Serious Bug on Sermon Builder

Here's a serious bug on the sermon builder/editor.
I copied and pasted the sermon from Word into the sermon builder. Everything is fine and dandy. BUT...I tried selecting the introduction, main points and conclusion sections from the "Edit tab" with the "include in handout" feature and when I went to the Handout section, the outline appeared as expected...BUT...when I went to the "Text" section where all the text shows and you cannot edit it, it actually doesn't show the parts I selected. So how am I supposed to preach from the "Text" section if I now can't see the introduction, main points and conclusion of the sermon?
Is this normal behavior? I don't think it is, because when I preach from the "Text" section of the sermon builder everything should show regardless of whether I chose to include it in an outline or make a questions handout.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! I want to start giving out the outline of the sermon to people during class, but if it's going to affect the way it'll show on the "Text" section that I use to preach/teach from, then I'll stay away from making any type of hand out with the software.
DAL said:
Is this normal behavior? I don't think it is, because when I preach from the "Text" section of the sermon builder everything should show regardless of whether I chose to include it in an outline or make a questions handout.
It is behaving as designed. The relevant section in Logos Help has:
The Text view previews the manuscript or transcript of the sermon, and is suitable for public consumption. Speaker "prompts" (instructions or cues to the presenter) and private notes are not shown in this view, nor are slides, handout paragraphs, or questions.
Logos Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).
The idea behind the Text view is that this can be made available to people - printed out etc - without it containing prompts or handout material.
Is there any reason you preach from the Text view as opposed to the Edit view?
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Graham Criddle said:
Is there any reason you preach from the Text view as opposed to the Edit view?
What do the instructions say? I would not want to preach from something called EDIT as I would not want to accidentally change something. [Hit one wrong key and everything gets deleted right in the middle of preaching!]
Maybe the next update will offer a PREACH mode [real easy to program - just display EDIT mode but set it to not allow changes to the text]
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Graham, I preach from the Text view because it makes the Scripture references clickable; that way, when I’m going through my outlined manuscript I can click on any verse and it will open it to the right in my preferred Bible for everyone to see.
The Edit view doesn’t allow me to click on verses even though they show blue active hyperlinks.
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David Ames said:Graham Criddle said:
Is there any reason you preach from the Text view as opposed to the Edit view?
What do the instructions say? I would not want to preach from something called EDIT as I would not want to accidentally change something. [Hit one wrong key and everything gets deleted right in the middle of preaching!]
Maybe the next update will offer a PREACH mode [real easy to program - just display EDIT mode but set it to not allow changes to the text]
Exactly, I don’t want to accidentally erase something in edit mode. Besides, the outline shows kinda narrow on edit mode where as in the Text mode is nice and wide and easier to follow and read.
My preach mode is the Text view. We should be allowed to select parts of the sermon to include in handouts without taking stuff from the Text view. It’s like Text view is working in a total opposite way or the wrong way.
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David Ames said:
Maybe the next update will offer a PREACH mode [real easy to program
Logos 9 did introduce a Preach mode - so worth having a look at that.
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DAL said:
The Edit view doesn’t allow me to click on verses even though they show blue active hyperlinks.
That's strange - I've just checked on a sermon I have and clicking verses does open my Bible to the correct place
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DAL said:
Besides, the outline shows kinda narrow on edit mode where as in the Text mode is nice and wide and easier to follow and read.
I don't understand this - please expand
DAL said:My preach mode is the Text view. We should be allowed to select parts of the sermon to include in handouts without taking stuff from the Text view. It’s like Text view is working in a total opposite way or the wrong way.
I accept it isn't doing what you are looking for, but it is working as intended.
Maybe worth making a suggestion for that option.