Verse-by-Verse Personal Book(s) on the Pentateuch by E.M. Zerr



  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Find inserted into this post the Book of Second Kings from Zerr's Bible Commentary.

    All Milestones included.  Please excuse any spelling or Grammar mistakes.

    5672.Zerr-2nd Kings.with BI.docx


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    What gives?   had to go back into my Browsers history to log on to this forum.]

    Anyone know what Nile Shore is?

    So what if LOGOS gave me all the works of Shakespear and all those Latin Commentaries?  Big Deal!

    The migration from WORDSearch has all but dried up, now this announcement and am unable to access
    anything on the LOGOS Website?  Guess it looks more and more like I may have to go back to e-Sword.  It
    wasn't the greatest, but at least it is free.  So is theword software.  And SwordSearcher is looking better and
    better.  Have to admit that I am getting tired already of creating Books for a bible softeware that looks like it
    might cost hundreds of dollars I don't have.  Not working now because of the Pandemic.  Good thing my wife
    went back to work.  Now I can sit here a play with a software that the average person cannot afford to upgrade.

    Now, I wander what people did before there was Bible Software?  And all they had (like me) was WordPerfect
    when it was on floppy discs.  Saw something on Facebook wondering if LOGOS was taking lessons from the 
    Microsoft gameplan.  I sure hope not.

    Please LOGOS.....Prove me wrong.  I think maybe WORDSearch should have bought out LOGOS and made a 
    product that was more affordable.   Please LOGOS, tell me I am wrong.  Sorry for the ranting and raving.  I'm just
    not happy that they could give me all the works of Shakespear but have to wait until after the big announcement
    to one day deliver the books from my WORDSearch Library that are "MISSING IN ACTION."  I think that perhaps
    my books are being held hostage.   The good LORD knows that I'm hoping and praying that the Ransom to get my
    books to MIGRATE is not so HUGE that it forces me to choose another bible software that is more affordable.

    Yeah.  Don't get me wrong.  I am beginning to like this LOGOS software but if they don't implement the missing
    user friendly features of WORDSearch without charging an exorbitant upgrade fee, I will be on "Unhappy Camper..."


    PS.  The E.M. Zerr Commentary on First Chronicles I plan on posting later today.  With a big snow predicted for our area
    looks like I am going to be stuck indoors for a couple days.  May be able to finish Zerr's Volume Two of his Bible Commentary 
    for LOGOS.  Not giving up on LOGOS yet.  Just kinda blindsided by being unable to access the helpful information on the 
    LOGOS website.....

  • James C.
    James C. Member Posts: 453 ✭✭

    What gives?   had to go back into my Browsers history to log on to this forum.]

    Anyone know what Nile Shore is?


    niLe ShOre is GOne is "Logos nine is here". 

    Logos is launching a new version, Logos 9. The website will be down till about 6am today when they do their live premier. Things will be a little crazy over the next week because of this. Don't get worried this happens every time they release a new version.

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    James is correct. New version launching today 9:00 AM eastern, 6:00 AM pacific. Hopefully some eagerly anticipated feature upgrades.

    Hang in there, will get better soon. Carla

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    OK.  Was getting worried.  WORDSearch never did this.  Been with them and QuickVerse for 20 years.

    Being stuck at home during this Pandemic does not enable me to afford a major upgrade right now.

    On SS and preaching for a small church does not allow an expensive purchase.  Especially since the
    books I need haven't been Migrated over from WORDSearch.

    I hope that LOGOS will not disappoint WORDSearch Users right off the bat while Migration is still in it's infancy.

    AN EXTREMELY REDUCED UPGRADE FOR WORDSearch Users (Well under $100 ) would go a long ways
    to keeping many of those WORDSearch users.  After all, my last major upgrade to Version 12.0 was less than
    $50.  I would expect something on that order for all the New WORDSearch users that are considering being a
    part of the LOGOS User Base.

    I have been preaching for over 40 yrs. and still have many years left in me.  It's just that the timing and unknown
    cost has kinda put a damper on my spirits.  Not all preachers and Sunday School teachers out there are employed
    by "MEGA CHURCHES" who can afford all the bells and whistles. 

