QuickStart layouts in mobile app

James Thompson
James Thompson Member Posts: 10
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The image attached is a screen capture of my Logos 9 mobile app homepage. There are two QuickStart layouts which are seemingly irrevocably linked to each other. For instance, if I change the Bible and Study Bible layout to Matt 5 the Bible and Commentary layout will also change to Matt 5. This isn’t the case with the other layouts which are seemingly independent of each other. What am I missing? Are QuickStart layouts automatically linked to each other? Why can’t I have independent QuickStart layouts. Also there doesn’t appear to be a way to create other QuickStart layouts in the mobile app. I’m really confused here so any help will be appreciated.

One additional question if you please, are the mobile app and desktop home pages linked or synched? If so how?

Thanks is advanced for any responses!



  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,058

    Hi James,

    If I am reading your problem correct I think it might be due to the fact that in your other layouts (Jeremiah, Hosea, Joel) you have a non bible book first, which I am thinking is what then sets the position of all the other books linked in that layout, including your bible.

    (I am on Android and this is not quite the case, I have to initially change the first book in the list to a new position before the linked bible will update.

    You could try to set your bible to the first position and then 'update' the layout to see if this is the case, at which point I imagine the quickstart layout bible position will be the opening position of your layouts, and the likewise your layout will determine where the quick start layout opens.

    With regards to are the two home pages linked, I have seen nothing to suggest they are linked. However if you create a new reading plan, or prayer list, they will appear on both. Also individual cards should update progress, such that if you complete a reading on the mobile app, it will, after a short while, update on the desktop, and the other way etc.

  • James Thompson
    James Thompson Member Posts: 10


    Thanks for your response. I tried your suggestion but that doesn’t seem to help. It seems that on the QuickStart layout the bible stays at the top. My attempts to change the visual order has no effect. But still I haven't solved my original problem and that is unlinking the two QuickStart layouts. Even when I select “deselect all” that has not effect. [:(]

  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,058

    I just realised that where you save your custom layouts is where it will open, the order of the books is not relevant. Where ever your bible was when you saved the layout, that is where it will be when you open that custom layout. It will always reset when you open the layout.

    The quickstart layouts will open the bible where ever it was last in any layout seemingly.

    So pretty much disregard everything I said in first post as it was wrong, sorry.

    You can 'update' the custom layouts to save the to your current position. You could just not use the quickstart layouts, and recreate them as custom layouts.

  • James Thompson
    James Thompson Member Posts: 10


    I did just that! Seems I don't need the "QuickStart" layouts. I'll just create whatever layout I need and go from there! Appreciate you!