Wordsearch Moving to Logos Bible Software



  • Kolen Cheung
    Kolen Cheung Member Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭

    jtondee said:

    How long should it take to consolidate accounts if they are tied to the same email address? I checked my wordsearch/lifeway account and it is the same email as my Logos/Faithlife. I don't see any of the resources as of yet.

    I checked your account, but I don't see any Wordsearch licenses showing up. It looks like you should have some, so I'll bring this up with our tech team. It probably won't be able to be looked into until Monday morning, sorry.

    Is there any way we can check which of our resources in Logos is coming from WordSearch license? Thanks.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Is there any way we can check which of our resources in Logos is coming from WordSearch license? Thanks.

    We don't have a page providing this information for individual users.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Of my 600 plus resources roughly half of have been transferred.  Some specific examples are the Thompson Chain collection, the Phillips Translations NT, HCSB Cross Reference and many more.

    Any ideas what they problem may be?

    Not all Wordsearch resources are available in Logos right away; some are still being converted.

    See the FAQ for more: https://www.logos.com/wordsearch-faq#mybooks 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    the list of WordSearch titles that will be migrated to logos later.

    The list is of resources to be migrated not of licenses to be migrated. If the resource is already in Logos there is no reason to migrate it; only the license needs to be migrated.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Kolen Cheung
    Kolen Cheung Member Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭

    It seems that my WordSearch resources is not merged to my Logos account. Could you help checking this for my account as well? Thanks.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    The WS Verse Lists are very different data objects than the Logos Passage Lists, in that they support dynamic versioning per entry, support the creation of multiple sections in the document, and support annotation of both sections (i.e. headers) and//or individual verses.

    We're aware of this difference between Verse Lists and Passage Lists. The first round of importing your data may just be to bring over the references from the Verse List. If Logos Passage Lists have those features added in a future release, we could redo the import and upgrade your documents. But to begin with, they will have less functionality in Logos.

    The User Books could ostensibly be converted to PPBs, assuming WS users got PPB functionality in their packages. However, Logos might want to think about providing similar tools that could act as templates for creating PPBs with the appropriate codes/tags

    We will probably just bring these over as PBB source files that you can compile into Logos PBBs. Building equivalent resource creation functionality into Logos isn't on the roadmap right now.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,385 ✭✭✭

    What happens after the semester?

    We'll be moving all Wordsearch licenses for Liberty students over to Logos in the next year. Final timing is still TBD.

    Phil what would be the best way to keep up with that process? There are a couple of books I have from Liberty in mywsb.com that are literally not available anywhere else (which drove me nuts as a student). I'm excited about having these in Logos finally!

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    It seems that my WordSearch resources is not merged to my Logos account. Could you help checking this for my account as well? Thanks.

    Your account is tagged as "merged from Wordsearch" but you have no licenses. We anticipate resolving this on Monday; thanks for your patience!

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Phil what would be the best way to keep up with that process? There are a couple of books I have from Liberty in mywsb.com that are literally not available anywhere else (which drove me nuts as a student). I'm excited about having these in Logos finally!

    We'll probably end up posting an announcement (in the Wordsearch forum) when that's complete. You may also just notice those resources suddenly showing up one day. [:)] 

    I'm not sure that we have firm-enough plans to post more detailed updates on timing here regularly.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,385 ✭✭✭

    Phil what would be the best way to keep up with that process? There are a couple of books I have from Liberty in mywsb.com that are literally not available anywhere else (which drove me nuts as a student). I'm excited about having these in Logos finally!

    We'll probably end up posting an announcement (in the Wordsearch forum) when that's complete. You may also just notice those resources suddenly showing up one day. Smile 

    I'm not sure that we have firm-enough plans to post more detailed updates on timing here regularly.

    Sounds good. Again, I cannot tell you guys how ecstatic I am about this news!

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    I see that the Tozer collection is avaiable on Logos but is not in the list of WordSearch titles that will be migrated to logos later. So was it an oversight or does Logos has no plan to migrate our WordSearch Tozer collection license to Logos?

    I think this is an oversight. It looks like The Best of Tozer, books 1 & 2 (and many other Tozer volumes) have already been migrated to Logos users' libraries.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    I see that the Tozer collection is avaiable on Logos but is not in the list of WordSearch titles that will be migrated to logos later. So was it an oversight or does Logos has no plan to migrate our WordSearch Tozer collection license to Logos?

