Dark Mode text unreadable

I realize that Faithlife is working at improving Dark Mode but I just came across another example of where it is impossible to read the text. I did a search on Wikipedia and this is what appears. I had to get right up to it and was barely able to read "Could not find article". Obviously this needs to be changed.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
Pretty much everything in Wikipedia is unreadable for me in Dark mode. The text, in a found article, is black against a near black background.
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Karl Fritz Jr. said:
Pretty much everything in Wikipedia is unreadable for me in Dark mode. The text, in a found article, is black against a near black background.
I never got further than the screenshot I posted above. Obviously this needs to be improved in a later version of Logos.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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It does not seem that dark mode was executed very well. What FL should have done and what they should do now is allow users to change the color of the frame only (top menu, TOC...anything except the resources) to black, green, blue pink..whatever a user wants. Changing that color would produce a restart as dark mode requires now. For resources (resource panel options), they should have expanded the existing options to include an even darker gray and even other options. This would not require a restart. This would accomplish a dark mode for those who wish it that would not cause the undesirable effect that characterizes this present dark mode.
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So is it correct for us to assume that Faithlife is actually fixing this or is it just an assumption. If indeed they are working on it, does it really take that long to fix colors?
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bruce Dunning said:Karl Fritz Jr. said:
Pretty much everything in Wikipedia is unreadable for me in Dark mode. The text, in a found article, is black against a near black background.
I never got further than the screenshot I posted above. Obviously this needs to be improved in a later version of Logos.
Concur white text on yellow background is challenging for reading error message using Logos 9.2 RC 1 on macOS Big Sur 11.1
Also concur article black & blue text is more challenging for reading: (while TOC and images are OK)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Ryan said:
This holds true with the Bible Sense Lexicon too.
Bible Sense Lexicon (BSL) option is expanding node(s) followed by selecting all text (e.g. command+A on macOS Big Sur 11.1 in Logos 9.2 RC 1)
Screen shot showing Green background for selected text is my macOS Accent & Highlight color (General setting in System Preferences)
Changing macOS Accent & Highlight Color to Orange made BSL more readable for me:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Complex plus using Windows 10 on a PC, let's say 'I'm still in the dark'. In other words, the Dark Mode is next to impossible to use!
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
... let's say 'I'm still in the dark'. In other words, the Dark Mode is next to impossible to use!
Concur Dark Mode has many opportunities for improvements (a number of color choices have awful contrast for reading as subtle colors look "cool" in light mode, but blend together too much in Dark Mode) while Thankful for incremental changes (lots of color to tweak in Logos 9 & Verbum 9). Some more color themes would be awesome (e.g. High Contrast) as various color combinations are more pleasant/useful to different people: car colors show some range of choices (and older eyes tend to have more issues distinguishing subtle color shades).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I've tried with a passage opened and then opened several dictionaries for example. The icons representing those dictionaries are just about impossible to see.
In your judgment, is this something that Logos has put on the back burner as to a fix or fixes?
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Bootjack said:
I've tried with a passage opened and then opened several dictionaries for example. The icons representing those dictionaries are just about impossible to see.
Created thread => BUG: Lexicon Tab Text disappears in Dark Mode (found a buggy way for abbreviated Tab title to disappear into darkness) that includes screen shot showing some icons on tabs have contrast reduced past point of distraction so almost disappear from view (while remembering another forum poster not liking bright icons due to being distracting):
Dark Mode in Chrome & Opera web browsers have a thin light tool line between tabs:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks for your reply. Would it not be best to see an option given to use where we can play with the colors, thus adapting them to our own liking or is this something that simply will not be?
MSI Pulse GL76-12UGK Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home
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Thread => Can't read the names for Biblical People diagrams includes one more Logos 9.2 RC 2 readability example on macOS Big Sur 11.1
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Bootjack said:
Would it not be best to see an option given to use where we can play with the colors, thus adapting them to our own liking or is this something that simply will not be?
Dark Mode is showing many complex color interactions. Thankful for preferences implementation being a drop down menu so number of theme choices could be expanded: e.g. High Contrast (hoping for Light and Dark High Contrast themes while remembering wet macular degeneration in my grandmother's eyes so peripheral vision was needed for her reading: larger letters with high contrast)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Can we add sentence diagramming to the list, if it hasn’t been mentioned before?
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The new Dark Mode is a wonderful relief for my old eyes. Existing text that was added in the DEFAULT color now shows up as white on the dark background.
Many recently-added text to notes are in BLACK black text instead of DEFAULT. When the black text is viewed in dark mode, it is practically invisible until found and edited to turn it back to default color.
I'm hoping there is a way to filter my notes that have BLACK text to change each one to DEFAULT.
Any ideas?
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Is the text in DEFAULT color?
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Sorry. I don't find that setting option in English version. In the German version, which I normally use, is the dark mode in "System"
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Stephan Thelen said:
In the resource "Teach the Teacher"
Is this the resource? https://www.logos.com/product/39957/teaching-the-teacher-a-first-book-in-teacher-training
I could not find this passage in the book.
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No. This one.