Exegetical Guide not returning a complete search for 'All Commentaries"

When I open Exegetical Guide and expand the "Commentaries" section with the settings to "All Commentaries" it does not return hits for all my commentaries on a given text. For example when I put Acts 15:16 in the Reference box and hit the drop down for commentaries I don't get Larkin's (IVP) commentary on Acts. If I search for the same reference in a Basic Search, however, it finds it. See screen shots:
In my priorities list the IVP series is placed immediately after BKC.
Yes, that will take me to the right section. But my point is that if I don't have Larkin's open and I simply want a list of all of my commentaries that make notes on Acts 15:16 the Exegetical Guide will exclude the IVP.
If I search via the exegetical guide for Acts 15:13 I get it a hit for the IVP series. But if I search the same way for Acts 15:16 I do not. Your results show the same thing. It seems there's an error somehow in the 15:13-21 link in Larkin's text so that Logos does not see verses 14-21 under that link. The same is true for Larkin's next section, 15:22-29. Unless you are searching only for 15:22 you will not find verses 23-29 via the Exegetical Guide.
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Lee Patmore said:
It seems there's an error somehow in the 15:13-21 link in Larkin's text so that Logos does not see verses 14-21 under that link. The same is true for Larkin's next section, 15:22-29. Unless you are searching only for 15:22 you will not find verses 23-29 via the Exegetical Guide.
Yes - I believe you are correct.
And, checking a few other articles in the commentary, it looks like a general problem.
It looks as though instead of indexing the commentary with the full scope of the passage being commented on, it is just indexed with the first verse in that passage. You can reproduce this using the Basic Search (as I think you were trying to show in your first post - to include screenshots, please use the paperclip icon in the forum editor)
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Thank you. Hopefully someone will catch that next time this book is updated. Perhaps you could forward this error to those who need to know.
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Lee Patmore said:
Perhaps you could forward this error to those who need to know.
Hopefully someone from Faithlife will see this thread and comment.
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Graham Criddle said:
Hopefully someone from Faithlife will see this thread and comment.
I've reported this problem.
The section was updated in L9 to fix problems like this: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/86312.aspx; unfortunately, a side-effect is to hide resources (that would have previously shown up) that don't have correct milestone tagging.
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Thanks Bradley
Both for reporting it and the explanation.
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Yes, thank you.