    If the LOGOS upgrade for WORDSearch Users is comparable to a WORDSearch upgrade, say for Version 13.0+,
    then I am onboard.  Provided the cost is in line with my Income Level and that cost is not due until all my Books
    on the Migration Page are transferred over to my LOGOS.

    Here are some things that would be nice to see in a new LOGOS Version: (i.e. Ver. 9.0 or greater):
    1. More graphical as in a more user-friendly interface.
    2. A proper Illustration Database, etc.. allowing preachers, etc. to keep track of Sermon Illustrations, Stories, with capabilities
        to insert Milestones and make/create Illustration User Books comparable to the other Books available in a User's Library.
    3. More powerful Sermon Creator with Outliner features, etc...that is also synced and/or merged with the above Illustration 
        Database, making it easier to find, locate, edit, insert Illustrations (with Milestones?) into a preacher's sermons.
    4. Perhaps even a feature similar to the above idea about a Sermon Creator that also includes ability for a Sunday School
        Teacher, Elder, Preacher, easily generate ClassBooks for Sunday School or Personal Bible Study purposes. The old
         Lesson Maker feature in WORDSearch was OK, but not as powerful as it could have been.  I have nearly 3,000 Books in
         WORDSearch, but the Old Lesson Maker did not work with many of my WORDSearch Books and Volumes.

    5. Guess what I'm really look for is some way to EASILY do all the above in LOGOS without a HUMONGOUS Expense.
        Maybe even some kind of "Card File System" for Sermons, Illustrations, Gospel Tracts.  Something that a Preacher, Teacher,
        or Missionary in some far off Mission Field could use to easily generate Booklets, Tracts, Pamplets for use in Mission Fields.
        All of this I suppose, could be kinda like the Old Desktop Publisher, enabling small churches or preachers on a limited income
        to easily publish professionally looking material from Books and Volumes already in their LOGOS Library.

    I suppose someone will say "You don't want much, do you?"  It's just these are some things that I've wanted for years in QuickVerse, then
    in WORDSearch.  WORDSearch got close at times, but not close enough.  If LOGOS can get a little closer than WORDSearch to these
    ideas floating around in my finite mind, I'll be a happy camper.  Provided someone doesn't take me to the cleaners on the upgrade costs.


  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    Just a thought. If you can afford a subscription to Faithlife Connect, an upgrade doesn't have to cost you anything extra. The Faithlife connect subscription without library is only $99 a year, and includes monthly free, books, an additonal discount on base packages, 2 free mobile ed courses a yeart, etc.

    There is a new Sermon Manager in L9, but I haven't kicked the tires yet and won't be able to until I am off work today. I will email you about it after I do the training on MP Seminars and experiment with it a little bit.  it might be what you need.  

    If you have the subscription, you get all new features automatically as soon as they have been released.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Thanks.... Provided the upgrade costs outweigh the benefits of the New Features.

    Really beginning to like LOGOS more and more each day.  I cannot afford to fully Retire
    if I have to shell a lot of "$$$"  right now.  Besides, been married for over 40 yrs and I
    want to be able to not only preserve peace in the family, but if I spend a lot on BIble Software
    right now, I might have to cut back on my contributions on Sunday.  Don't think God would
    like that.

    It's just that Buying Bible Software, or even Microsoft Office is kinda like Wanting to buy a
    Cadillac Escalade, but you can only afford something on a used Cheverolet budget.  I want
    to have the improvements in LOGOS, but at what COST????


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Sorry Carla,

    Hope you don't mind my "Venting"   Makes me want to ask LOGOS, "How Low can you go?"
    $99 sounds good  but would like to see something more like a monthly charge (less than $10)

    With everything going on in the world today, it would be easier on my household budget if I
    could do what you suggest without having to pay a large subscription fee up front.  Don't know
    how many thousands of WORDSearch users are out there, but some better financial options
    would go a long way towards keeping them in the LOGOS Customer base.

    BTW, I will look forward to your email.   I would like to know what you find out.



  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Forgot to mention that I have about nearly 4,700 Books and/or Volumes in my LOGOS Program.
    Many of them thanks to my investments in QuickVerse and WORDSearch over the past 20 years.
    When I retired early several yrs ago and moved 500 miles away, I had to sacrifice making a lot of "$$$"
    But that was a choice I made, along with my wife so we could both be near relatives whom we love.
    Besides, that still allowed me to preach at least 3 Sundays per month out here in the MidWest.  If I
    still worked my old job, I could afford the best  package deal for LOGOS, but making the prope life
    choices is more important.  If affordable I will stay with LOGOS, and I will continue to make Personal
    Books for LOGOS, as long as future updates will be compatible with what I make and compile now
    in Version 8.0.