    I think this is an oversight. It looks like The Best of Tozer, books 1 & 2 (and many other Tozer volumes) have already been migrated to Logos users' libraries.

    Oh, it's not an oversight. That page is the titles that are yet to come. Almost all the Tozer titles are already available (except for you; see my earlier post).

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    As part of the agreement we now have the ability to offer all B&H content in Logos.

    Happy dance

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    Please report anything you discover, and we'll get them corrected as soon as we can.

    In WordSearch I owned 30 LifeChange Bible Studies (all of NT plus 7 OT) Since Logos bundles differently, can the Logos Bundle be broken up so that the individual titles in the WS bundle could be activated?

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    Your user account is not currently showing any Wordsearch licenses, so I recommend not selling your Logos copy. Smile

    If this is unexpected, you may need to contact Customer Service. Perhaps your WS account was under a different email and needs to be merged

    This is exactly what happened. I emailed CS and "patiently" waited for them to get to the migration. I'm sure CS has been busy this afternoon! The migration happened and when the WS Niv84 downloaded - it was the Anglicized 84


    That got added today.

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    It seems that my WordSearch resources is not merged to my Logos account. Could you help checking this for my account as well? Thanks.

    Your account is tagged as "merged from Wordsearch" but you have no licenses. We anticipate resolving this on Monday; thanks for your patience!

    Your account should be fixed now.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    jtondee said:

    How long should it take to consolidate accounts if they are tied to the same email address? I checked my wordsearch/lifeway account and it is the same email as my Logos/Faithlife. I don't see any of the resources as of yet.

    I checked your account, but I don't see any Wordsearch licenses showing up. It looks like you should have some, so I'll bring this up with our tech team. It probably won't be able to be looked into until Monday morning, sorry.

    Your licenses should be migrated now.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Erik said:

    Most of them seem to have ported into Logos today, but interestingly the most expensive ones in Logos didn't port (Matthew, Acts, Romans). Perhaps this is due to Logos bundling these and Wordsearch breaking them down individually. I'm not complaining, but it's quite funny that the most expensive resources didn't make the cut.

    This is the reason; see my reply here: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/193824/1117015.aspx#1117015 

  • Vincent Chia
    Vincent Chia Member Posts: 428 ✭✭

    I am literally jumping up and down in my house right now! I have Wordsearch on my pc just because of resources I don't have in Logos! THIS IS AWESOME!

    I got Wordsearch for the same reasons! This is wonderful.


    Elyon Family Clinic & Surgery Pte Ltd


  • Paul Caneparo
    Paul Caneparo Member Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    DAL said:


    I just woke up from a long afternoon nap and I come to the forums to see this great announcement! I think I even joked about something like this months ago, but now it's a reality!

    Welcome Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible and other resources.  Jack Andrews , Gregory Brown, Gospel Advocate Commentaries and Burton James Coffman Commentaries and more! Wow, what awesome news!!!

    In fact, checking my mobile app, I already have over 1,000 resources more.  There are some that might not show up since they are duplicates (Welwyn, Barnes, Clark, etc) but I hope all content gets converted to Logos like the coveted Thompson Chain Reference Bible which I own in WordSearch.

    I have many other commentaries like Mattoon, Cantrell, Discovering Christ, Exalting Jesus, AND EXEGETICAL GUIDES TO THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT SERIES!!!

    This is awesome! Thank you, Faithlife for such great news and for making it easy to get our content into Logos!  I'm already seeing quite a few!



    Thought you'd be excited!

  • Kolen Cheung
    Kolen Cheung Member Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭

    It seems that my WordSearch resources is not merged to my Logos account. Could you help checking this for my account as well? Thanks.

    Your account is tagged as "merged from Wordsearch" but you have no licenses. We anticipate resolving this on Monday; thanks for your patience!

    Your account should be fixed now.

    Thanks. But I still didn't see my resources from Wordsearch. e.g. I owned "Tozer on Christian Leadership" in Wordsearch, but I can't it in my Logos library (both desktop and web app), and also the link in https://www.logos.com/product/5010/tozer-on-christian-leadership is still trying to sell it to me rather than telling me I already owned it.

  • Paul Caneparo
    Paul Caneparo Member Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve completed the acquisition of Wordsearch Bible Software from LifeWay and are in the process of moving Wordsearch’s customers, resources, apps, and user-created content over to Logos.

