Suggested Books for Logos 9 Base Package

Lynden O. Williams
Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Here is a list that I have complied. There are others but I stopped with these. Sorted the books by the most expensive at the Adventist Book Centre and proceeded from there.

The books suggested shows my interest, and what I think the majority of Logos users would be interested in. Are there any others you think Logos should seek to get the rights for publication? If so please add to this thread. Will be sending an email to Pacific Press with this list. The more people who show an interest (please post here) the greater the chance that we will get them, and the lower the cost can be. (The entire set please)

Faith, Reason, & Earth History: A Paradigm of Earth and Biological Origins by Intelligent Design (Free on Amazon: The third edition. Logos has the second edition) (History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) Academic in nature (A classic for Seventh-day Adventist, and others interested in Adventist belief) (Understanding Ellen White) (Don’t market it as a Bible) (Not familiar but seems interesting. Lay and Academic) (Adventist history) (This is a must for me to have. Chapters written by several authors, respected in Adventism. Answers questions raised by enquiring and skeptical minds) (History of an adventist pioneer, and growth of Adventist church in the 1900’s) (Adventist pioneerer) (I have the first edition in Logos published in 1983 this one is from 2005. A must for anyone interested in the debate on creation vs evolution) (A must for anyone interested in the discussion on Ellen White and her critics) (Currently not in print) (Not familiar, but he is known for his scholarship) (Possibly the entire lesson) Maybe churches can buy in bulk and send an email to Logos authorizing the releasee to a particular email address. (He has a current television programme on Hopetv) But will appeal to Christians across the theological spectrum. Traces the history of Christian Music The fact that this is still in print shows its demand. (Will be a must for anyone interested in the discussion on the Sabbath. (Has appeal to the lay reader, but the academic will also appreciate it. Have both volumes in my library. (Has appeal to the lay reader, but the academic will also appreciate it. An old favourite among Adventists. Looks like it has been updated. Most likely lay reader. (Read it years ago. Focused on the lay person) (Have not read it, but it sounds like interesting reading. Persons of African descent will definitely appreciate his contribution to Adventism) (North American Division of the Church has a meeting every five years. Should have wide appeal) (He is well known and respected in Adventist circles) (Not familiar but should be a hit) (Not familiar, but of interest of those interested in Adventist history) (Have not read, but a must for Logos and Christians as a whole.) (Not familiar, but he is well known) (A definite must for Logos. He is well known in the academic circles in Biblical studies) (Reknown  among Seventh-day Adventists) (Should have wide appeal) (A must for the discussion on creation vs Evolution) (A must for those of African descent)



Mission: To serve God as He desires.


  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Here is another one that is needed. Andrews University Seminary Studies

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Are these titles relevant? What would you include or exclude?

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Richard Bonjour
    Richard Bonjour Member Posts: 180 ✭✭

    They look relevant to me Lynden. If they are part of a base package, I could maybre think about it. To by them individually - probably not.


  • Thinking
    Thinking Member Posts: 368 ✭✭

    I like your list. It is a significant improvement over what is currently available.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Let's pray that an agreement can be reached between Faithlife and Pacific Press

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Linden Lawrence
    Linden Lawrence Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Serious reservations:

    I have serious reservations for encouraging Pacific Press to  allow release of  additional resources to Logos.  Perhaps the earliest release was the SDA Bible Commentary Set to Libronix, which Logos  later assimilated.  Several years ago I explored the possibility of also releasing this commentary series to e-sword.  E-sword (  is a free bible software with about 20,000,000 users world wide.  They offer reasonable premium features for other commentary works. 

    It is my understanding from communication with the PP that they have shown no interest in releasing these commentaries due to prior contractual agreement with Libronix (Logos). This is not right. 

    What a blessing it would be for e-sword users to purchase and have access to our SDA Bible Commentaries.  What a powerful truth presentation to a much larger audience (of folks who cannot afford Logos) this set would be!

    I am privileged to use both software programs and appreciate the enrichment they provide to my personal study.

    Just a lay member but Respectfully,

    Linden Lawrence

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Linden, that was a long time ago. Logos resources can be found in various electronic formats.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Michael Kinch
    Michael Kinch Member Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭

    I would certainly like to see more of these and other resources in Logos.  

  • Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    It is my understanding from communication with the PP that they have shown no interest in releasing these commentaries due to prior contractual agreement with Libronix (Logos). This is not right. 

    I am not sure what they agreed to back then, but I see various resources available on several platforms. So I do not think this applies anymore.

    But I agree with whit the principle that tour publishing houses should not be exclusively on one platform. including the only option of physical or via the ABC store as many currently are.

