Searching eBooks

Eugene Nowak
Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

There are a number of eBooks in my library.  I understand their limitations in Logos.  I have been able to at least search the contents of the eBook for locations of words, etc.  But, I just purchased an eBook and it does not appear searchable.  This is an example of one of many search attempts.  Notice the search word is placed in view in the panel just to see what would happen.  But no results on any of the attempted searches.

But if the same book is opened with Logos online app, notice the difference.....

Is this normal or is it a hickup in the Logos Desktop?

eBooks are published in EPUB format, so any application that can read EPUB format should be able to read the eBook.  Where does Logos store it library on a PC?  If Logos Desktop doesn't work with this book, I would think using another EPUB based application would be able to search it, or not?

Please advise.



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,157

    I just purchased an eBook and it does not appear searchable.

    I think the reason might be that indexing of the new book has not been finalized. Logos indexes all books' content (the exception would be words that are not text, but part of a picture in the book) and search actually searches the index, not the books themselves.

    eBooks are published in EPUB format, so any application that can read EPUB format should be able to read the eBook.  Where does Logos store it library on a PC?  If Logos Desktop doesn't work with this book, I would think using another EPUB based application would be able to search it, or not?

    No. They are published in Logos-format after an automated conversion from EPUB. A reader for that format won't be able to read or search them, but Logos will. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    I did check the status of the Library Indexing before attempting the searching, there was no message regarding indexing taking place as there normally is when the Library index is being updated.  I also forced a Synch, wash machine spinning icon, but was not sure if that would initiate Indexing or just synching with online content.  Bummer on not being able to access the EPUB digital resource with other applications.  Guess for now, maybe the indexing will come later, I can jump online and use the Logos app to search the resource.

    Thanks for the insights...

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523
  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭


    Yes I had also restarted Logos.

    Eventually my Logos Desktop did re-index.  It was hours after purchasing and adding the new library resource to my Desktop Logos.  Searches fine after indexing. 

    I guess I was just used to Wordsearch re-indexing as soon as a new resource was added to the library.  Lesson learned when adding resources.......... patience [:)]

  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    WAY back in the Logos 4 days I experimented with how search handles things in Personal Books and found that if I had a word that was hyphenated at a page break that if I put the new page tag into the source PB in the middle of a word that the word would not be picked up as a word in logos searches. And so, I have deliberately put page tags outside of words when making PB's. So it might be possible that there are some tags that were in the source files the publisher provided Faithlife in these ebooks that, while not displayed, is enough to break up the word so it does not appear in searches.

    Of course, user books and ebooks are totally different things, made by different processes. So what I found out years ago about user books may not be relevant. But it is the way one of the conversion tools in Logos handled things, so it might be what is going on here.

    EDIT: I see that it seems to be working for you now, so it suggests that what I posted above is not happening.

    The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

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  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    Ken, thanks for the response.  All these Logos insights help with the Wordsearch transition learning curve.  Too often I find myself carrying over Wordsearch processes that aren't the same in Logos and then learning new ways of doing things.  I keep a transition/familiarization notebook logging snippets like this to help advance on the learning curve....