Logos Crashes After Opening Layout

Nearly every time I open a certain layout (entitled "Heroes of the Faith") for sermon prep, about 10 seconds after I open it Logos crashes and quits. I've replicated it many times. Can anyone help me figure out what it might be?
Logs attached. 2018.LogosLogs.jonathanbradley.20210119-054759.zip
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
There are quite a few references to a search for "that your joy may be complete" in a specific resource (I'm not sure which one)
It looks as though these are taking a long time to complete and this, eventually, causes the crash.
Are you able to identify where in the layout this is taking place and to remove it? I appreciate that might be difficult if Logos crashes within 10 seconds of opening the layout!
Or do you know which resource you are searching for that string?
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That seems to have done it. Thank you!
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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The search was an everything search. I was able to get that window closed and update my layout quickly, but alas, it did not crash! Since closing it and updating the layout, I have been unable to replicate the issue. Thank you!
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Hi Jonathan
That's great to hear.
Logos shouldn't have crashed but glad we were able to good it resolved.