How does the Reading progress indicator work?

GregW Member Posts: 300 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've always tagged my monograph books "To-Read", In-Progress" and "Finished". The new #Readlater tag has made the "To-read" tag unnecessary, and I'd like to do away with the "Finished" tag as well, by using the Reading Status indicator, but it doesn't seem to work as I'd expect it to, and there's no facility to edit it (as far as I can see). For example, when Logos 9 came out I created one of the fantastic new-style reading plans for A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement, which covers everything from the title page to the adverts at the end of a book, and I've completed every part of this plan, although I did flip through the indexes at the end. I did, however, turn every page before pressing the "Finished" button. I read most of it on my iPad, but some of it at my desk on my laptop. Having done this, I would expect the Reading Status to be 100% but it isn't: it's showing 85%. This isn't a major problem but is a bit of a niggle and if it reported correctly I'd be able to use the Reading status and do away with an unnecessary tag. 



  • Levi Durfey
    Levi Durfey Member Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭

    Hi Greg,

    I was able to make the reading status update by clicking on the % Read (in the Library Inspector) and "Mark resource as read."

    Note: The Reading Status icon in the Library list DID NOT update until I cleared the Library search bar and made a new search:

  • Brian Evans
    Brian Evans Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Someone who knows more than I do is welcome to correct me but I think the read indicator is driven by a time component so just quickly viewing the pages doesn't work.  I use it like you've described by tagging books to be read and using the read indicator to track finished but I expect to have to set the read indicator to 100% in the desktop app when I'm done.

  • GregW
    GregW Member Posts: 300 ✭✭

    Thank you both - I thought you could update it somehow but had obviously forgotten how!