Indexing crash

Took out 1000 resources ... oldest ... march 2006.
Still crashes.
StephenMiller02 said:
Took out 1000 resources ... oldest ... march 2006.
Still crashes.
Hi i reported this issue, I will keep you posted if we can find a solution.
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StephenMiller02 said:
Took out 1000 resources ... oldest ... march 2006.
Still crashes.
Searching the internet yielded some user-specific problem, that is a font that was recently installed on your system is causing this error. To correct it, go to the Fonts folder in Control Panel and arrange it by date to see the most recent ones, then find any font with the size of 0kb or no font name, and erase it. Should fix the problem.
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I do not have any 0K font files on my system.
What does your answer mean??????
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StephenMiller02 said:
I do not have any 0K font files on my system.
What does your answer mean??????
Sorry, I only mean some recent font that was installed is causing this issue, and sometimes a corrupted font can be seen if it is a file that is 0kb, and it must be erased. Can you list some of the most recent fonts in that folder? If you don't have a date created column you can right-click on one of the columns and select date created.