    We’ve officially kicked off the first phase of the process, with much more happening in the coming days, weeks, and months.

    1. Customers: If you’re a Wordsearch user, we’ve already set up a Faithlife/Logos account for you. If you already had a Faithlife account, we merged your Wordsearch account into your existing Faithlife account, if you used the same email address for both. If you used different email addresses for your accounts, you’ll now have two separate Faithlife accounts that we can merge for you by sending an email to cs@logos.com with the two email addresses you used letting us know which one you’d like to keep as primary. Otherwise, you don’t need to take any action to set up your new account. We’ll be handling everything for you. Be on the lookout for an email letting you know that your account migration is complete.
    2. Resources: Resources owned in Wordsearch will move to your Logos account. We’ll unlock the licenses up front and then build out and deliver the content over the coming weeks and months. Wordsearch has thousands of titles not yet available in Logos, so we’re excited to grow our catalog of content for Logos users and open up the entire Logos catalog to our new users from Wordsearch.
    3. Apps: Wordsearch’s desktop, mobile, and web applications will continue to work for a while, but we’ll phase out support for them and consolidate all our development efforts on Logos to ensure we provide an even better digital Bible study experience for all of our users.
    4. User-Created Content: We’ll be building export/import tools that will allow Wordsearch users to bring their notes, highlights, and other user-created content to Logos. We don’t have all the details worked out yet, but we hope to have this available in the coming months.

    We’re really excited about what this acquisition means for both Logos and Wordsearch users alike as we bring together customers, catalogs, and consolidated resources to advance digital Bible study even further.

    For more information, check out 


    This is great news. I can't see my Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation volumes purchased from WordSearch. For these volumes do I need to wait until you publish them as Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentaries?

    Edit: I can see on the pre-pub page that it shows I own the resource for the 3 volumes previously in WordSearch. Great news!


  • Kolen Cheung
    Kolen Cheung Member Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭

    It seems that my WordSearch resources is not merged to my Logos account. Could you help checking this for my account as well? Thanks.

    Your account is tagged as "merged from Wordsearch" but you have no licenses. We anticipate resolving this on Monday; thanks for your patience!

    Your account should be fixed now.

    Thanks. But I still didn't see my resources from Wordsearch. e.g. I owned "Tozer on Christian Leadership" in Wordsearch, but I can't it in my Logos library (both desktop and web app), and also the link in https://www.logos.com/product/5010/tozer-on-christian-leadership is still trying to sell it to me rather than telling me I already owned it.

    Correction: It seems that I'm seeing some of my Wordsearch resources in Logos already, but at least not those from the Tozer collection.

    I'm a bit confused how I should check

    1) which resources are added to Logos from my Wordsearch library

    2) compare what I have in Wordsearch that should be migrated but not yet

    for (1), I think a search string like this kind of help:

        addeddate:<Sept 19, 2020>

        as long as there ain't any resource you "added to your machine" that day.

    I guess Logos can't help on (2) because if they know that exactly then the library would merged perfectly. (Or the reason we need to do (2) is it isn't perfect and we want to double check.) But may be Logos can help on (1), e.g. add a unique personal tag for us on those resources that's migrated from our Wordsearch library so that we can easily distinguish it.

    Thanks again and please consider helping us to distinguish resources in our library that came from Wordsearch.

  • Richard J. Ward
    Richard J. Ward Member Posts: 241 ✭✭

    I own the Ryrie Study Notes (NASB) on Wordsearch. Is this resource different than the Ryrie Study Bible (NASB)?

  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭

    I own the Ryrie Study Notes (NASB) on Wordsearch. Is this resource different than the Ryrie Study Bible (NASB)?

    I "Think" it is on the "yet to be processed" list.


    You can look and see what Faithlife still needs to bring over by going here.


  • Jordan Litchfield
    Jordan Litchfield Member Posts: 539 ✭✭

    Bradley, several years back when BibleWorks was still in operation WordSearch had an arrangement with BibleWorks that certain products could be purchased from WS and downloaded to BW. I had to set up an account with WS to do that, but as yet I haven't received any of those resources.

  • Chris Wylie
    Chris Wylie Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    I own 500+ books in Wordsearch.  My Wordsearch account uses the same email as my Logos account.  But I don't see any new books appearing in my Logos library.

  • Keith Steele
    Keith Steele Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    I'm having the same problem.  Same email address for both accounts but no books showing up.