  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Since I will be here all week.  I intend to catch the News on LOGOS.

    Will keep my fingers crossed.


  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    The price I gave you was Faithlife essentials. Faithlife Starter is only 8.99 a month. I would call customer service and ask about it. You would probably get some additional volumes added to your library, but it does not come with the 2% cash back coupon every February. If you aren't buying anything, that will not be a drawback. As long as you have Connect, you get any new feature upgrades immediately.

    I don't mind the rant. 

    Question, you mentioned a lot about sermons. Have you kicked the tires on the Sermon editor yet?  You can develop an outline, slides, handouts, etc. 

    Obviously, I don't preach, being a female in the Church of Christ, but I do write. Currently, just for personal reasons, but I will be branching out in the near future. Haven't decided what that will look like yet, but I will be doing some kind of writing. Probably having to do with the Bible and mental health. I plan on using those tools, Sermon editor and Sermon Manager to keep it all organized. Right now, I am just using Word and One Note, but hope to integrate all that in Logos eventually.

    Give customer service a call and have them explain in depth about the different levels of subscriptions. There are four: 8.99/mo, 99/yr, 14.99/mo, 24.99/mo.

    Thanks, Carla

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    I may have mis-spoke. The Faithlife Connect Starter, the one that is 8.99/month may not include all the features and feature upgrades. You may have to go to 14.99/mo for that. Call customer service to make sure.  Carla

  • Calvin Habig
    Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭


    I know you have completed Zerr, vol. 1, but is this the breakdown by volume of the rest of it. I've seen different versions.  Thanks.

    Vol. 1-Gen-Ruth

    Vol. 2-I Sam-Job

    Vol. 3-Psa-Isa

    Vol. 4-Jer-Mal

    Vol. 5-Matt-Romans

    Vol. 6-I Cor-Rev

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Yes, Calvin  That is what I've Got.
    Actually, It used to be Six(6) volumes as you list in your post.
    Before they started printing in Paperback Version, the publisher
    Combined Vol. 5 and Vol 6 into one large Volume.  So, if you can
    find this out-of-Print Hardback, it will probably be Five Hardbacks
    instead of the original Six.  The Combined Volumes 5 & 6 has 
    approximately  377 pages in Volume 5 and 356 pages in Volume
    Six.  That's a total of  over 730 pages covering the New Testament.

    The print is pretty small, with no scripture.  Just commentary.  If it was
    printed in a larger Print and Page size it would probably be somewhere 
    between 1200 and 1500 pages just for the New Testament Portion.  I'd 
    say altogether, more like 4,000 pages altogether.

    You can download the .PDF versions of all the Volumes from the Restoration
    Library at   In the search box, type "ZERR" and
    it will give you the links for all the Volumes and then allow you to download
    each volume.  The owner scanned all Five of the Hardbacks for me and mailed
    the books backed to me.  The .PDFs on the above site are the .PDFs he 
    created when he "scanned" my books.  I entered all the text into WORDSearch
    several years ago.  When I switched over to LOGOS I decided to take the 
    WORDSearch Userbook and convert it to LOGOS format.

    You can download the entire WORDSearch Userbook from my old Bible website
    at   What I did in WORDSerch, was
    to export the entire module as a single HTML File (Over 20MB in size).  I then
    loaded into WORD and saved as a .docx format which is about 9MB in size.  Now,
    when I do Zerr's Commentary on a particular book, I just copy the text from the main
    .docx file, past it into a new .docx file and save it for edited and eventual use in the
    LOGOS Personal Book Editor.

    By the time you read this Post I will probably have uploaded Zerr's Commentary on 
    the book of 1st Chronicles.  I have already started on Zerr's Commentary for 2nd Chronicles.
    Also, on my old website (see above)  I believe you can still download the Commentary for
    Zerr's on each of the 66 Books of the Bible.

