New Logos 8 Fundamentals user

I just purchased a Logos 8 Fundamentals upgrade, but I'm trying to see the results in my desktop (Windows 10) app. Do I need to redownload the app and reinstall it? What new features should I see and where? Thanks to anyone willing to help me with this.
James Hardee said:
Do I need to redownload the app and reinstall it?
No. If needed, can use application command: Update Now
James Hardee said:What new features should I see and where?
Library should show new resources. In Details View, suggest sorting by Added Date
Bible Search for <Person Jesus> in All Bibles should have many results (this search is one way to find English Bibles with Reverse Interlinear tagging, which should include CSB, ESV, LEB, & KJV in Logos 8 Fundamentals
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Airton-Carneiro said:
Does the <Person Jesus> search work for you? I have the fundamental version in Portuguese but it doesn't work.
Concur Biblical Referents Dataset (Conjunto de Dados de Referentes Bíblicos) is not in => (puzzling so suggest asking Faithlife Customer Service => about omission) while is included in =>
Biblical Referents Dataset is included in Logos 8 Fundamentals and Verbum 8 Fundamentals (on sale for $49.00) so <Person Jesus> search has results
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suggest asking Faithlife Customer Service
But my english is so bad.
Maybe I'll to buy the English version and leave the Portuguese aside. There are some features that works on the WEB, while Desktop doesn´t.
I think there are differences between English and Portuguese Desktop version.Thanks.
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Airton-Carneiro said:
suggest asking Faithlife Customer Service
But my english is so bad.
Maybe I'll to buy the English version and leave the Portuguese aside. There are some features that works on the WEB, while Desktop doesn´t.
I think there are differences between English and Portuguese Desktop version.Portugues Contacto =>
English question: Could Biblical Referents Dataset (Conjunto de Dados de Referentes Bíblicos) be added to => (like English Logos 8 Fundamentals includes Biblical Referents Dataset with the other Biblical Datasets that are included in Portugeus Logos 8 Essencial) ?
Keep Smiling [:)]
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To my friends: Logos 9 now includes the data set in the basic version!
And I bought the next package. [:D] Slowly I will arrive at Gold.Thanks to everyone who help me.