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,199 ✭✭✭✭

    Another thing I'd like to see is that once this is sorted out, could a facet be made on the logos store page so we can sort just by WS titles?  There is a bunch I'm going to want to get now that they are in Logos (never bought them in WS)

  • Steven Dresen
    Steven Dresen Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Will free resources that we have accumulated over the years be part of the transfer?

  • Paul Caneparo
    Paul Caneparo Member Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    Mattillo said:

    Another thing I'd like to see is that once this is sorted out, could a facet be made on the logos store page so we can sort just by WS titles?  There is a bunch I'm going to want to get now that they are in Logos (never bought them in WS)

    I'm wishing I had bought more from WordSearch now! Their prices were great, but navigating the App was poor. 

  • Paul Caneparo
    Paul Caneparo Member Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    Will free resources that we have accumulated over the years be part of the transfer?

    I'm seeing them in my library. This announcement also explains why there wasn't a free book yesterday.

  • scooter
    scooter Member Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭

    LOGOS EMPLOYEES:  Please and thank U move this to the WORDsearch forum, so it does not slide into oblivion in the depths of the General forum, where I cannot find it to access content from Phil's initial post.

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    scooter said:

    LOGOS EMPLOYEES:  Please and thank U move this to the WORDsearch forum, so it does not slide into oblivion in the depths of the General forum, where I cannot find it to access content from Phil's initial post.

    I don't think it will slide away within the next couple weeks... for now, chances are more people will see it if it stays in General.

    Also, you may want to Favourite Phil's initial post. Then you can find it forever.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,719 ✭✭✭

    If I'm understanding the purchase of Wordsearch correctly, I'll finally have a 1984 version of the NIV in Logos that I can use in parallel with all my resources that reference the 1984 version.  [:D]

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Thanks. But I still didn't see my resources from Wordsearch. e.g. I owned "Tozer on Christian Leadership" in Wordsearch, but I can't it in my Logos library (both desktop and web app), and also the link in https://www.logos.com/product/5010/tozer-on-christian-leadership is still trying to sell it to me rather than telling me I already owned it.

    Correction: It seems that I'm seeing some of my Wordsearch resources in Logos already, but at least not those from the Tozer collection.

    I'm not seeing Tozer on Christian Leadership in your Wordsearch licenses. Can you confirm the version you have in Wordsearch by going to the Library, right-clicking on that book, choosing Properties, and copying the Book ID?

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Bradley, several years back when BibleWorks was still in operation WordSearch had an arrangement with BibleWorks that certain products could be purchased from WS and downloaded to BW. I had to set up an account with WS to do that, but as yet I haven't received any of those resources.

    I'm not familiar with this license interchange program. Can you give some examples of the resources you accessed via this method? Did you ever use those books in Wordsearch, or just in BibleWorks? Do you have order history at Wordsearch that shows the purchases?

    Is it possible your WS/BW account was under a different email account, eu[...]6@googlemail.com? (redacted)

    If so, your WS account isn't linked with your Logos account yet and needs to be merged in.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    I own 500+ books in Wordsearch.  My Wordsearch account uses the same email as my Logos account.  But I don't see any new books appearing in my Logos library.

    We don't have your Wordsearch licenses yet; please check back on Monday.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    I'm having the same problem.  Same email address for both accounts but no books showing up.

    We don't have your Wordsearch licenses yet; please check back on Monday.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Mattillo said:

    could a facet be made on the logos store page so we can sort just by WS titles

    We don't think of these as "WS titles". They all are (or will become) Logos resources, and many already existed in the Logos catalogue.

    You will be able to facet by publishers who may not previously have had a lot of content in the Logos catalogue, e.g., B&H.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Will free resources that we have accumulated over the years be part of the transfer?

    Yes, they should. It doesn't look like we have your Wordsearch licenses yet; please check back on Monday.

  • (‾◡◝)
    (‾◡◝) Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭

    Resources: Resources owned in Wordsearch will move to your Logos account.


    FL/Logos acquiring WS is very good news!  And, I appreciate the list of titles that are going to be transitioned over to Logos. However, I have several titles that were produced for the WS application but not by LW/WS nor sold by them.  Quickly comparing my WS library list with your list of transitioning titles, I have already spotted some that are not on the transitioning list.

    Is there a similar, official list of titles that will NOT be transitioning over?