    Zerr also published in the early 20th century a book with over 16,000 Study Questions on
    the New Testament.  It was divided into Questions for each chapter in the New Testament.
    Some of the Chapters have as many as eighty (80) Questions per chapter.  He also published
    a book which has  Questions for Every book of the Old Testament as well.  I have been thinking
    of taking his questions and adding them to the Commentary I have been working on for LOGOS.
    Thought it would be a good way to supplement his Commentary.  Also, these Questions are also
    available as a download from my website listed above.  They are in .PDF Format.

    In Christ,

    Mark Johns

  • cshover8669
    cshover8669 Member Posts: 376 ✭✭✭

    I love discussion and study questions, application resources. I can't wait for you to add the questions. My biggest gripe with Logos is they do not have the resources "Complete Bible Discussion Guide for the Old Testament and the New Testament." I have to make sure and load this over in the new feedback tool. I may visit your website and download them myself after I get the Audie McKee studies done.


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Below you and the other LOGOS Users on this forum will find Zerr's Bible Commentary
    for the book of Genesis thru 1st Chronicles.  2nd Chronicles is coming very soon.....
    These files listed below are the lasted updated ones I have.  However, I did not take the
    time to correct all the Spelling and Grammar mistakes.  Here they are:

    5102.Zerr-Genesis.with BI.docx

    1106.Zerr-Exodus.with BI.docx

    3750.Zerr-Leviticus.with BI.docx

    5670.Zerr-Numbers.with BI.docx

    1754.Zerr-Deuteronomy.with BI.docx

    4034.Zerr-Joshua.with bible index.docx

    5126.Zerr-Judges.with BI.docx

    5545.Zerr-Ruth with bible index.docx

    4617.Zerr-1st Samuel.with BI.docx

    2742.Zerr-2nd Samuel.with BI.docx

    3465.Zerr-1st Kings.with BI.docx

    1411.Zerr-2nd Kings.with BI.docx

    0876.Zerr-1st Chronicles.with BI.docx  Just finished 1st Chronicles on 10/26/20 at 2:30pm EST.

    I would also like to thank NB.Mick for helping me get started inserting and adding all the "Milestones" thru 1st & 2nd Samuel. Now that I have learned how to do Milestones, it's not so hard.  I also give credit to Carla (cshover) for providing me with some of her Personal Books to help me see how "Milestones" are employed in the creation of Personal books for LOGOS.



  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Forgot to say that when all the .docx are loaded in order into the Personal
    Book Editor to create the Zerr Bible Commentary there are no errors or mistakes
    when they are compile into a single Bible Commentary.

    Again, below is the image file for Zerr's Commentary so you can include it
    in the mix when you compile the book.....

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭


    Here is the Book of Second Chronicles from the Zerr Bible Commentary.

    6403.Zerr-2nd Chronicles.with BI.docx

    Now starting on the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah.


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,163

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    You're welcome.

    Probably will have Ezra and Nehemiah in a couple days.
    Wife home this week from work and will keep me away from the keyboard!

    Anyway, NB.Mick, hope you like it.  Cannot wait to get to the Psalms.....


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Below you will find the Book of Ezra from the E.M Zerr Bible Commentary.

    All the necessary Milestones are included in this file.

    This now makes available the books of Genesis thru Ezra. Like the other ..docx files from
    this commentary, together they compile with no errors and/or mistakes.

    Here it is:  3872.Zerr-Ezra.with BI.docx


  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Please find below the Commentaries for the Book of Nehemiah and Esther from the Zerr Bible Commentary.

    This will complete the Zerr Bible Commentary for Genesis thru Esther.

    Once I complete the Book of Job, I will start on volume 3 of Zerr's Bible Commentary.

    Volume Three Includes: Psalms thru Isaiah

    8713.Zerr-Nehemiah.with BI.docx

    1512.Zerr-Esther.with BI.docx

    Please note that so far, the Books of Genesis thru Esther compile with no Mistakes and Errors.
    All Necessary Milestones for maximum use with LOGOS are included in all the books for Genesis thru Esther

  • Mark Johns
    Mark Johns Member Posts: 277 ✭✭

                                     Zerr Bible Commentary for Genesis thru Esther

    Notice:  So far I have tried to keep the Spelling, Punctuation, and/or Grammar Errors to a minimum.

