Lost document changes

Blake D.
Blake D. Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hey everyone! Looking for a little help. I was working on a sermon doc over the weekend, went back to it today, and none of the changes had been saved. I click the spinning wheel regularly to make sure I update. Is there a cloud location where I can check if there is another version backed up? Thanks- I'm totally crushed- a lot of work lost. Update: I found the document cloud. But it only shows deleted docs and its not in there. The sermon doc is still in my documents, but just no changes tracked whatsoever over 48 hours. I was in and out of it and sync-ing all the while. The only thing that seems off is that I changed the document name when I started the edits, and the name in the document title field and the name of the doc in the document list are different. Hoping that there is a version somewhere with all my edits.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,155

    Hi Blake - sorry to hear of the problems you are having. You should be able to see all of your resources - not just deleted ones - at documents.logos.com. Do you see the updated sermon there? Is the name of the doc in the Docs list the original name? If so, it looks as though you are not seeing the updated doc there. Please post a screenshot showing your Docs menu. Apologies for the poor layout of this response - the forum editor doesn't seem to be working properly at the moment!

  • Blake D.
    Blake D. Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Hi Graham- thanks for your response. I went to the documents site. No luck. There was some gap in updating my document between Friday and when I went back to it Sunday. The document cloud also only had the Friday version. First time Logos has bit me like that since I've had it, but it was a big one and stung. I ended up just re-writing the whole thing. Who knows what happened? I'm good about regular synch-ing. I had Logos open the whole weekend and was just putting the computer to sleep. I also had a new resource to download and index over that period. Maybe some glitch over the weekend when I finally closed Logos Sat PM and then opened it Sunday again. I did rename it, and the naming was different in the document title field vs the document file name, so that was odd, i.e. "Do Justice vs Justice". Oh well, I survived! A shrug of the shoulders and hope it doesn't ever happen again. It was weird re-writing a sermon while angry though. Not a great feeling! Thanks again!