Using Footnotes
I am overwhelmed by the number of footnotes in Grudem's systematic theology.
Those notes are as valuable as the text.
Is there a way to highlight or search for the footnote indicators?
I prefer being able to turn on a filter to turn "on" an indicator.
Jon Shearer said:
Is there a way to highlight or search for the footnote indicators?
Not as far as I am aware - sorry.
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FYI everyone;
Here's how you do it:
-Go to the Docs menu | New | Visual Filter
-Name the filter
-Select Basic as the type
-Set the resource list to Grudem or whatever book you want
-Use this as the search query: footnote:(the,a,an,of) -this is a search query looking for the word "the" OR "a" OR "an" OR "of" in the footnote text. Theoretically it will miss a footnote if any of the words is not present. You of course can add more words to the query.
-Select a formatting style like Color BoxSo far it seems to be working OK.
Thanks to Hunter Wilson from MPSeminars.
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Jon Shearer said:
-Use this as the search query: footnote:(the,a,an,of)
Visual Filter is saved search(es) with highlighting style assigned for each search.
One way to expand footnote search query is
- Open resource
- Change resource to show column(s) with footnotes on page
- Basic Search.of resource for footnote text
- Navigate Search Results
For example, after looking at a dozen footnotes in Enns' Theology, have expanded footnote search query to:
When footnote search has desired results, can save as a visual filter (optional is splitting footnote terms into separate searches with different highlighting)
Keep Smiling [:)]