How do I add Photos in notes?

Upgraded to L9 this week.
I see the button to Insert Media. I click it, and the Add Image window pops up with "Your Media", "Faithlife Stock" and "Unsplash" tabs. I click on an image and a bunch of info comes up in the right column. I don't see any way to actually get the image into the note, however. I've tried dragging, tried clicking on the download buttons, etc., but nothing seems to work to get the image into the note. What am I missing?
I'm running on a Mac, by the way.
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
On the right side of the "Your Media" page should be a place to add images (it's labelled "add a new file")--
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Yep, I've added my own images, but I still don't see how to get them from the Add Image window into the note. Is there a button I'm missing?
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
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It might have something to do with the resolution of our monitors? I had the same problem on my home computer. Web app and church office no problems at all.
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Ryland Brown said:
It might have something to do with the resolution of our monitors? I had the same problem on my home computer. Web app and church office no problems at all.
I too had this problem on my Windows laptop which has a smaller screen; I couldn't see and access the buttons at the bottom. (TAB didn't work to move between the buttons and there was no scroll bar so I could scroll to the bottom of the window). Eventually, I had to set my bottom windows taskbar to autohide so I could see the insert button at the bottom of the screen (and even then I could only see the top half of the button!)
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This is likely my issue then, which I hope is resolved, because I only have one computer and screen (it's a laptop).
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
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I’ve never been a big fan on FL’s design choice of putting things at the bottom of the screen in no mans land. When confronted with some this size the bottom of the screen is not where our eyes naturally look to find things. It’s quite annoying and In this cases seems to be causing small screen users problems.
Ben Hein said:This is likely my issue then, which I hope is resolved, because I only have one computer and screen (it's a laptop).
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Ben, I'm still struggling to follow/understand the issue being reported. It seems related to your screen size. Can you provide a screen shot to demonstrate what you are seeing?
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I also just read this thread: Is that what you are seeing?
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To see the effect, if you have a large screen, try changing program scaling to 150%, then click the add image button in notes. The popup screen that appears, try to see and click the buttons at the bottom. You can't. The popup needs a scroll bar or similar.
Hope that helps.
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James Hudson said:
The popup needs a scroll bar or similar.
If the Add button is simply off the screen, there is nothing the user can do. The pop-up cannot be resized, which would solve the problem, and as James said, there is no way to scroll down to see the Add button at the bottom.
Perhaps there is overlap between the problem I reported in the other thread and this one. They both have something to do with sizing - either the text within the pop-up or the correct sizing of the pop-up on the screen.
Hopefully a fix gets escalated to the next service release.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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FWIW, I tried reducing program scaling to 80%, hoping this might show the button. Instead it just froze Logos every time I tried to click Add Image (I tried 3 times, and forced a restart 3 times).
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
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What are the chances this will be fixed in the next release?
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
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I want to bump this up again. Are we going to see this addressed in the next release?
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
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It was fixed in 9.1 Beta 2, so when 9.1 is released (I think the first full week in December) everyone should have it. If you need it now you can transfer to the beta channel and get the latest beta. The command for the Go bar is Set Update Channel to Beta.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Thanks. I changed to Beta and did the update. Unfortunately it's not fixed for me, still have the same issue.
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)
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Can you copy (CMD + C) and paste it (CMD + V) directly into the note?
This works in Windows (might be new in the beta). It just uploads the image for you.
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Tried the copy/paste - both with CMD and the Edit menu to be sure - doesn't work.
Rev. Ben Hein
Shady Grove Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Reformed Theological Seminary, M.Div (2017)