Duplicate entries & typos in Factbook: list here

SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

It's obvious from looking at the Factbook, which is drawn from many different sources, that many duplicate entries have been merged and lots of things have been fixed.

Some duplicates and other errors remain.

We might as well consolidate ones we notice in a single thread.

I'll start:

1. John Milbank & John Milbank (Anglican Theologian) (bio.johnmilbank & bk.%25JohnMilbank_Person)

2. Vincent Ferrer should be "Saint Vincent Ferrer". (bio.saintvincentferrer)

3. John Ireland & John Ireland (Roman Catholic leader) (bio.JohnIreland & bk.%25JohnIreland1.Person)

4. William James & William James (American Pragmatist philosopher) (bio.WilliamJames & bk.%25WilliamJames_Person) [Also typo: "devleoped"]

5. There are a lots of entries with "SJ" as a middle name; they're all wrong. Those are all Jesuits, and SJ is their postnomial. This also occurs with other religious orders/congregations, with post-nomials that include "OP" and "OFM", as well as "CP" & "CSB" & "OFS" (one each). Note that sometimes the postnomials in Factbook are "Op" or "Ofs", etc.

[If you're wondering how to get the funky bio.whatever/bk.%whatever and such, which presumably has no duplicates, it's the article reference available by clicking on the three dots followed by "Information" to see the citation data.]

“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

