Logos 9 "Run as Administrator"

Greetings and hope you all are doing well!
Odd occurrence I have not seen with other software installs.
Win10 Laptop is on our work Domain
User@OurDomain.com is in the "Administrators" Group on this laptop = should have full access
Yet, when logged in as the User and Right-Click the Install to "Run as Administrator"...Logos
pop-up states the User does not have sufficient Privileges'.
Then I tried installing when logged in as Administrator@OurDomain.com = no issues, install completed
So I thought great!, just copy that shortcut to the user Desktop...but no luck, same popup.
If the software needs a valid account to operate, why does it seem so picky about installing?
Is there a work-around for the Install?
Just use the Web App and don't worry about installing?
Are there any downsides to using the Web App? (Offline Access)
Any thoughts or help is appreciated
Welcome [:D]
Logos is designed for individual user installation of application and associated files (default destination is %LOCALAPPDATA%). Logos Help Center (LHC) has a number of support articles, including:
- "The selected user does not have sufficient privileges. . ." During Installation
- Problem Installing | Landing Page
- Error Writing to File
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks @KeepSmiling
I was searching on "Run as Administrator" and not "...does not have sufficient privileges".
I will give those suggested links a try in the morning
Bless You!
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J Bentley said:
If the software needs a valid account to operate, why does it seem so picky about installing?
If your %UserProfile% is on a server this will be problematic for your User@OurDomain.com i.e. it needs to be on your local drive at C:\Users\username. If it is local, it seems that your User domain account doesn't allow installation, even if you run as Admin
J Bentley said:So I thought great!, just copy that shortcut to the user Desktop...but no luck, same popup.
Try creating a local shortcut from ...\Logos\Logos.exe
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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J Bentley said:
Are there any downsides to using the Web App? (Offline Access)
A lot of functionality in the desktop app is not currently available in the web app
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The fix was to:
Copy the contents from: AppData\Local\Logos (under the Administrator, where it installed successfully)
To: the same location, but under the User
Thank you all for help and suggestions, issue resolved!