Sermon Manager - how to change dates on planned sermons or add a different one

So I planned out all my sermons using sermon manager - Say I want to add in a guest speaker on a certain date and move all the other sermons down 1 week in the calendar - any way to make this happen?
Unfortunately, there's not a great way to do this presently other than manually one at a time.
We're planning to address this in the near future with a right-click context menu that allows inserting and adjusting. It's currently penciled in for 9.3, but I'll check to see if we can solve this sooner.
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Please do. To me, this is a critical feature if this is going to be the go-to sermon calendar planner. I have a calendar planned out for 6 months, but with COVID updates we have to be able to move the schedule as needed.
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Bringing this up again, since this would be a very useful feature. Has this been added in the meantime?
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The new context menu was added in 9.2 beta 1 on December 16 and will ship with 9.2 to all users on 1/26.
However, it's already available for everyone to use now on the Logos web app.
Just multi-select the sermons you'd like to move, and you can easily move them backward or forward in one-week increments by using Alt + up and down arrows.
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Just tried it and it didn't work for me.
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It's CTRL + ALT + up or down arrows.
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I'm so glad that this is working (it's Option+Command on the Mac). I had penciled in every sermon this year, and realized that I need to split tomorrow's message into two. I was dreading having to shift every message manually. Thanks for taking care of this detail!
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My problem is that I have entered the delivery date in the info section of the sermon doc but when I go to my docs list I see a different date. For my Sept 19 sermon it says September 21, etc. This is making it hard for me to track down specific sermons based on when they were preached. Any thoughts?