    You will probably find some in any or all of the Books for Genesis thru Esther.

    Sorry about that, but I don't have time to go back and look for them.

    If you correct all of these errors in any or all of the Books, please post the update and share with this forum.

    Thanks for your help.  I am now working on the Book of Job this weekend.  After that, i will start on the Book of Psalms.

  • Matt DeVore
    Matt DeVore Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    I'm so thankful for your work on this. I hope you will be able to continue. 

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Mark DeVore ---- Thank you for doing this. I also hope you are able to continue on through the New Testament.

    If I could help.... I'd be glad to.  Zerr's commentary is an excellent addition to anyone's resources.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    I ran a test today and checked out personal book building.  It seems that Logos automatically turns book-chapter-verse into such Bible references. Which brings up a question.... why do we need the "[[@...]]" for referencing book-chapter-verse? Seems like we just need to make sure we are using the right heading for what we want to do with the text.

    For example.... we reference James 1:1 as "[[@James 1:1]]" or "[[@Jam 1:1]]" and set it to Heading 3.

    When, it looks like, all we need is (set the book) - James (set to Heading 1), set the chapter - James 1 (set to Heading 2) and set the verse - James 1:1 (set it to Heading 3). I did this in my test and it worked fine.

    Is there some reason I'm missing that we need all the "[[@...]]" stuff??  Looks to me like extra typing..... But it's easy for me to miss thing that are important.... [8-|]

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Matt DeVore
    Matt DeVore Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Take a look at the documentation for Personal Books (PB). The sections in milestones and commentaries explain it a little better. You are right, that when you create a PB, Logos parses and recognizes the verse references and makes them into links. These can be exploited using the Cited By tool. However, to make a verse-by-verse commentary track with a Bible automatically when you set both the Bible and the commentary to link set x, then it needs milestones. 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,727

    xnman said:

    It seems that Logos automatically turns book-chapter-verse into such Bible references. Which brings up a question.... why do we need the "[[@...]]" for referencing book-chapter-verse?

    Logos automatically creates a link for the reference. The milestone marker sets off a section of text as about a reference e.g., in a commentary it is a block of text that expounds on the text. Furthermore, it is the milestones that are indexed to allow the text to be linked with another text with the same type of index.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Matt and MJ..... I knew there was a reason.... and what you guys say makes sense now.

    Thanks again.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    I do not want to interfere with Mark's work... He's done a masterful job. I am thankful for his efforts....

    I got hold of some of the E.M. Zerr Bible Commentaries.... I have listed below for the Book of Revelation. Check it over and see if it fits with what Mark is doing.... I am willing to make changes if needed....just let me know.

    66_Zerr-Revelation with BI.docx

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Matt DeVore
    Matt DeVore Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    It seems that Mark is no longer working on this project. I hope he is well. Thank you for taking up the mantle.

    I loaded the Revelation Personal Book into my system and it seems to be working fine. The only difference I discerned is the font size. The other volumes seem to have a larger font in the commentary text (Times New Roman 14) which I can manually scale down in Logos. The file you made seems to render a smaller font size (Times New Roman 12). I kind of prefer the way you are doing it, but, since I am setting these all up with the same series title, things get wonky when I switch Bible books from the older OT volumes to the new Revelation volume. 

    I selected all of the text in your file and clicked the A Increase Font Size button and it seemed to switch it from 12 to 14. I'd recommend you do that in order to match the previous work Mark did and so the series can be consistent. 

    Even if this is the only volume you complete, I am very grateful for that work you did and for your kindness in sharing it here. 

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    It seems that Mark is no longer working on this project. I hope he is well. Thank you for taking up the mantle.

    I loaded the Revelation Personal Book into my system and it seems to be working fine. The only difference I discerned is the font size. The other volumes seem to have a larger font in the commentary text (Times New Roman 14) which I can manually scale down in Logos. The file you made seems to render a smaller font size (Times New Roman 12). I kind of prefer the way you are doing it, but, since I am setting these all up with the same series title, things get wonky when I switch Bible books from the older OT volumes to the new Revelation volume. 

    I selected all of the text in your file and clicked the A Increase Font Size button and it seemed to switch it from 12 to 14. I'd recommend you do that in order to match the previous work Mark did and so the series can be consistent. 

