Dark Mode issue

Not sure if this has come up yet, but the blue in the headwords of this dictionary is harsh for my eyes. Hopefully it's just unique to me:
I have also noted such issues with dark mode
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There's lots of feedback on dark mode, including some suggestions about making it usable: https://feedback.faithlife.com/search?term=dark+mode
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totally agree.. the reds and blues are terrible
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Don't forget to add your feedback (and votes) to https://feedback.faithlife.com/ [:)]
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Karl Fritz Jr. said:
Not sure if this has come up yet, but the blue in the headwords of this dictionary is harsh for my eyes. Hopefully it's just unique to me:
Replicated Collins English Dictionary—Complete and Unabridged having Blue headwords being hard to read the headwords in Dark Mode using Logos 9.2 RC 2 on macOS Big Sur 11.1
Keep Smiling [:)]