Smooth scrolling the search results?

Look at Touchpad settings in Windows > Settings (on Start menu)
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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What should I look for? I don't thing it's an touchpad issue.
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Screenshots and specific examples may be instructive.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Mendel Itkin said:
Is it possible to have the same kind of scrolling in the search results as in text/reading/resources windows where you can move as fast (or slow) as you wish?
No, it's not possible.
Logos Series X Pastor’s Library | Logos 3 Leader’s Library | 4 Portfolio | 5 Platinum | 6 Feature Crossgrade | 7 Essential | 8 M & W Platinum and Academic Professional | 9 Academic Professional and Messianic Jewish Diamond
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I am having the same issue. So far as I can tell from reading this conversation and looking elsewhere online, there is currently no solution. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. Either way, I figured I'd comment so that hopefully logos employees will see it and know that there are multiple people who would like this changed. A smooth scroll in search results would be great.
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I have the same problem. I think the jumpy scrolling is particularly egregious if you only have a touchpad. With a mouse-wheel, at least you have a "click" telling you you have scrolled down one search result. When you scroll down with a touchpad, it is impossible to know whether you just scrolled down one or many search results. Often the screen goes blank during scrolling as well, making it even more difficult to know where you are. My workaround only works for touch screens. I find if I drag through the search results on the touch screen, my finger stays more or less attached to a given verse so it is easier to scroll more slowly and accurately.
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I did notice that when I scrolled, no matter how slowly, it would always jump by three search results.
In my Windows settings, under "choose how many lines to scroll each time", I realized I had it set to 3 (the default, presumably, in Windows). I changed it to 1 and it is much easier to scroll the search results. I'm not sure how that will affect other things I do on the computer, however.
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Yes, I have my preferences set to single line scrolling as well. It is certainly better than 3 lines at once, but I sure hope logos will one day change it to a smooth scroll. I used to use logos on a mac, and from what I remember, it is a smooth scroll on a mac.
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Try changing it to None vice One.
“Let us begin, brothers, to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing.” St. Francis of Assisi
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Never mind...I misunderstood the issue.
“Let us begin, brothers, to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing.” St. Francis of Assisi
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I had the same problem and installed this 3rd party app that smooths out scrolling across windows. And it make the scrolling experience in logos much nicer:
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This is definitely an issue. Trent's suggestion re. single line scrolling is helpful, but this makes scrolling generally quite slow. Smooth scrolling for search results would be a welcome update.
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Thank you for providing the link to smooth scroll. This totally fixed the problem for me. I had previously tried to fix the problem by adjusting the Mouse wheel settings under the Control Panel, but this affected the mouse operation in all other apps (slowed it down way too much). Smooth scroll does exactly what the name says, it's makes the mouse wheel scroll smoothly without jumping at all!
I hope Logos fixes this issue soon, it appears to be an issue with Windows Mouse users and the SmoothScroll app isn't free, pretty pricey at $9.98 per year (after 21 day free trial period).