    Even if this is the only volume you complete, I am very grateful for that work you did and for your kindness in sharing it here. 

    I appreciate your feed back... I will  change my font to match what Mark has done. One other thing I did ... which I like... is to have Verse no. in the TOC.  I think it helps to go to a particular verse quicker.

    I wish there was a "macro" for Word to do a lot of the editing automatically. I may try that later...I just run out of time too fast... [8-|]

    Thanks again.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Matt DeVore
    Matt DeVore Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    I stumbled on a very weird problem and I think I have isolated the cause. When I go to Rev 22:1 and then scroll to verse 2, I suddenly find myself back in chapter 21!. I looked at the Word document and it seems you have the milestone for 22:1 at the comments for 21:1. That confuses  Logos pretty well. 

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    I stumbled on a very weird problem and I think I have isolated the cause. When I go to Rev 22:1 and then scroll to verse 2, I suddenly find myself back in chapter 21!. I looked at the Word document and it seems you have the milestone for 22:1 at the comments for 21:1. That confuses  Logos pretty well. 

    On my end I could not duplicate the scrolling problem in Logos on my end. But I searched the file and found what you are talking about.

    Thank you. I think I have found the problem and corrected it.  It seems there were actually two issues in the file which I corrected.  Also... I did change the font to 14 pt.  The new file is listed below.

    66_Zerr-Revelation with BI.docx

    I will work on Jude next. And as I have time... I will work from Revelation backwards to Matthew.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Below are the last 2 books of the New Testament from the 1947 EM Zerr commentary.

    I will be working on more books as I have time. For now.... I will work from Revelation towards Matthew as Mark may be (hopefully) working on the Old Testament towards Matthew.


    66_Zerr-Revelation with BI.docx

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Per EM Zerr Commentary....Here are the books I have converted to be ready to compile in Personal Books.

    61_Zerr-2 Peter.docx

    62_Zerr-1 John.docx

    63_Zerr-2 John.docx

    64_Zerr-3 John.docx

    Let me know about any mistakes you find.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Matt DeVore
    Matt DeVore Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    2 Peter and 1 John have the smaller font that doesn't match the earlier work like when you first began. 2 and 3 John look consistent with the earlier files. 

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    2 Peter and 1 John have the smaller font that doesn't match the earlier work like when you first began. 2 and 3 John look consistent with the earlier files. 

    I re-visit them and try to correct it. Thanks.

    I am trying to write a program (vbs macro) to do all this editing stuff... it has sooooo many variables.  Wish I knew Grep or PHP... or could remember my old "C" stuff... lol

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Here are 1 & 2 Peter. I corrected the font size to 14. I'll try to catch this in the future. Be patient with me, it's going to take some time to get the rest of the books of the Bible... but I'll tarry on.

    Personally, I think Zerr Commentary would be a good addition to any library.

    60_Zerr-1 Peter.docx
    61_Zerr-2 Peter.docx

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Here is the book of James. I number books of the Bible as 01 - Genesis thru 66 - Revelation. I do this so that when I sort them, they fall in line so to speak. No other reason.


    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,163

    xnman said:

    Here is the book of James.

    Thanks for doing this work!

    One idea that many other PB-commentary makers employ is to make Verse titles also links to the respective verse (I automatically moused-over & clicked the blue text and was surprised it didn't work). The syntax would change from e.g.

    [[@Jam 1:1]] Verse 1


    [[@Jam 1:1]] [[Verse 1 >> Jam 1:1]]

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    Thanks for doing this work!

    One idea that many other PB-commentary makers employ is to make Verse titles also links to the respective verse (I automatically moused-over & clicked the blue text and was surprised it didn't work). The syntax would change from e.g.

    [[@Jam 1:1]] Verse 1


    [[@Jam 1:1]] [[Verse 1 >> Jam 1:1]]

    Didn't think about this.... and thanks for pointing it out. I do like the idea of clicking on the verse and having the Bible sync to it.

    Thanks again.

    Edit: I did a quick test and I like your idea better.... will try to implement it from now on. Thanks again

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Below are all the files (from Philippians thru Revelation) that I have re-formatted. You can click on the verse now and go to you Bible... I made an effort to clean up some editing of miss-spelled words (probably didn't get them all) ... Also, I formatted the text all to 14pt, Times Roman.

