Sermon Builder: Slide Edit deletes text

When I add my own "user" background to the slides in Sermon Builder, it deletes the text from the slide that I am editing. If I manually add the text back in the field and update the sermon, it won't apply that formatting to all slides when that option is selected.
On this topic, it would be nice if we could choose a PNG format with a "transparent background". That would save me going in and making a green background to key out later. Maybe transparency is available and I just don't see it? Anyone?
Also, in the Mac version, the "Send To" option when editing slides sends a blank slide. It used to give me the option to send as an image or a PPT format now it just sends a blank.
In the PC version of Logos, clicking on "Save As" crashes the program (Logos).
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Hi Brent,
The issues with user media have been present for a while. I'll add this thread to the case.
I'm unable to reproduce your crash. Could you provide reproduction steps and also include your logs?
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I rebooted my computer and followed all the instructions to create log files and then the problem didn't happen. My bad.