    And, if they are not transitioning over (for whatever reason), is there some way to at least convert them into, say, PDFs or Word documents?  Or are they simply lost to me forever unless I laboriously copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste ... ?


    p.s. Sorry to throw more questions/work at you ... I am sure everyone at FL/Logos feels as busy as the proverbial "one-armed paperhanger" right now!

    p.s.s. And while we're at it, as long as you have now taken over WordSearch ... how about bringing back good ol' InstaVerse?  I really miss that great little app.

    Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,199 ✭✭✭✭

    Mattillo said:

    could a facet be made on the logos store page so we can sort just by WS titles

    We don't think of these as "WS titles". They all are (or will become) Logos resources, and many already existed in the Logos catalogue.

    You will be able to facet by publishers who may not previously have had a lot of content in the Logos catalogue, e.g., B&H.

    Thank you Brad. How will we know when the titles appear in logos? Could a thread be started with the titles added this week? I’m interested in a bunch and constantly searching to see if they are in sounds boring :)
  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    JRS said:

    However, I have several titles that were produced for the WS application but not by LW/WS nor sold by them.  Quickly comparing my WS library list with your list of transitioning titles, I have already spotted some that are not on the transitioning list.

    We have acquired the licenses to Wordsearch content that was sold by LifeWay (or by Wordsearch before they were acquired by LifeWay). If you have licenses that were purchased from a third party, we have no record of that, and will not be importing them into Logos. Do you have some examples of such titles and where you purchased them from?

    JRS said:

    Is there a similar, official list of titles that will NOT be transitioning over?

    We do not have a list of Wordsearch titles that were not produced/sold by LifeWay, so we can't produce this list (if I'm understanding you correctly).

    But I guess the list of titles that's not transitioning over is everything that's not on our list of titles that are migrating?

    JRS said:

    And, if they are not transitioning over (for whatever reason), is there some way to at least convert them into, say, PDFs or Word documents?  Or are they simply lost to me forever unless I laboriously copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste ... ?

    Since there's no "Export Ebook" function in Wordsearch (AFAIK) you'll probably have to contact the seller/rightholder of those resources and ask if there's any way they can provide a DRM-free version of that content for you.

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    Mattillo said:

    How will we know when the titles appear in logos? Could a thread be started with the titles added this week? I’m interested in a bunch and constantly searching to see if they are in sounds boring :)

    If you have Automatic Updates enabled in Logos 8, then you'll get a notification in the desktop software as soon as they download.

    That's a good suggestion that we should post in the Wordsearch forum when a batch of titles is released, but I can't promise that will always happen consistently.

  • Bill Moore
    Bill Moore Member Posts: 975 ✭✭✭

    Bradley -- I appreciate all that you men and women at Logos are doing with the Wordsearch transition to Logos. I'll hold onto any questions for a couple of weeks while all of this plays out.

    Thanks, again.

    Pastor, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Clinton, SC

  • Joe Grimes
    Joe Grimes Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I had Galaxie's The Theological Journal Library - Editions 1-21 in Wordsearch.  It looks like most of the journals have been added to my Logos library but not all of them.  Since Logos has these journals already how come they are not showing up in my library?

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,053

    I had Galaxie's The Theological Journal Library - Editions 1-21 in Wordsearch.  It looks like most of the journals have been added to my Logos library but not all of them.  Since Logos has these journals already how come they are not showing up in my library?

    Which volumes are missing?

  • (‾◡◝)
    (‾◡◝) Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭

    We have acquired the licenses to Wordsearch content that was sold by LifeWay (or by Wordsearch before they were acquired by LifeWay). If you have licenses that were purchased from a third party, we have no record of that, and will not be importing them into Logos. Do you have some examples of such titles and where you purchased them from?

    I think they are pretty much the ones included in this screenshot.  I don't remember the small company they were purchased from, but I do know they no longer exist.  Most titles appear to be public domain.  A few, like The Potter's Freedom and Boice' works, are still protected by copyright.  I know there is some overlap with Logos resources.

    Note that I possess the actual files for these resources which I always had to manually install any time WS was (re)installed or upgraded.

    It would be fantastic if Logos could convert these over for me (at least the public domain titles).

    Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)

  • Joe Grimes
    Joe Grimes Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Which volumes are missing?

    A good portion of the Bibliotheca Sacra volumes are missing.  Maybe just a few others at quick glance.  But the Bibliotheca Sacra gap really sticks out.