F7 Text Comparison change color too dark in Dark Mode

When I hit F7 while in a bible, the blue color for the changed text is too dark in Dark Mode, I can barely make out what the dark blue text says, and the effect gets even worse and it becomes completely unreadable when my blue light filter comes on at night. I can see the lighter blue of the verse reference and bible abbreviations just fine, however, with or without the blue light filter. I also don't have this problem in the full text comparison tool, where all the blues are the same lighter color.
Can the F7 text comparison changed text color be changed to match the lighter blue of the verse reference and bible abbreviations, as it is with the text comparison tool? (see below)
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Agreed. The blue in the F7 pop up is much darker and unreadable.
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bump. bump.
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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It does not seem that dark mode was executed very well. What FL should have done and what they should do is allow users to change the color of the frame only (top menu, TOC...anything except the resources) to black, green, blue pink..whatever a user wants. Changing that color would produce a restart as dark mode requires now. For resources (resource panel options), they should have expanded the existing options to include an even darker gray and even other options. This would not require a restart. This would accomplish a dark mode for those who wish it that would not cause the undesirable effect that characterizes this present dark mode.