    There are some warnings I don't understand yet... (i.e. "Skipping empty space" etc) But the files all compile and work well. Here's the way I build the files in Logos.

    I compile each file separately. But before I compile and in the edit procedure... I name the fiIe as "xx - Zerr Commentary - Book name". "xx" corresponds to the book secquence in the Bible. For example... book of James would be compiled ast "59 - Zerr Commentary - James". I also add the following 2 fields to each compile as follows:

    1. Publisher and Publication Date as: EM Zerr   1947.

    2. Series Title: Zerr Commentary. -- This is so all the books will track as one tab when linked to your Bible.

    Here are the books:

    50_Zerr - Philippians.docx
    51_Zerr - Colossians.docx
    52_Zerr - 1 Thessalonians.docx
    53_Zerr -2 Thessalonians.docx

    54_Zerr - 1 Timothy.docx
    55_Zerr - 2 Timothy.docx
    56_Zerr - Titus.docx
    57_Zerr - Philemon.docx
    58_Zerr - Hebrews.docx
    60_Zerr-1 Peter.docx
    61_Zerr-2 Peter.docx
    62_Zerr-1 John.docx
    63_Zerr-2 John.docx
    64_Zerr-3 John.docx

    I will work on Matthew thru Ephesians next.

    I decided to help with this project because I feel Zerr Commentaries are worth being part of my repertoire of books and it would probably take tooooo long to get it in Logos... if they would do it (which I wish they would!).

    If you use them, be honest, be humble and remember EM Zerr wrote the text of these books.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,163

    xnman said:

    Below are all the files (from Philippians thru Revelation) that I have re-formatted. You can click on the verse now and go to you Bible... I made an effort to clean up some editing of miss-spelled words (probably didn't get them all) ... Also, I formatted the text all to 14pt, Times Roman.

    Thanks a lot for this labor of love! Turned out very well.

    xnman said:

    I compile each file separately.

    That's a good thing (I do the same for a series of commentaries shared in the German language subforum) - for some reason I started Zerr in the alternative way of building this all in one large document, and it works fine just as well. Just now I downloaded all your 16 files and quickly made a new, NT-only commentary in one go. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • xnman said:

    Below are all the files (from Philippians thru Revelation) that I have re-formatted.

    Observed number prefix for New Testament Books being different than Logos & Verbum internal numbering.

    Logos Wiki => Canonical Commentary Collections reflects the Logos & Verbum book numbering: e.g. 61 Matthew ... 87 Revelation

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    xnman said:

    Below are all the files (from Philippians thru Revelation) that I have re-formatted.

    Observed number prefix for New Testament Books being different than Logos & Verbum internal numbering.

    Logos Wiki => Canonical Commentary Collections reflects the Logos & Verbum book numbering: e.g. 61 Matthew ... 87 Revelation

    Keep Smiling Smile

    Thanks for pointing it out.

    And it is true that Logos may number books differently.... Long before I came to Logos I was using my system... I've many files associated with my system.... and with internal references from file to file... it would be a daunting task to go back and change my system.

    And... If Genesis is 01 and there are only 39 books in the O.T. then Matthew naturally falls in to be 40....  at least in my Bible....

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,727

    xnman said:

    If Genesis is 01 and there are only 39 books in the O.T.

    Interesting as the Jewish Bible only has 24 books. [8-|] My point is that the division into books and their names is not stable. It is a case of "when in Rome do what the Romans do" or more precisely "when in Faithlife do what Faithlife does" or suffer the consequences. In Faithlife:

    Logos Bible Book Names">

    Logos Bible Book Names

    Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home
    Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4

    This is a list of the bible book names that Logos uses internally. It can be helpful in Personal Books where book names may be problematic in non-English resources or interfaces.

    To use as a scripture reference the syntax is [[Name.chapter.verse]] e.g. [[Matt 15:2 >> bible.61.15.2]]. However, if you want to designate a specific versification scheme (the one used by your bible) then use the Internal Name from Bible Datatypes instead of bible e.g. [[Matt 15:2 (NA27) >> bible+na27.61.15.2]].

    This syntax can also be used for milestones e.g. [[@bible+na27.61.15.2]].

