Educator's Guide, Companion Guide, Activity Kit...

For years and years, yay decades, I've had this habit of searching Logos and Vyrso for free books. I used to do it daily, as there was always a new resource available...usually Christian novels (not so anymore).
The paradigm used to be to type "price: [0 TO 0]" into the search bar...but that stopped working, so now I choose "Browse all books," then sort them to "lowest price first," then "60" for number of links on a page, and "unowned" as a filter.
Right now, especially on Vyrso, the free books are clogged with Educator's and Companion Guides, and Activity Kits, which are useless, it would seem to me, without their original documents. Plus there are foreign language versions of books I already have. I do try to download anything in Spanish.
Is there any way to filter out the "Kits" and "Guides?"
Not trying to sound ungrateful, just hoping there is something I don't know. .
Paul L. White, Satisfied Logos User since 1.6
I agree.
It would be nice to simply have the option of choosing "useful ebooks" only, i.e. non-fiction, non-educator's guide, etc.
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What is useful to one may not be useful to others- like they say one mans junk is another mans treasure.
The educator guide books are useful for home schooling, and working with my grandkids, etc.
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Would be nice if those are grouped under one category e.g. Homeschooling