Show Full Anchored Text Not Working

When creating a new note or adding an anchor, only the location of the Bible text shows. It used to show the full text until in my curiosity i unchecked "Show Full Anchored Text" in the three button menu on both the tab and the note, which of course removed the text. After i checked "Show Full Anchored Text" again, it still does not show the text, only the location.
Thanks in advance for any remedies
BTW, i tried restarting the program to no avail.
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Hi John - and welcome to the forums
In general, anchor text is only shown if the notes have been created by selecting a word (some words) in the text, not if they have been created on a refernence.
What sort of notes are you referring to here?
Can you post a screenshot showing what you are describing (using the paperclip icon in the forum editor)?
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Also, i am a new user to Logos. trying to get past the curve, lol
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John Bunker said:
You see, the anchor in the Note Tab is just showing the Bible reference. I thought for sure it used to show the entire text (scripture)
I am not aware that Show Full Anchor Text ever showed Bible text. The purpose of that feature is to show the text of non-Bible reference anchors so that one can look the text to see what the anchor is, since the anchor title isn't always that helpful in identifying what it is. That isn't the case with a Bible reference.
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
John Bunker said:
You see, the anchor in the Note Tab is just showing the Bible reference. I thought for sure it used to show the entire text (scripture)
As Myke says, in this case only the reference is shown in the note anchor as the note is tied to the whole verse not to a particular word in the verse.
If you had created the note against the word mercy itself
then you would get text in the anchor field
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John Bunker said:
Also, i am a new user to Logos. trying to get past the curve, lol
In which case, welcome to Logos and please feel free to post back in these forums with any questions you have about how it works or how to use it
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Ok thanks.
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Ok, Thank you. I guess i am trying to figure out how to best use anchors. I really dont like things getting messy as i am learning. It seems the anchors, being linked to whatever the resource is, can get cluttered. I may be viewing this wrong, and am trying to improve my understanding with limited time. Lol
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In what way do you see the anchors “getting cluttered”?
And what you are trying to achieve?
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What i mean is that i am trying to establish good habits for using the program. I am unclear on how anchors work, but can see there must be some benefit to using them. At this point, I am using the program primarily for sermon preparation.
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John Bunker said:
I am unclear on how anchors work, but can see there must be some benefit to using them.
Basically they are a way of linking a note to the resource you are studying - a word, a phrase, a passage reference.
So, if for example, you were preparing to preach on the wise men visiting Jesus, you could create a note linked to Matt 2:1-12.
But you could then add an anchor to the passage from Micah 5 referred to in that passage so that the same note appears when looking at that passage.
This is one of the uses I put this feature to.
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Yeah, i guess thats kind of what i had in mind.
Thanks for your input
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Hello Graham,
I can certainly understand the explanation you gave below, but if we throw Logos Web App in the mix, we get a different behavior. For example, here is a note created in Windows desktop application, by choosing Reference in the right-click menu:
and here is how that same note looks in the Logos Web App:
Would it be possible to have the same behavior in the desktop app?
Thank you very much,
Graham Criddle said:John Bunker said:You see, the anchor in the Note Tab is just showing the Bible reference. I thought for sure it used to show the entire text (scripture)
As Myke says, in this case only the reference is shown in the note anchor as the note is tied to the whole verse not to a particular word in the verse.
If you had created the note against the word mercy itself
then you would get text in the anchor field
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I concur. The desktop app should work like the web app. If "Show Full Anchor Text" is checked, Logos should show the full anchor text whether it's a verse or from a resource. The web app gets this right. The desktop app has a bug.
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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have created and submitted a case for this issue.
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Pinging this chat again. The desktop app "Show full anchor text" is still very unreliable. Some of my notes with verses show the full text, some do not. No matter how many times I restart the program and/or uncheck/check "show full anchort text" option.
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Chris said:
Pinging this chat again.
It would be better to create a thread in the Logos Desktop App forum, especially if you are not on the Logos 9 app.
===Windows 11 & Android 13