the same experience: Fresh install and running on the ExFAT drive worked for me as well (and I don't recall any errors from other threads), but automated update did not work on ExFAT with spurious error messages about access to files to overwrite. 

    Since Logos does not support external drives, FL (I think it was Bradley) confirmed that they don't intend to do anything in researching or fixing this ExFAT-update error.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Jason W. Pegg
    Jason W. Pegg Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I love how quickly people respond in this forum.  [*]

    So in my case, this isn't technically an external drive, it's just a secondary drive that happens to be formatted exFAT.  So if there are any Logos techs watching this discussion, it may still be worth looking into.  Either that, or perhaps state that exFAT isn't a supported drive format.

    As an update to my travails: I went ahead and copied everything (Logos and otherwise) on my secondary drive to an external drive (took a while), reformatted my secondary drive to NTFS, then copied everything back (also took a while).  I then did an update and... it failed.  It failed inside Logos as an update, and outside Logos as a standalone installer (downloaded from  But the good news was that it failed in a different spot!  This time it said that it couldn't create the folder "D:\msconfig.msi" (that's from memory, but yes - it was a folder with an extension of .msi).  My gut told me that the installer was trying to create a folder in the root of the drive and was being prevented from doing so.  So I did a right-click "run as administrator" on the setup file and this time it worked to completion.  Hooray!

    So if I were to summarize, I would say the following (at least for Windows 10):

    • Logos doesn't support external drives (from the discussions above and officially stated)
    • Logos doesn't support exFAT (not officially stated, but probably true, at least for updates)
    • Logos may struggle with non-default installation folders (especially if the install is at the root folder, such as mine at "D:\Logos"), at least for updates, but may be overcome by running the standalone install as a local Administrator

    Thanks for all the help and hints along the way.  It would be great if the development team at Logos could look into this a bit more closely, but I also recognize that those of us with these issues are a minority with workarounds.

    Have a blessed long weekend, everyone!


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    So if I were to summarize, I would say the following (at least for Windows 10):

    • Logos doesn't support external drives (from the discussions above and officially stated)
    • Logos doesn't support exFAT (not officially stated, but probably true, at least for updates)
    • Logos may struggle with non-default installation folders (especially if the install is at the root folder, such as mine at "D:\Logos"), at least for updates, but may be overcome by running the standalone install as a local Administrator

    To summarize:

    • Faithlife doesn't support external drives
    • Faithlife will only support and test its software on a standard Windows 10 installation (version 1607 or later) - so exFAT is not supported
      • similar for MacOS 10.14 and above
    • Logos will install Ok to a Windows root folder, provided the drive is NTFS formatted (I use an internal D: drive).
      • installing with Admin privilege will create problems (when needed, it will be requested by Setup)


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Jason W. Pegg
    Jason W. Pegg Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    A six-month follow-up:

    So I ran into the same problem again: an update inside Logos results in a pop-up that says the update failed to install.  I knew I could go and download the standalone installer, run it as administrator, and have it work - but I really didn't want to go to the trouble.  So on a hunch, I right-clicked on Logos, chose to "Run as Administrator", and the update ran to completion!  I changed the shortcut to always run as Administrator so that future updates run successfully.  Wanted to follow up on my previous posts to show that there's an even easier way.

    In short: Logos on Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 7, running on the secondary SD drive (drive D:, SDXC, formatted NTFS) in the folder D:\Logos, with the shortcut modified to "Run as Administrator".

    Have a blessed week!


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    In short: Logos on Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 7, running on the secondary SD drive (drive D:, SDXC, formatted NTFS) in the folder D:\Logos, with the shortcut modified to "Run as Administrator".

    Logos will have problems interacting with other programs e.g. Exporting to Word, Excel. So it is best to run it normally from another shortcut and use the Admin shortcut when you receive a download updating the software.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    Logos will have problems interacting with other programs e.g. Exporting to Word, Excel.

    Although if he never exports to other programs....

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara