HP Stream 64GB with 64GB U1 card.

Kathleen Marie
Kathleen Marie Member Posts: 813 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am trying to install Logos on a cheap plastic HP stream with a 64BG SSD C drive and U1 card for a D rive. It looks like the smallest install option is going to be over 9GB on my C drive. 

Any tips on getting this onto my D drive, or running a minimal install on C with just my favorite books?

Search isn't working and I forget how to search the forum using google.



  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭

    Logos is not supported on SD cards, and several people have reported problems running from them, and the performance is not going to be great.

    I would recommend installing on the C drive, https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17421/windows-free-up-drive-space will help free up space. A normal Windows install would be around 25GB, so you would have sufficient space for the minimal at least. Obviously you may use the laptop for other things, pictures, videos etc.

    You can search the site by putting 'site:community.logos.com logos install on sd card' etc in google.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,179

    If Kevin's suggestion shouldn't work, you can try installing on an external USB-connected SSD (make sure to format it to NTFS if it comes as exFAT) - this is not officially supported, but works well for some users. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Kathleen Marie
    Kathleen Marie Member Posts: 813 ✭✭

    Thank you for the suggestion, including how to format it. I expect to have to strip off Windows again and start entirely fresh to get this right. I am so winging this the first try.

    I wish there was some way for Logos to not install any books. I am going to have to manually remove at least 100 books that I don't want on this computer.

    I just want my most critical school stuff on this computer. I have started using quotes from the Britannica Great Books in my research papers, and I need access to those books the most, and the IVP dictionaries and Leland Ryken books to support the Great Books and the Bible as one of those Great Books. And I have the Webster dictionary and thesaurus.

    I was happily running Linux on this machine and just using the web app, but everything based off the new Ubuntu 20 forces a kernel on my machine that is incompatible with the wifi card. Now I have lost access to my favorite linux apps, but have access to the desktop apps of some Bible software that I didn't earlier. 

    So I 'm trying some stuff out and then when I think I know what I want, I'll strip it down and build it nice and clean.

    My only game is solitaire. This is a work machine, even though it looks like a toy.

  • NB.Mick said:

    If Kevin's suggestion shouldn't work, you can try installing on an external USB-connected SSD (make sure to format it to NTFS if it comes as exFAT) - this is not officially supported, but works well for some users. 

    Hybrid unsupported approach is installing Logos on C: drive (internal SSD) followed by migrating WebCache & Resources folder to external SSD. Logos Wiki =>  Install in different folder or drive Files in WebCache & Resources folders are primarily read only.

    FYI: my demonstration account has 441 Library resources downloaded on my primary desktop computer. Internal SSD usage is 17.45 GB, which includes 4.65 GB WebCache (downloaded video files for Mobile Education courses) and 9.54 GB in Resources folder.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Kathleen Marie
    Kathleen Marie Member Posts: 813 ✭✭

    Thank so much that is really helpful. I really want to learn how to make best use of this "toy" computer and see how much I can do with it, with Windows on it.

    It was such a great little computer with all the Ubuntu 18 Linux flavors, but as soon as 20 came out, and this new thing with Ubuntu forcible changing the kernel without permission, I couldn't run any of them. And don't even get me started on what is happening with Arch right now. 

    Now I better understand why it is the LOVE of money, not money that is the problem. And I am even beginning to understand that there is something deeper than the love of money that is the same heart condition. Without God, man is not nice.

    I have a new patience for expensive items that I may and may not always have access to. They are just things. Right now, I have access to a student copy of Windows 10 and Office 365 pro, and I am going to learn how to use it on my piece of plastic.

    I have irregular access to the best databases for my research papers, but I have access to the best of the best of ancient writings, and I am having fun experimenting with using them in place of modern articles.

    Thank you all so much for your help!!

  • Kathleen Marie
    Kathleen Marie Member Posts: 813 ✭✭

    I uninstalled Logos and reinstalled it on the card. So far it is working even faster than it did on the main drive. I have room for lots of books, but does the program run faster with fewer books installed? I use a very small number of resources on a daily basis and I am ready to embrace the "less is more" concept.

    I am very annoyed that I was forced to install and index over 200 books and features, when I need less than 50. Now I need to uninstall all that. That is not the way to have a stable system. I have paid enough money to have the right to have a stable system.

    After what I got a glimpse of while trying to transition from Debian to Arch Linux, I have increased patience for for-profit software, but I am not happy that I do not have more control over the installation process. 

    I had so much control over my Swordsearcher installation, and I am so happy with how quickly I was able to have a bare bones and stable program up and running.

    I love my Britannica Great Books set and Logos is the only option for a digital copy. I am committed to making this work, somehow, for my academic studies. More and more, when it comes to Bible study, I am turning to other resources, though.

    Thanks again to everyone for their help!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    does the program run faster with fewer books installed?


    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    I had one of those. At this point I would just use the web app instead. You’ll be much happier. You’ll lose some features, but the HP Stream was intended to be a Chromebrook alternative. I tried and tried and tried to get Logos to run well on it, but never could and it always frustrated me.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association


  • I have room for lots of books, but does the program run faster with fewer books installed?

    Depends on usage: part of updating Library catalog is refreshing collection cache. Logos Wiki => Canonical Commentary Collections has a number of collection rules that take over 250ms in a library with several thousand commentary resources, but complete quickly in a library with 47 Bible Commentary volumes downloaded.

    Caveat: searching thousands of commentary volumes finds many more useful results. Small library has quick, but stingy results.

    My demonstration account has four Search options: Bible, Basic, Media, Morph while my purchased account adds Clause & Syntax (so Search Tab appears a bit quicker since does not have as much to show).

    More and more, when it comes to Bible study, I am turning to other resources, though.

    Personally like/use my demonstration account Bible reading with Visual Filter Highlighting so can "see" range of Greek verbal expression in English along with Precept symbols for People. Thankful can prayerfully ask God to open my eyes to understand God's teaching.

    Logos Wiki Extended Tips for Highlighting and Visual Filters includes 

    • Examples of visual filters (caveat is visual filters being computer intensive during initial search & highlighting so HP Stream is not ideal)

    Thankful for many friendly forum and Faithlife discussions: have learned a lot plus have a lot to learn. Thankful for more depth of understanding in Philippians 4:4-9 (from screen shot).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Kathleen Marie
    Kathleen Marie Member Posts: 813 ✭✭

    Thank you all so much! I am so grateful for all the information and shared personal experiences.

    I have another more powerful computer that has a Nvidia card and the drivers are always messed up from updates and it cooks itself. I have that for backup when I absolutely must use the desktop app.

    I think I am going to just use the web app for Logos and use the desktop apps on the card for SwordSearcher and Olive Tree. I also have an older fully offline copy of the Encarta Encyclopedia that is working so happily on the card. I think I can do my main daily tasks and what I need to do away from home on the stream with the logos webapp.

    I definitely need more Logos training. I am not sure now is the time to prioritize that. At the end of the day, I always feel behind. I need to get more realistic and strategic. I am going to start with settling for Logos on the webapp.
