Faithlife Connect and Wordsearch Perks

Nathan Parker
Nathan Parker Member Posts: 807 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I currently subscribe to Faithlife Connect, and I have access to the “No Resources”/Formerly Now subscription locked in at the $99/year rate. I plan to keep this subscription indefinitely since I heavily benefit from it.

I am evaluating my subscriptions/memberships in 2021 and scaling back on services I no longer heavily use or benefit from.

I’m trying to decide if I should keep my Perks membership in addition to my Faithlife Connect membership.

It looks like these are the features I’d receive with Perks I’m not getting with Connect:

  • I’d receive $100 in Logos credit back each year
  • I’d receive an additional 10% off on many titles
  • I’d receive three additional Faithlife Classics eBooks on top of my Faithlife Connect Classics eBooks (so six books per month total)

It looks like these features are the same with Connect and Perks:

  • Monthly sales
  • Weekly training emails


Dr. Nathan Parker


  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭

    Hey Nathan,

    For me this is a no brainer.

    IF you will spend at least $100 each year with Logos then keep the PERKS Subscription. It is not really costing you anything as you get the hundred bucks back in way if LOGOS credit (which you were going to spend any way!) and you get the additional 3 books plus the 10% discount.

    IF you drop the subscription you will not be able to get it back.

    As I said in relation to my own situation, I know already that I will spend the $100 so that is why (again for me) it is a no brainer.

  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 807 ✭✭✭

    Good points. I generally do spend at least $100 or more per year in Logos due to my school textbook needs. So by getting the $100 back in credit, I’d be spending it anyway.

    Plus I can throw in the additional 10% off of many books and the three additional free books each year.

    Dr. Nathan Parker