    Book Logos Name
    Genesis bible.1
    Exodus bible.2
    Leviticus bible.3
    Numbers bible.4
    Deuteronomy bible.5
    Joshua bible.6
    Judges bible.7
    Ruth bible.8
    1 Samuel bible.9
    2 Samuel bible.10
    1 Kings bible.11
    2 Kings bible.12
    1 Chronicles bible.13
    2 Chronicles bible.14
    Ezra bible.15
    Nehemiah bible.16
    Esther bible.17
    Job bible.18
    Psalm bible.19
    Proverbs bible.20
    Ecclesiastes bible.21
    Song of Solomon bible.22
    Isaiah bible.23
    Jeremiah bible.24
    Lamentations bible.25
    Ezekiel bible.26
    Daniel bible.27
    Hosea bible.28
    Joel bible.29
    Amos bible.30
    Obadiah bible.31
    Jonah bible.32
    Micah bible.33
    Nahum bible.34
    Habakkuk bible.35
    Zephaniah bible.36
    Haggai bible.37
    Zechariah bible.38
    Malachi bible.39
    Tobit bible.40
    Judith bible.41
    Additions to Esther bible.42
    Wisdom of Solomon bible.43
    Sirach bible.44
    Baruch bible.45
    Letter of Jeremiah bible.46
    Song of Three Youths bible.47
    Susanna bible.48
    Bel and the Dragon bible.49
    1 Maccabees bible.50
    2 Maccabees bible.51
    1 Esdras bible.52
    Prayer of Manasseh bible.53
    Additional Psalm bible.54
    3 Maccabees bible.55
    2 Esdras bible.56
    4 Maccabees bible.57
    Ode bible.58
    Psalms of Solomon bible.59
    Epistle to the Laodiceans bible.60
    Matthew bible.61
    Mark bible.62
    Luke bible.63
    John bible.64
    Acts bible.65
    Romans bible.66
    1 Corinthians bible.67
    2 Corinthians bible.68
    Galatians bible.69
    Ephesians bible.70
    Philippians bible.71
    Colossians bible.72
    1 Thessalonians bible.73
    2 Thessalonians bible.74
    1 Timothy bible.75
    2 Timothy bible.76
    Titus bible.77
    Philemon bible.78
    Hebrews bible.79
    James bible.80
    1 Peter bible.81
    2 Peter bible.82
    1 John bible.83
    2 John bible.84
    3 John bible.85
    Jude bible.86
    Revelation bible.87
    Enoch bible.88
    Plea for Deliverance bible.89
    Apostrophe to Zion bible.90
    Eschatological Hymn bible.91
    Apostrophe to Judah bible.92
    Hymn to the Creator bible.93
    David’s Compositions bible.94
    Apocryphal Psalms bible.95
    Apocalypse of Baruch bible.96
    Epistle of Baruch bible.97
    Additions to Daniel bible.98
    2 Baruch bible.99
    4 Ezra bible.100
    Catena bible.101
    Psalm 151A bible.102
    Psalm 151B bible.103

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    MJ --- As always, I appreciate and thank you for your insight. And I hope you and Faithlife can truly understand and appreciate the fact, that I am not Catholic and therefore do not think, nor believe nor act, like Catholic's do.

    As such, I do not believe the prophetical books you mentioned are in the canonical Bible as you seem to. And I certainly do not believe I will suffer any consequences because of the way I numbered these book (and I don't know what consequences you mean).

    But if Faithlife is going to be that narrow minded as to cause me to suffer consequences, ... then so be it. While you and Faithlife wish to number your books differently, I don't believe I have hindered your doing so in any way with the way I use in numbering the books I compile. You certainly are free to go through the books and re-number them for yourself. I don't believe Brother EM Zerr and certainly not myself, would be offended.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,727

    xnman said:

    And I hope you and Faithlife can truly understand and appreciate the fact, that I am not Catholic and therefore do not think, nor believe nor act, like Catholic's do.

    There is nothing Catholic about the Faithlife list - it supports Anglicans (Episcopalians), Lutherans, some Eastern & Oriental Orthodox, Catholics, and a handful of others. There are some Oriental and Eastern Orthodox that it does not support. Which of the books in the list I consider canonical is irrelevant - what matters is if you have embedded your numbering scheme in any links in which it will generate incorrect results.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."