USB footnotes

I'm new to Logos and trying to find the footnotes for the USB Greek NT that explains the textual variants in manuscripts.
Yes. I don't have the 5th edition - I have the 4th. My hard copy has footnotes that give the differences of various manuscripts.
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In Logos the footnotes are still there (at least in the fifth edition) but they link to the apparatus.
So if you don't have the apparatus I don't think you will see the information.
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Tim Olson said:
Yes. I don't have the 5th edition - I have the 4th. My hard copy has footnotes that give the differences of various manuscripts.
The cheapest I could find was $99 (UBS5/apparatus). Or $129 for the GBS bundle (includes some OT, and UBS5/apparatus but no NA28 apparatus). No easy solution.
'Historically' GBS packages don't stick around, get re-packaged, or broken up. So, if you see a good GBS package, it pays off for a long time.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.