Help with atlas

I am a new user from Wordsearch. I really like the atlas only how do you get the " linear distance " to work? I have tried everything and no go. The directions say to hold down CRTL then click and drag and a circle will appear. Well it doesn't for me anyway. That would be really nice to have while teaching in Sunday School. What am I missing? Also I have the basic logos 8.17.11 and i have the fundamentals package and whatever logos gave us wordsearchers, and on windows 10. Thanks in advance for any help.
oops, CTRL.
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CTRL+Right mouse button works for distance circle, Shift+Right mouse for orientating the map.
For me, rotating and zoom in the desktop app Atlas is sluggish, it does not use my Nvidia card GPU acceleration, it is smoother for me to use the map in the browser at