    They should be on as many platforms as is practical.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Guilder said:

    But I agree with whit the principle that tour publishing houses should not be exclusively on one platform. including the only option of physical or via the ABC store as many currently are.

    They should be on as many platforms as is practical.

    Imagine how expensive it is to ship to various countries even via cargo boats. Besides, I do not have any more space on my bookshelf. Prefer to carry my library with me.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Brent Wilson
    Brent Wilson Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    It would be great if Logos could offer more Adventist resources and publications. Certainly, Andrews University Seminary Studies journal would be an excellent addition.

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,971 ✭✭✭

    Welcome to the forums.

    One problem with SDA items such as  is the Pre-pub and Community pricing process. To get something into production the current customers must pledge to buy it in quantities that will pay for the production cost. 

    That is Faithlife ensures that the production cost is PAID in full before working on a resource.  If the CURRENT customer base is not interested in a resource the resource never gets published.  This works for their normal customer base but fails to attract new customers in new, to Faithlife, groups like SDA or Orthodox and perhaps others.  BUT it does keep Faithlife in business. 

  • David Maxwell
    David Maxwell Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Certainly more would be appreciated. Of course, being an avid user of Logos, I would appreciate more resources being made available in future releases, but if it would prevent or limit others getting electronic access to them, then perhaps a different approach would be warranted. Yes, I would like more resources made available please.

  • Thinking
    Thinking Member Posts: 368 ✭✭

    I don't think we should be sensitive about The Clear Word. It is better than The Message or The Living Bible. They are all pocket commentaries. But they are formatted like Bibles and it makes it easier to compare with an actual translation. So, however these others are compiled by Logos software is the best way for The Clear Word to be compiled.

  • JohnB
    JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭

    I beg to differ from you Thinking.

    The following is my understanding, which you and others may not agree with.

    Translations such as The Message and The Living Bible are paraphrases intended to convey the meanings of the original languages in an extended (more modern?) form of English. They may or may not have succeeded in that aim and many from varied denomination backgrounds feel that they have conveyed an incorrect understanding of the original language in some (many?) places.

    The aim of editor of The Clear Word was to create an book consisting of an expanded translation of the original biblical languages utilising additional understandings gleaned from the writings of E G White which are not necessarily inherent within the original languages.

    It was on grounds such as these that pressure was put on the publishers to NOT call it The Clear World Bible on printings subsequent to the original.

    I have found that most church members that I have discussed it with still think that it is just a modernised translation of the original biblical languages.

    Personally, I can’t help but feel that some of the many compilations of E G Whites writings   have done her a great disservice. This has been unwittingly and innocently greatly magnified by the production of the print version of The Clear Word.

    I also feel that The Clear Word would have greatly disturbed E G White herself because of the use of her writings in a way that she did not intend, by implying that her writings were not just to point to the Bible (The Review and Herald, January 20, 1903) but were to be used to amplify the actual words and meaning of the bible text text itself. For those that wish it, a versified commentary of her writings would be far more flexible and acceptable.

    If The Clear Word were brought into Logos, I certainly would not buy it because I would have no use for it.

  • Richard Bonjour
    Richard Bonjour Member Posts: 180 ✭✭


    I agree with you. I actually had a class in college from the author of the Clear Word. I don't think he would like what has happened and how people are using what was supposed to have been his thoughts and contemplation's. We have done such a disservice to Mrs White as well. We are reaping the results of our misuse her writings and how the world looks at the church in general. I feel that she would be very sad and displeased with our use of the heritage (for lack of a better word) she entrusted to us.  

  • Thinking
    Thinking Member Posts: 368 ✭✭

    I must not have been plain. The Clear Word is not a Bible. For me, that is not the issue, nor was it the point I was trying to make.

    The issue for me is is to easily utilize it in Logos. I have no idea how often I would use it, but I would buy it if it is organized in a "Bible" way with chapter and verse. So, if The Message is up and ASV or ESV or RSV or any Bible translation is up and linked, The Clear Word would  scrolling with the Bible verses.

    To me, I like comparison options in study and it wouldn't be useful to me in a commentary type format. I already have it in a non-Logo digital format.

    As far as Jack Blanco's preferences, I knew Jack Blanco personally and he told me personally some years ago that he was fully in favor of it being on Logos in a format like The Message "Bible."

  • John Miller
    John Miller Member Posts: 87 ✭✭

    How soon are people estimating that Logos 9 comes out? I have some continuing ed money I"m thinking about using on Logos to upgrade my package, but not sure if I should wait until the closer to the end of this year?