community pricing

I sent this to customer service and they told me to post this here.
I am a long fan of community pricing.For a while, Logos seemed to forget about it, but I have been seeing it again on the home page. For which I am very happy.
However, you have been advertising the same works for months, apparently to no avail. And there are hundreds of other resources that I am sure most people know nothing about. Even if they click on an ad, they don't see the whole range of resources available, just that one.
There are hundreds of titles there that I have been wanting to get for years.
PLEASE, rotate out the ones you advertise, let people know when they go to that product that there are hundreds more available, or at least have a standing notice and link to the general community pricing page.
Thank you
There's a See All link that opens a search result to all the hundreds of community pricing resources. If that's not clear enough, how would you suggest improving it?
The ones shown are the most popular (most funded) of all the CP resources, so I can see how that wouldn't change very often until another CP became more popular, or those hit 100% and move into production.
What type of rotation would you suggest to see different CP resources each month?
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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I just clicked on several resources in CP on the home page. I didn't find any "see all" link.. I didn't find anything letting me to think there are more books on CP than the ones shown on the home page.
You show a picture in your response. I don't know where that is from.
Don't forget. We now have thousands of new Logos users. How will they learn about this?
What type of rotation would I like to see?
I used to send in recommendations of books for Logos to publish. Then I was finding that many of them were in CP.
These are the books that I have been waiting years for. You don't have to change them monthly. Put a new one every couple days. Put a direct link to the CP on the home page.
The Speaker's Commentary, the Biblical Studies of BF Westcott, The Catholic Encyclopedia, The Life of our Lord upon the Earth, The Works of Richard Trench, A Bible Commentary for English Readers by CJ Ellicott, Select Life and Work of Matthew Henry, George Barker Stevens Collection, Select works of Joseph Seiss, Collected sermons of BF Westcott, Oesterley's Studies, Wilson's Old Testament Word Studies, van Oosterzee Theological Studies, Bloomfield's commentary on the Greek NT (9 vol), Select Works of James Durham, Works of Rudolf Stier, Trapp's Commentary, Bampton Lectures, Anglican Pulpit Library, Peake's Commentary, Select Gifford Lectures, Patrologiae Cursus Completus Greek and Latin, Simon Patrick Critical Commentary, Encyclopedia Biblica, Charles Briggs Collection, Works of AP Stanley, Zeitschrift fuer die neutestamentlcihe Wissenschaft, Ausgewaehlte Werke Adolf Juelichers, Realenzyklopaedie fuer protestantische Theologie
classic commentaries on Jonah, Genesis, the Pentateuch, Hebrews, Proverbs, Luke, Isaiah, Johannine Literature, Psalms, Matthew, Acts, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Many of the classic commentaries don't even show the authors, just titles. That won't help.
For a long time, Logos neglected CP. Then they started up again. I just don't think they're trying hard enough to sell them.
Thank you
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Larry Craig said:
You show a picture in your response. I don't know where that is from.
Oh, sorry for misunderstanding. I thought you were referring to the home page on
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!
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I have been to the logos page many times and never even saw that.
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It’s been there for a long time. You have to scroll down to see that section.
Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!